**CHAPTER 21**

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**Some Scene Might Trigger You & I'm Also Against In This Type Of Behavior.. Please If You Feel Don't Like It You Can Skip The Part .. & It's Just A Scene Of The Story**



Unknown:- Did You Follow Them ?

Person:- Yes Boss I Did ..

Unknown:- Good.. Where Is The Place?

Person:- Boss This Place Is Very Weird.. Noone Leave Here .. Not Any Particular House.. Kinda Scary ..

Unknown:- Stop Talking Ridiculous Things .. Just Say What I Asked ..

Person:- Boss .. This Place Is Atleast 30-35 Minutes Away From The City .. & They Entered In Some Empty Road.. & I Couldn't Go Inside Bcz His Mens R Standing In There .. & Not Any Particular House .. Also There Is a Big Forest In The Backside Area.. & I'm Sorry Boss I Don't Know About This Place Much ..

Unknown:- Tu Na Kisi Kam Ka Nhi Hain .. *& Hang Up*


"Shubman Entered His Room & Throw Ishan On The Bed .. & Ishan Gasped.. But He Looked At Shubman Angrily & Stand Up"

Ishan:- What The Hell Are You Doing? .. *Screamed*

Shubman:- Didn't I Warn You That Stay Away From That Asshole Than Why Did You Disobey Me? *Said Darkly While Staring At Him Intensely*

Ishan:- It's My Life .. I Can Do Whatever I Want, I Can Talk Whoever I Want.. Also Can Date Whoever I Want.. You Can't Control My Life .. *Said Bluntly While Looking Into His Eyes Without Blinking*

"Shubman Inner Crazy Sanity Is Growing Now & Still He Trying Hard That To Not Just Lose His Inner Beast & He Bite His Inner Cheeks"

Shubman:- *Sighs Deeply* Do You Like Mayank?

Ishan:- *Smiled Sarcastically & Raised His Eyebrows Towards Shubman* What If I Said YES .. Than What You Gonna Do Mr. Shubman Gill ..

*Said Bluntly With A Grin & Pushed Him Little & Shubman Clinched His Fist & His Whole Body Now Started Burning With Jealousy, Possessiveness*

Ishan:- Tell Me What? .. *Agin Pushed Him* .. What? .. Say Something.. What You Gonna Do *Pushing Him*

Shub:- Ishan Stop This .. U Crossings The Line .. I'm Warning You Or

Ishan:- *Grin* OR WHAT *Screamed* ..

Shub:- Ishan Stop It Now Or You Will Regret It .. *Whispered While His Eyes Getting Darker*

Ishan:- I'm Not Fucking Sacred Of You .. Again I'm Saying, I Love Mayank .. Got It .. What You Gonna Do About It ..

*Again Pushed Shubman Hard On The Wall That His Back Hit The Wall Hardly & Than Made Shubman Lost His all Control & His Inner Beast Woke Up .. & The Insane Glare He Gave Ishan That Made Ishan Step Back Little & Making Him Weak On His Knees*

Shub:- You Wanna See What I Can Do To You KITTEN? *Whispered With His Deep Raspy Voice While Directly Staring At His Soul With His Dark Red Eyes & Clinched His Jaw*

"Than Suddenly Shub Pushed Ishan Harsly On The Bed & Ishan Groaned Little In Pain & He Gulped Hard When He Saw Shubman Started Unbuttoning His Own Shirt & The Aura Of Shubman Is Giving Chills All Over His Body & His Whole Body Shaking In Fear"

My Rude Step-Brother || Shubish/Ishman FFWhere stories live. Discover now