Chap 49 : Rescue Mission (Josh)

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I wake up when Charlie whimper in her sleep. My eyes flutter open immediately and I hold her closer against me. Charlie's lying on me, sucking her thumb. She frowns a bit from time to time. Probably a nightmare. I frown and Shadow growls a whimper. It has been a week since the last nightmare, we had hoped it was over now.

I brush Charlie's hair and kiss her forehead. I softly wake her up.

« Tout va bien Charlie. C'est juste un rêve. »

« Mmh... »

« Je suis là. »

Charlie finally wakes up, her eyes full of loneliness and fear. I hug her tight and slowly breathe. It's all because I wasn't there. Again. Always and again absent. Nat needed me and I wasn't there.

The witch will find them soon, Shadow tries to calm me.

Charlie sniffles and I kiss her head again.

« Ça va mieux? »

She sadly nods and hugs her tiger. I slowly straighten up to sit in the bed, all while holding Charlie in my arms.

"Let's go," I mumble.

I get up with her and start the morning routine I watched Nat have with Charlie everyday we were together : morning kiss, eating, bath, clothes and sport. I try to make it as usual and normal for Charlie as possible. While I help Charlie put her t-shirt on, she asks in a little voice :

« Maman? »

I take a breath.

« Maman est encore dans le donjon des méchants. Melissa utilise sa magie pour la chercher, tu te souviens? »

Charlie looks down on her tiger. She plays with its ears.

« ...C'est long. »

Shadow whimpers and I hardly swallow my own tears. I pet her hair.

« Je sais. Maman me manque beaucoup aussi. On doit rester courageux pour elle, d'accord? »

She sadly nods. I finish dressing her up and open my arms. She throws her arms around my neck and I pick her up. I kiss her forehead gain, hoping it'd help her feel better. Charlie doesn't react, she keeps her gaze on her tiger plushie.

Josh, Father's voice echoes through the Link. Reunion in the office. Now.

I drop Charlie and be right there.

Be quick, you're already late.

I would have growl if Charlie wasn't there.  Can't they leave me more than five minutes with my baby? I breathe as I send him an okay. I turn my gaze back to Charlie.

« Hey Tigresse, » I softly get her attention. « Il faut que j'aille chercher Maman. Je te laisse chez Shana, d'accord? »

« D'acco—d. »

I leave my rooms after I wrap Charlie in a blanket. As usual, I wait till there's not a single soul in the corridors before I go to Shana and Javier's rooms. People are aware of Charlie's existence, if not of our kinship. I don't want to risk anything. Sure, the Heads of the Silver Pack and Dusk Pack know the truth since Father insisted we respect the treaty and he trusts aunt Laura, but still. I can't trust anyone. I just can't. Not anymore. It's already a miracle I entrust Charlie to Shana and Javier like this.

I knock on their door and Shana opens up. She smiles warmly and opens her arms to Charlie. Charlie holds on to me a bit. I pet her back and whispers reassuring words for minutes. It takes a while before she lets go. Maybe she felt something was wrong. It only makes it harder to see the door close on her sad green eyes.

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