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As Sera made her way to the dinning room dressed in her office outfit , determined to carry on with her routine, Darain intercepted her with a discerning gaze.

Darain: "Where do you think you're going, Sera?"

Sera, caught off guard, responded with a perplexed expression.

Sera: "To the office. I have work to do."

Darain's tone carried a hint of protective authority.

Darain: "Not today, Sera. You need to rest."

Sera, accustomed to her independence, questioned his interference.

Sera: "I'm fine, Darain. I have responsibilities at the office."

Darain, unmoved, insisted on prioritizing her well-being.

Darain: "Responsibilities can wait. Today, your responsibility is taking care of yourself."

Sera, realizing the depth of his concern, softened her stance.

Sera: "But I can't just stay home doing nothing."

Darain's expression softened, revealing the sincerity behind his actions.

Darain: "You're not doing nothing. You're taking care of yourself, and that's more important than any office task."

Their unspoken connection resonated in the pause that followed, as Sera reluctantly acquiesced to Darain's protective instincts, understanding that sometimes, caring for oneself takes precedence over professional obligations.

Sera: " if i am not going to office so aren't you ? isn't it your responsibility to take care of me." she said smiling

Darain: "Well, I wasn't planning to go to office , I have a wife to take care of now."

Sera, raising an eyebrow, couldn't believe her ears.

Sera: "Who are you, and what have you done to my husband?"

Their banter continued as Darain, with surprising ease, swept her off her feet and carrying her up the stairs .

Sera: "Darain, put me down!"

Darain, grinning, refused to comply.

Darain: "Not when my wife needs care, and I'm here to provide it."

Sera, wrapped in his arms, blushed at the unexpected gesture.

Sera: "Well then, to the room."

Darain, amused, replied, "As you wish, ma'am."

Once in the room, Sera teased him about his appearance.

Sera: "You look pretty when you smile. You should smile more often."

Darain, kissing her forehead, responded, "Then you should make me smile more often."

Sera, tightening her embrace, playfully insisted that he, indeed, looked pretty.

Darain replied " i am not pretty darling , i am handsome ."

Sera: " but u are pretty."

Darain to make her happy kissing her forehead says " Whatever you say , love"

Sera: "Well then, I guess i have a pretty husband."

Darain, chuckling, decided to make her more comfortable, bringing out one of his shirts for her.

Darain: "You can't relax in these outfits. Let me change you."

As Darain helped Sera change into a more comfortable shirt, their conversation continued.

Darain: "You know, you're not the only one who can surprise. I've got a few tricks up my sleeve."

Sera, intrigued, responded, "Oh, really? Care to share one of those tricks?"

Darain, with a mischievous grin, said, "Well, let's just say I can make my wife blush without much effort."

Sera, playfully rolling her eyes, teased, "Is that so? I'd like to see you try."

Darain, drawing her closer, whispered, "Challenge accepted."

As they settled onto the bed, Darain continued the playful banter.

Darain: "You see, I have a secret weapon."

Sera, feigning curiosity, asked, "Oh, do tell. What's this secret weapon of yours?"

Darain, leaning in with a smirk, replied, "It's a smile that only you can bring out in me."

Sera, genuinely touched, smiled back and said, "Well, that's a weapon I'm more than happy to wield."

Darain, running his fingers through her hair, added, "And you have this magical ability to make any room brighter."

Sera, blushing slightly, responded, "Flattery will get you everywhere, Mr. Darian."

Darain, seeing her in his shirt, said with a grin, "You know, you might start a new fashion trend in the office."

Sera, arranging her self more comfortably in his arms, replied, "Well, comfort is my style, and your shirts are surprisingly comfy."

Darain, teasingly, added, "Maybe I should consider starting a fashion line – 'Darian's Comfort Collection.'"

Sera laughed, "I'm your first customer then, and I demand lifetime access to this collection."

Darain, joining in the laughter, said, "Consider it a deal. Now, let's enjoy the comfort and forget about the world for a while."

As they continued their light-hearted banter, the room filled with a sense of ease and connection, as if their playful exchanges were weaving a stronger thread in the fabric of their relationship.

Meanwhile , At Night
In the headquarters,

As Caleb and Katherine geared up for their mission, equipping themselves with the necessary tools and weapons, Katherine sensed Caleb's eyes on her. She turned and remarked, "Take a picture; it'll last longer."

Caleb, not missing a beat, pulled out his phone and snapped a photo, leaving Katherine momentarily dumbstruck.

He grinned and said, "Keeping it as a memento of the fearless Katherine getting ready for action."

Raising an eyebrow, Katherine replied, "Fearless, huh? You're going to eat those words when you see me in action."

Caleb, playing along, chuckled, "I've seen you in action before, and believe me, it's always a sight to remember."

Putting on her game face, Katherine quipped, "Well, get ready for another unforgettable performance. Let's show them why they shouldn't mess with us."

Caleb: "Ready for another dance with danger, Katherine?"

Katherine: "Danger is my middle name, Caleb. Don't worry; I'll keep you on your toes."

Caleb: "Just make sure those toes aren't stepping on a landmine this time."

Katherine smirking "Where's the fun in that? Keeps things interesting."

As they delve into the details of the mission:

Caleb "We're after intel on the rival families. Darian wants to stay ahead in this twisted chess game."

Katherine leaning in says "And here I thought we were playing poker. Bluffing, secrets, and a few wild cards – suits the mafia business well."

Caleb raising an eyebrow "You enjoy the thrill too much, Katherine. You're not an ordinary accountant you pretend to be ."

Katherine: "And you're not an ordinary CFO u pretend to he , But here we are, dancing in the shadows."

A long update as a token of thanks
Follow me on
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lots of love
till next time .
drop ur opinions they are appreciated ∞︎︎

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