**CHAPTER 32**

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("There Will Be Some Content Might Trigger You Soo If U R A Soft Hearted Person Than I'm Suggesting You Don't Read It .. But If You Want To Read It Than Read It By Your Own Risk, I'm Not Forcing You")

**Author's Pov**

Aditi:- HE ISN'T MY BROTHER.. *She Screamed*

Shub:- *Looked At Her & Chuckles Sarcastically* .. Is This Some Kind Of Drama That You R Applying Haa ? .. Did Ur Brother Told U Do This Act When You Both Get Caught? ..

Aditi:- Please Trust Me Everyone.. I'm Not Lying..

Shub:- You Still Have That Guts To Act Foolish HAA ? .. *Gritted His Teeth*

Rahul:- Subhi .. I Think We Should Let Her Explaine What's The Matter.. *Said Softly & Trying To Calm Shub Down*

Shub:- R U Serious..

Shardul:- Bhaii .. I Think We Should Trust Her a Bit .. We All Can See She Is Scared & Wants To Say Something..

"Shub Sighs Deeply & Noded Bcz He Knows Right Now Only She Is The Only Hope They Can Find Ishan"

Hardik:- Aditi Just Say What U Want To Say Bcz We Already Lost So Much Times ..

Aditi:- *Closed Her Eye's & Wiped Her Tears* .. I Know It's Really Hard For You All To Trust Me After What I Did .. & I Already Prepared For It Bcz I Know This Day Will Come Soon .. *Took a Deep Breath* .. & That Pathetic Animal Isn't My Brother.. *Said Angrily & Her Eyes Burning Furiously*

Shardul:- What Do U Mean By That .. We All Know He Is Brother Than .. *Said & Everyone Frowned Little Confusedly*

Aditi:- *Chuckles Sadly* .. Bcz I Never Give Him That Place .. Always Saw Him As My Big Brother .. But He Is My Adopted Brother..

Rahul:- Explained Everything..

Aditi:- *Gluped* .. My Parents Always Loves Children But After They Married, My Mother Was Not Abel To Conseive Bcz Of Some Problems.. So After 5 Yrs Later Of Marriage They Adopted Him When He Was Just 1 Year Old .. Than Almost 2 Yrs Later My Mother Finally Conseived & I Borned .. Everything Was Nice .. We Were Such a Happy Family.. My Dad Was a Business & My Mom Was Just a House Wife .. Handled Her Kids & Household .. & Sometimes When He Went School His Friends Always Teased Him About Me That .. Our Parents Loves Me Bcz I'm Their Own Child Not Him Bcz He Adopted But He Never Taken Those In His Heart That All We Thought.. He Always Loves Me Like I'm His Little Babe Sister & Whatever He Brought & Brought Something For Me .. & Always So Loving & Nice Son Of Our Family .. *Her Eye's Again Started Watery* ..

"Shardul Sat Beside Her & Placed His Hand On Her Shoulder"

Shardul:- Here Drink Some Water .. *Said Softly .. & Aditi Drank Water .. Than She Continued*

Aditi:- But We Never Felt That Inside He Is Growing Hatred & Jealousy For Us .. & He Even Killed My Dad By Poisoning Him & Made It Look like Heart Attack Bcz Dad Got to Know His Real Side That He Was Planning To Take Dad's Business & Our Property By Manipulating Him Than Throw Us Outside .. Than Also Changed My Mom's Medicines & Mom Had A Brain Stoke .. & Lost Her All Memory.. & She Is Now In Hospital Bed .. & I Didn't Know All Of This .. I Got Know Everything When I Caught Him In Holy Party Bcz I Was So Shocked & Couldn't Even Believe In My Eye's That He Can Do That .. So I Was Scared & I Lied Than When I Came Home I Asked Him He Lied At First But When I Show Him His Bracelet Than He Said Everything To Me .. & If U Guys Thinking Why Me & My Mother Still Alive Bcz Every Property Now Is Mother's Name & After Her Death It Will Be My Name That's Why He Didn't Kill Us Bcz He Wants Mom's Signed.. & He Threatened Me If I Tell You All Everything He Will Kill My Mom Too & He Also Said Right Now He Only Wants Ishan & Doesn't Care About Other Things..

My Rude Step-Brother || Shubish/Ishman FFWhere stories live. Discover now