The "Shadows Of Intention"

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Darain's Pov:

After Alex left, Darian went to his study and he started thinking about all the events that took place since their marriage, and it only had been a few days since their marriage and they had already gone through so much.

He was thinking and contemplating all the stuff that has happened, and he knew that he had got blindsided by the thrust of his revenge for his parents and family's death, that he forgot the foresight of the future.

He promised himself or like decided himself that he would no longer have any loving or caring relationship with Sera, but accept one of hate and death, because if he knew that he had shall never gotten over her.

Sera would fall in love with him if they continued this relationship, and that after his revenge is completed, he would have divorced her to give her a chance at a happy life that she always wished for, because he knew deep down that she did not deserve her, but the lust for revenge could not let him see the foresight.

And he knew if he continued the way they are doing, she would end up falling for him, and when she got to know the truth, she would never forgive him and leave him or worse, kill him.

That did not scare him, but the thought of leaving Sera alone in the world did, because he knew if he died, there would be no one to take care of him, take care of her.

she would never be able to protect herself or believe in another relation from onwards.

So he decided the best way to do this was to hurt her and keep her at a distance, so that she would not fall for him.


As Sera went to call Darian for dinner, she noticed a difference in his behavior.

Engrossed in a phone call, he nodded and assured her he would join shortly.

When he finally entered the dining room for dinner, an unusual silence hung between them.

It wasn't their usual peaceful silence but rather an awkward one, suggesting he might be hiding something.

Sera notices the abrupt shift in Darian's behavior and decides to address the issue.

"Darian, we need to talk. Something's changed between us, and I can't ignore it."

Darian, avoiding eye contact, tightens his jaw but doesn't respond.

Sera: "I thought we were supposed to face everything together, but you've been pushing me away. What's going on?"

Darian: "Nothing is going on. You're reading too much into it."

Sera: "Don't shut me out, Darian. We've been through so much together. If something is bothering you, I want to help."

Darian: "You can't help. Just leave it be."

Sera: "I can't just stand by and watch you distance yourself. We're a team, remember?"

Darian: "Things have changed, Sera. You should focus on yourself and not get involved in things you can't understand."

Sera: "We promised to face everything together, no matter what. If you're hurting, I want to be there for you."

Darian, unable to meet her gaze, remains silent, leaving the room filled with the unspoken tension of their strained connection.

Sera: "Martha, have you noticed that Darian's acting differently?"

Martha: "Dear, don't worry too much. It might just be work stressing him out."

Sera: "No, Martha, it's more than work. I can feel it. He's hiding something."

Martha: "Well, why don't you talk to him, dear? Maybe he needs someone to share his burdens."

Sera: "I tried, but he brushed it off. It's like he's keeping me at arm's length."

Martha: "Darling, give him time. He's not accustomed to opening up. Be patient; he will come around."

Sera ponders Martha's advice and decides to check on Darian in their room

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