The "Nightmares & Morning Conversations"

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Third Person Pov:

The night was plagued by haunting nightmares that ripped Darain from the comfort of sleep.

He awoke in a cold sweat, breathing heavily, and Seera, sensing his torment, woke up to find him on the verge of tears.

Seera: (softly) "Darain, what's wrong? Nightmares?"

Darain hesitantly "Yeah... They won't leave me alone."

sera placing a hand on his shoulder "You can't keep holding onto the past. It's eating you alive."

Darain looking away "I know, but it's not that simple."

"come over here , lay your head on my lap , and sleep there is nothing to worry about i am here"

"i am good." darain says firmly as to no show any weakness in front of her as he still isn't ready to forgive her .

"i dont care darain, u can hate me all you want in the morning , for now just come here , it use to help me mom use to do it when i was younger."
sera replies more firmly .

"fine" he grumbles but in the mention of her mother he feels a bit anger but decides to ignore it for the night and lays his head on her lap.

"Everything is going to be fine , Darain . i am here now and i am not leaving ." sera says roaming her hand through his hair .

darain just hmms and closes his eyes and drifts off to sleep . sera continues to look at his face and wonders what happened that he hates her so much about it . and soon drifts of to sleep aswell .

As sera slept peacefully, Darain woke up with he light coming thought the window saw himself in her lap and remeber last night events and just sighs and gets up to get ready.

Darain sat in contemplation, wrestling with his internal turmoil.

Darain whispering to himself "Letting go... it sounds easy, but it's not."

He pondered the possibility of a different life, a life unburdened by the ghosts of the past.

The morning light brought a fragile calm, but the tension lingered.

Sera stris up from her sleep and says "good
morning." in her sleepy voice

"morning." he grumbles .

As the morning unfolded, Seera couldn't resist a playful jab at Darian. With a sly grin, she remarked, "So, how was your beauty sleep?"

Darian, caught off guard, responded with a simple "Great." Seera, with a twinkle in her eye, couldn't resist adding,

"Well, no surprise there. I mean, who wouldn't sleep like a baby with my fingers running through their hair all night?"

Her teasing remark hung in the air, and Darian couldn't help but crack a smile, the tension of the previous night momentarily lifted by Seera's playful banter.

Sera sincerely asks "You have to talk about it, Darain. We can't build a future if you're chained to the past."

Darain frustrated It's not that easy for me, Sera. You can't understand.

Sera gently says "Help me understand, Darain. We can't build a future if you're chained to the past."

Darian wanting to keep his guard replied without thinking "You won't understand. You never lost everything."

Hearing his response Sera got hurt as she also lost her whole life she replied hurtly "Maybe I haven't lost what you lost, but I've lost too."

Darian's expression softened, realizing the pain he unintentionally inflicted.

Sera replied teared eyed "I just need you to trust me, to share the burden. We can face it together."

Darian mumbles slowly "I don't know if I can."

The fragile moment lingered, caught between the weight of their shared history and the uncertain future that lay ahead.

Seera gently placed her hand on Darain's shoulder, her eyes reflecting a genuine concern.

"It's okay to let the walls down. We're a team now," she asserted, offering a comforting touch.

Darian hesitated, his guarded expression hinting at the walls he had built around himself.

"I won't let it consume you either. We'll face it together, no matter what comes," Seera affirmed, reaching out to hold his hands.

Darian, still resistant, looked away for a moment, struggling with his internal battles.

"I've been so used to pushing people away. It's hard to believe someone would willingly stay," Seera admitted, her reassuring smile conveying her commitment.

"Well, get used to it because I'm not going anywhere," she added, assuring him.

In that moment, Darian felt a crack in his defenses, realizing that maybe, just maybe, he didn't have to navigate his challenges alone.

"Let's face this together, Darain. We're stronger together than apart," Seera compassionately suggested.

Darian nodded, silently acknowledging the truth in her words.

Darian, with a light tone, told Sera to get ready for breakfast,

and Sera teasingly asked, "Would you like to have breakfast with me?" Darian playfully responded, "I wouldn't want anything more."

As they both descended, Sera took charge of the kitchen. Despite Martha offering her help, Seera insisted she could handle it.

Darian, trying to assist, was playfully commanded to sit.

Watching Sera prepare breakfast, he noticed a new calmness in the air, replacing the awkwardness of the past.

After enjoying breakfast together and clearing the dishes, Martha's unexpected announcement of a guest left Darian and Sera intrigued.

Darian looked at Seera, a hint of confusion in his eyes. "Do you have any idea who this guest might be?"

Seera shrugged in response. "Not a clue. I wasn't expecting anyone."

"We can discuss that later. Right now, let's make our guest comfortable. Martha , please show him to the drawing room, and we'll join shortly."

Darian nodded. "Alright, let's see who this unexpected visitor is."

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