The "Midnight Revelry"

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At the club, they settled at a table, and Caleb's mood seemed distant, ignoring Kat despite her attempts at conversation.

"Come on, Caleb, loosen up," Kat urged, sipping her drink. "You're at a club; enjoy yourself."

Caleb glanced at her briefly, but his attention quickly returned to his drink.

Meanwhile, Darain and Sera engaged in a lively conversation, their laughter mingling with the club's music.

"So, what's it like being married to a secret agent?"Darain teased, nudging Sera playfully.

Sera grinned. "Exciting, to say the least. But it has its moments," she replied, glancing at him  with a hint of mischief in her eyes.

Darain rolled her eyes, but there was a fondness in her expression. "I can only imagine," he said, taking a sip of her cocktail.

As the night went on, Kat decided to take matters into her own hands. She made her way to the dance floor and skillfully maneuvered around the pole, drawing gazes from the crowd.

Caleb couldn't help but watch, his eyes fixed on her every move.

"Wow," he murmured under his breath, impressed by her confidence and skill.

Kat smirked triumphantly, catching Caleb's gaze. She knew she had his attention now.

Meanwhile, Darain and Sera shared a quiet moment, their eyes locked in a playful exchange.

"I never expected our date night to turn into this," Sera said, gesturing to the energetic scene around them.

Darain chuckled. "Neither did I, but I'm not complaining," he replied, leaning closer to her.

Sera smiled, feeling the warmth of his presence. "Me neither," she admitted softly, enjoying the carefree atmosphere of the club.

Darain and Sera watched as Kat took to the dance floor, effortlessly maneuvering around the pole.

Darain glanced at Sera with a smirk. "Looks like it's our time to leave," he remarked, nodding towards Kat's performance.

Sera raised an eyebrow. "You think we should leave her like this?" she asked, pointing towards Kat.

Darain chuckled. "I think they'll handle it," he replied, glancing over at Caleb, who seemed entranced by Kat's moves.

Sera laughed softly, shaking her head at the scene. "Alright then, let's go," she said, taking Darain's hand as they made their way out of the club.

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lots of love
till next time .
drop ur opinions they are appreciated ∞︎︎

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