**CHAPTER 27**

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**Shubman & Ishan Reached Gill Mansion.. & They Came Out Of The Car & Ishan Don't Want To Go Inside Of The House & He Snatched His Hand Away From Shub**

Ishan:- Le.. Leave Mmee .. Youu Shuu .. Go .. *Blubbering*

"Shub Don't Want To A Argue With Him .. & He Carried Him In Bridal Style & Went Inside The House.. They Already Called Earlier Their one Of The Maid & She Opened The Gate For Them"

"Ishan Slapping His Chest & Struggling In Shub's Hand"

Ishan:- Pu.. Put Me .. Do .. Dowwwnn U Gaiii .. Ant (Gaint)

Shub:- Ishan.. Behav Yourself *Gritted His Teeth & Giving Him Glares*

Ishan:- *Pout* .. You .. Are Bad Bad ..

"Than They Went Inside Shubman's Room & Went Inside The Bathroom.. Went Under The Shower .. Shub Turned On The Shower"

Ishan:- It's Col. Cold .. Stopp .. Itt .. *Saying In Little Babe Voice While Crying Like a Babe*

"But Shub Didn't Listen His Nagging .. Than Held His Both Hands .. & Took The Hand Shower & Hold It Infront Of Ishan's Face"

Ishan:- *Aghhhh* .. Sto.. Stopp Itt .. Le.. Leave My Hanndds .. *Keep Blubbering Like a Babe & Nagging*

Shub:- *Sighs* Didn't I Warned You Do Not Touch The Alcohol.. But You Still Did .. & See You Can't Even Speak Properly .. *Said Little Irritatedly*

Ishan:- *Looked At Him & Pout* .. Why Do .. Y.. U Care .. Just.. Go To Her .. Whom You Were Laughing Enjoying Your Times .. Goo Shuu .. *Than Turn His Face From Shubman*

"Shub Looked At Him Little Surprisedly & Knitted His Eyebrows .. Turn Of The Hand Shower & Placed It In His Own Placed .. Than Hold His Chin & Made Him Look At Him But Ishan Brushed His Hand From His Chin & Agin Turn His Face .. But Again Shub Hold His Chin Little Hardly"

Shub:- Look At Me ..

"Ishan Look At Him With His Red Puffy Eyes"

Shub:- You Are Angry That I Was Talking With That Girl .. You Didn't Like It .. *Asked Softly With His Raspy Voice*

Ishan:- Yes, I Didn't Like It .. *A Angry Pout Plastered On His Face*

"Shub Smiled Softly At His Cute Angry Little Kitten .. Than Cupped Cheeks .. Moved Closed To His Face"

Shub:- Kitten, When My Eyes Are On You .. Don't Care About Those Eyes On Me .. Okk *Said His Most Gentle Voice While Looking At His Eyes Lovingly*

"Ishan Also Looking At His Siren Sharp Eyes With Some Mixed Feelings Inside Of His & A Tear Dropped From His Eyes But Shub Didn't Notice It Bcz The Shower Is Still On .. Than Shub Kissed His Forehead Gentle"

Shub:- I Am Bringing The Towel .. And I Already Told The Maid To Made A Lemon Water .. Mai Le Aunga Chup Chap Kha Lena Like a Good Boy Okk .. *Said Strictly*

"Than Shub About To Leave From There But Ishan Hold His Hand"

Ishan:- Make Love To Me ..

"That Shubman Made Little Shocked & Surprised.. Than He Turned Around To Look At Ishan Who Is Looking Down .. Shub Frowned"

Shub:- What Did You Just Said ? .. *Looking At His Intensely*

"Than Ishan Look At Him With His Red Puffy Eyes & Gluped Hard"

My Rude Step-Brother || Shubish/Ishman FFWhere stories live. Discover now