Josh bonus POV 8

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I drive us to her adress. We stay silent all way long. Shadow's flustered in our mind, urging me to be extra-carefull on the road. He almost howls every single time he spots a hole and there are a lots of hole around here. How is that even possible? Who can let the roads be so cracked? What the hell!? We live in mountains away from most of the world way upper north and our roads are better than that! Something's off.

We finally arrive in front of her appartment building. Nat indicates me where to park. I stole glances at the building. It's an old one with reddish bricks and a flat black roof. There are no fences to limit the access to it, nor guards. I don't spot any security cameras either. Is there even a code or a key for the front building's door?

This isn't the safest place to live, Shadow growls. They can't stay here! Let's get them back to our pack. They'll be safer there!

No, I answer. We won't force Nat to anything. She deserves better.

She deserves safety. Even our hotel room is safer than that! Shadow sasses back and now I'm the one holding back growls because of course I agree. Why do I have to be the voice of reason this time around? So unfair.

From the corner of my eyes, I can see Nat trying to swiftly get out of the car. Shadow co-control us and we get to Charlie's door faster than her. I can feel Nat staring us, obviously confused of our speed, but I focus on getting Charlie out of her child seat. Shadow demands some control for the first EVER hug we'll ever have with our little baby and, seriously, how could I take that away from him? I let us be equal and co-drive.

We take extra-care to not wake up Charlie. We hold her comfortably against us and her warmth immediately irradiate through our clothings. Oh Goddess she's so small! So delicate and weightless! A breeze could fly her away. We press her protectively against us a bit more and round our shoulders around so that not even a breath could touch her. Her cute round head is nestled comfortably in the crook of our neck, right below our nose. Her soft little snores tickles our skin and our heartbeats instantly slow down to match the rhythm of her little melody. Her little hands are half-closed upward as if she was about to hug us back. Oh, if only. Would she be comfortable to do so if she was awake? We can't help but smell her hair again. It's so soft and sweet like a sprint flower's first buds. It's Charlie. It's like a drug, driving us crazy and taking over our brain to melt it. How am I supposed to let go now?

We turn around to find Nat still staring at us with questions in her eyes. No time for that. I hold Charlie tighter.

« S'il te plaît, laisse-moi venir. » We beg her.

Please don't ask me to let her go. I wouldn't be able to.

Nat sighs, then nods.

« Je te préviens, nous n'avons pas d'ascenseur, » she warns us while picking up her's and Charlie's bag.

« Ce n'est rien. Tu as raison, c'est une poids-plumes. »

Nat smiles a bit and walks toward her building. Once there, she types the code and a high-pitched signal alerts us the doors are unlocked. I protect Charlie's ears in case it'd wake her up, but she's still happily drooling on my jacket, this little flower.

Way too easy to get in, we growl inside. Those things they call door are in glass, not even in metal! Any child with a rock and a good arm can get in.

No good at all, Shadow agrees and we can't help but hold Charlie tighter against us.

We climb the stairs until the second floor and Nat stops in front of the door number 205. She takes a small breath before unlocking it. She enters first and we slowly follows her, understanding the honor that it is to even be able to set a toe in this sacred place that is her home. We never had the chance to do such a thing three years ago. This is a first. We look around this tiny three-room appartment. I can't help but stare around.

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