**CHAPTER 17**

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"Shubman Right Now Infront Of The Beach & His Back Leaning Infront of the car & Staring Blankly Towards The Sea .. He has a Cigarette In His Hand & Thinking About So Many Things"

 He has a Cigarette In His Hand & Thinking About So Many Things"

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Shub:- First You Took My Best friend, My Mom Away From Me .. Than I Lost My Teenage Life & Went To London, & Left My all Friends Behind.. *Chuckles With Broken Heart* .. i Lost My Happiness.. I Forgot How To Smile.. My Life Was Become All Dark .. Than Again Suddenly You Send an Angel In My life & Again Made Him Disappeared.. I Was Trying To Find Him Everywhere Like a Lost Soul .. Than Somehow Maybe You Felt Pitty on Me So You Send Him My Life Through My Dad .. As WHAT? *Chuckles Sadly & Gritted His Teeth* .. As My Step-Brother.. Why God Why ? .. Finally When i Found Someone Who Will Fill My Life With light of Joy & Happiness Than Again You Trying To Take Him Away From Me? .. What's Kind Of Punishment U R Giving Me? .. I Know I'm Strong But I Can't Be Strong Every Fucking Time *Whispered & Biting His Lips To Just Not To Burst In Tears While Looking at The Sky*

"Than His Eyes Fell On a Gay Couple .. They're Laughing & Enjoying Their Precious Moments Infront Of The Beach without any Boundaries, Any Judgement, Any Scaredness & Scared of Losing Anything .. Shub Fondly Looking At Them & Smiling Softly .. & Tears Running From His Eyes That He Didn't Even Noticed"

 & Tears Running From His Eyes That He Didn't Even Noticed"

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Shub:- *Again Look At The Sky* You Can Take Everything From Me .. Money, Fame, Power & all This Popularity.. I Don't Need All of This .. *Than He Deep Sighs* But Now I Had Enough.. *His Eyes Grow Dark & Raging In Anger* .. I Can't Let You Take Kitten Away From Me .. When I Said No One Can Separate Us Not Even God I Meant It .. He Is Mine .. He Can Breath Only For Me & Live Only For Me .. He Only Belongs To The Shubman Gill *Said With His Raspy Deep Voice While Clinched His Jaw & You Can See The Dark Sanity In His Eyes*


"Right Now Mr. Gill In His Room Standing on The Balcony Staring Blankly On The Sky .. Than Ishu's Mom Came In The Room & Saw Mr.Gill & She Felt Hurt Too .. She Sighs & Went Towards Him"

My Rude Step-Brother || Shubish/Ishman FFWhere stories live. Discover now