**CHAPTER 13**

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*Ishan Now In His Room Playing With Cherry .. Shubman Already Left For Office.. Mr.Gill In His Office Room Attending a Video Conference Meeting & Ishu's Mom In The Garden Area*

Ishan:- Finally All Day Alone Without That Giant.. he Already left for Office & I Don't Have Any Classes Today So I Don't Have To See His Face & He Have Very Important Meetings So He Will Be Late at night .. & I Will Sleep Before He Come .. *Smiled Softly*

*He Gets Busy On His Some College Work & Than Someone Knocked The Door*

Ishan:- Who? Come In .. It's Already Open ..

*Than Mr.Gill Went Inside His Room With a Smile Face & a File On His Hand*

Ishan:- Ohh Uncle.. You Don't Need To Knocked .. You Need Something? *Asked Confusedly*

Mr.Gill:- It's Alright.. I Thought You Will Be Busy Soo..

Ishan:- No I'm Not Busy .. I Don't Have That Much Important College Work *Smiled*

Mr.Gill:- Actually Ishan Beta .. Shubman Need This File .. & He has a Meeting At 3 O'clock & Forgot To Take this File .. & I Can't Go bcz I am Doing a Video Conference.. & I Don't Trust any driver With This File.. Soo Can You Go & Give It Him .. & You Never Visited In Our Office Soo You Will Recognize The Office & You Will Know The Stafs Too .. So Can You ?? *Smiled*

"Ishan Gulped & His Eyes Get Little Wide & In His Mind *The One I'm Trying to Stay Away From, God You're Just Turning Me Around & Throwing Me To That Cave Again & Again .. Why ? .. Why do You Always Do This? & I Can't Even Say No to Uncle* .. He Clinched His Fist"

Mr.Gill:- What Happened? Look if U R bu.. *Stopped In Middle*

Ishu:- N.. No Unc. .. Uncle *Sighs* .. I'm Free .. Don't Worry .. I Will Go & Give It Him *Said While Little Shattering But Still Smiled Softly*

Mr.Gill:- Ohkk But You r Not Looking Normal .. R U Sick Beta? *Asked Worriedly*

"Than He Touched His Head"

Mr.Gill:- No Normal Hain temperature.. To Fir ?

Ishan:- *Smiled* .. I'm Totally Fit & Fine Uncle *Faked Smiled*

Mr.Gill:- Ohkk Than I'm Going To The Meeting Room & I Already Called My Pa & Told Him About You r the One Taking This File Soo don't Worry .. Bye Than *Left From Ishan Toom*

*Ishan Than Just Groaned In Anger & Than Went For Change.. After Changing He Wents Downstairs & Said Bye To His Mom & Left For The Office*


*Shubman Right Now In His Cabin & Also There Is Rahul, Shardul & Hardik Is With him*

Rahul:- So You r Telling Me Ishan Does Not Consider it a Natural Accident & He Went to See Him At The Hospital.. & Yeah Suyra Bhai Called Me To & Told Me Also He Asked him He Saw Somewhere ?

Shub:- Yeah, In That Mall When i Took him In There *Said While Looking At Somehere Blankly Without Any Reaction On His Face*

Hardik:- Do You Think He Will Remember Surya Bhai ? *Asked Confusedly To Shub*

Shub:- Definitely He Will .. Bcz He Is Using His That Little Head Too Much Into This *Said With His Deep Voice & Clinched His Jaw*

Shardul:- Aww Our Bhabi Is Such a Intelligent Boy .. his Memory is Soo Strong Haa *Smiled Excitedly*

Shubman:- *Looked At Him* Indeed He Is .. He Is Shubman Gill's Boy .. What Do You Expect Than *Grin & Raised His Eyebrows*

Shardul:- Yes *Smiled .. Than Rahul & Hardik Smiled Too*

My Rude Step-Brother || Shubish/Ishman FFWhere stories live. Discover now