**CHAPTER 18**

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"Ishan In His Room With Cherry (His Puppy) .. Playing With Her .. But His Mind Is Somewhere Else .. & Ishan's Mom Came In His Room With Dinner bcz He Did not Go Down To Eat"

Ishu's Mom:- Ishu .. Here Your Dinner.. Please Eat Something ..

Ishu:- Mom I Told You Na I Don't Wanna Eat .. I'm Not Hungry.. *Said Without Looking At His Mom*

Ishu's Mom:- Atleast Eat a Little Bit *Pleading Tone*

Ishu:- Okk Leave It Here .. I Will Eat It ..

Ishu's Mom:- Okk .. ishu, Did You Watch The Press Conference Live Today?..

Ishu:- *Look At His Mother* .. Hmm Saw It .

Ishu's Mom:- Orr About Shubman I.. *Stopped In Middle*

Ishu:- Mom I'm Not In The Mood To Talk About Anything Right Now.. *Said Sternly*

Ishu's Mom:- *Sighs Deeply* .. Ishu Can I Ask You Something ? .. Why U Always Being So Heartless Towards Shubman *Said Little Irritatedly*

Ishu:- Mom *Widen His Eyes*.. U Really Think I'm Heartless *Ask With His Disbelief Eyes*

Ishu's Mom:- Yes You Are .. When He Was Always There For You .. Protect You & Always Being Your Shields.. *Said Little Angrily* .. Did You Forget About That Time When That Rana Hurt You & He Was There & Being Your Protector & Gave U His Shoulder To Cry On .. & Gave You Emotional & Mental Support.. & he Didn't Even Let Us Know & Always Stood by Your Side .. Whenever You R In Trouble, He Was The One Who Jumped To Save You .. If Something Happens To You, He Always Acts Like a Madman.. Didn't You See The Way He Was Protecting You Today & We Saw When All This Mess Happened He Ran To Clg Bcz He Know You Need Him .. Why R U Doing This? .. You r Acting Like a Selfish Person Now .. *Asked Sternly*

"Ishu Just Don't Understand What To Say .. He Knows Very Well His Mom is Right & Ishu's Mom Don't Want To Be Rude Towards His Don But Actually She Saw The Pure Love In Shubman's Eyes For Ishan's .. & Ishan Sighs & Take a Breath"

Ishu:- Mom Please, Atleast Don't Say That .. I'm Not Selfish.. *His Eyes Got Teary*

Ishu's Mom:- Yes You Acting Like One *Said Sternly*

Ishu:- Mom He Is My Step-Brother & Your Step-Son & His Father Is My Stepfather & Your Husband For God Sake

Ishu's Mom:- Ohh Please Stop With This Bulshit .. He Isn't Your Biological Brother & I Saw Pure Love In His Eyes Ishu & I Know You Also Love Him Beta Than Why R U Backing Away *Her Voice Soften*

Ishu:- Mom, You Saw Na What Happening In Social Media Rn .. Someone Secretly Clicks Our Photos & Viral Those & Now See, It's Already in Mess & People R Saying Bad About Us .. Then Think How Everyone's Reaction Will Be When Everyone Will Know .. & I Don't Wanna Spoil Gill Enterprise's Reputation .. *Knitted His Eyebrows*

Ishu's Mom:- Who Asked You To Think & Pressure That Little Head Of Yours So Much hmm? No One Right? .. Your Uncle, Shub & Me, We r Here To Think About These Things Okk ..

Ishu:- *Sighs Deeply* Than Tell Me What Do U Want?

Ishu's Mom:- *Cupped His Face & Look Into His Eyes Softly* .. You Knew It Already.. You Both Endured So Much Already.. & When We Don't Have Any Problem, Your Uncle & Me Than Please Think About Shub & You For Once Hmm Please Son .. Don't Worry Everything Is Gonna Be Fine *Said Softly*

Ishu:- *Closed His Eyes & Removed His Mom's Hand From His Face* .. Mom, You Say What You Think Is Right and Let Me Do What I Think is Right .. & I Know What I'm Doing is The Right Things Please Mom *Said Softly* .. & If You Again Told Me About This Than I Will Leave From Here To Patna *Said Little Angrily & His Voice Cracked Little*

My Rude Step-Brother || Shubish/Ishman FFWhere stories live. Discover now