**CHAPTER 11**

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"Ishan Right Now In Drawing Room Playing With The Puppy & His Mom In The Kitchen Helping The Maids .. Mr.Gill In His Office Room & Shubman Right Now Not In The House .. Than Ishu's Mom Came In the Drawing Room with a Cup of Tea"

Ishu's Mom:- Beta Can You Go & Bring This Tea To Uncle? .. Actually I'm Busy With The Maids In Kitchen..

Ishan:- Sure Mom .. Give Me *Smiled & Took The Cup Went Towards The Mr.Gill's Office Room*

*Ishan Knocked The Door 2 Times*

Mr.Gill:- Who?

Ishan:- Uncle It's Me ..

Mr.Gill:- Ohh Ishu Beta Tum .. You Don't Have To Knocked The Door .. Just Come In *Ishan Come In & Smiled To Him*

Ishan:- Uncle Here It's Your Tea .. Mom Can't Come Right Now bcz She Is Busy Soo I Came *Smiled*

Ishan:- Aww My Princess Thank You So Much .. But Next Time Don't Knock Okk Just Come In Hmm *Pinched His Cheeks With Adoration*

Ishan:- Uncle I'm a Boy *Pout*

Mr.Gill:- But Still a little Princess For Me hmm *Smiled* .. Ohk Take A Sit .. & Tell Me How r You Now? .. Feeling Better?

Ishan:- Hmm I'm Totally Fine .. Don't Worry Uncle .. Already Forget About All Those Things.. Bcz I Thought It's not My Fault So Why Would I Lock Myself & Be Sad For That Bastard Soo I'm Absolutely Fine & I Already Called my Friend .. I Will Go College From Tomorrow *Smiled Softly*

Mr.Gill:- Wooow Very Good .. I'm Soo Proud Of You Baccha *Caressing His Head*

Ishan:- But Uncle Can I Ask You a Question?

Mr.Gill:- Hmm Go Ahead..

Ishan:- You Looked Happy These Days .. What Happened? .. Kuch Surprise Planning Kar Rhe Ho Mummy Ke Liye ? .. You Can Tell Me I'm Not Gonna Tell Mom *Said Excitedly*

Mr.Gill:- *Smiled* No Not Bcz That .. Bcz Of You & Shubman..

Ishan:- Hmm Why ? *Asked Confusedly*

Mr.Gill:- Because I Remember The First Day The Way He Reacted When He First Saw You .. Actually I Was Shocked To bcz He Is Not Like That .. I Was Damn Sure He Would be Very Happy After Seeing You But I Was Wrong.. Than Look At Now The Way He Treats You, The Way He Takes Care Of You .. Always Ask About You When He Come Home Bcz Of Not Seeing You Around .. & Also He Was With You On That Time .. You Both Gets Well That's What I Wanted..

Ishan:- Hmm Uncle He Really Takes Care Of Me Well Now *Smiled*

Mr.Gill:- But I Don't Know I Might Be Wrong.. I Think He Is Way More Happy These Days .. I Think He Finally Found Him .. Soo You Both R Close Now .. Did He Tell You About Him? *Asked Little Excitedly*

Ishan:- *Gets All Confused* Who Uncle?

Mr.Gill:- *Signs* That's Mean You Don't Know?

Ishan:- Noo .. What R Talking about *Asked Confusedly*

Mr.Gill:- I'm Talking about a Person Whom He Met In London & He Saved That Person & By Just Seeing His Face, His Feature .. His Voice.. He Fell In Love With That Person ..

*Than Ishan Smiled Dropped & He Felt Sudden Heartache .. He Aware Of It Why He is Feeling Like This But For Him It's Totally Impossible .. Soo He Smiled In Little Pain That He Don't Have Any Reason Now To Grow Feelings For Him .. But Than In Mind "But He Told Me He Was Single .. I Think He Just Didn't Wanted To Tell Me About His Love Life" & "Obviously He Also Told Me That He Found The Right Person For His Whole Life .. So He Found His Love & I'm Happy For Him" .. He Doesn't Know Why His Heart Started Beating Fastly & He Just Smiled In Pain*

My Rude Step-Brother || Shubish/Ishman FFWhere stories live. Discover now