Chapter 2: A Visit

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Evelyn's scream turned from anger to a helpless cry of hopelessness. She retreated back into her corner, huddling down. Turning her back to Janson and the room. She rocked back and forth, her head hiding in her arms as best she could with her hands chained up.

"Make it stop...make it stop." She whispered.

"Oh beautiful murderous witch...I will. I'll make it all go away."  The Crank whispered. Evelyn shook her head. 

"Have we learned our lessoned yet Evelyn?" Janson asked. 

Evelyn turned her head, glaring at him, "Shuck you Ratman!" 

Janson carried on like he didn't hear anything. Evelyn took in his appearance. It was Janson, the same man who used her for her powers, lied and manipulated her into killing men, whether they were innocent or not, she still killed them. Same long nose, same weasel-like eyes; that greasy hair, combed over an obvious bald spot that took up half his head. Same ridiculous white suit. He looked paler than the last time Evelyn had seen him, though, and he was holding a thick folder filled with dozens of crinkled and messily stacked papers in the crook of one elbow.

"What do you want, Rat Man?" Evelyn spat.

"Good morning to you too." He sneered. 

"It'll only be a good morning if you let me out." Evelyn's voice was dry and croaky. 

 Not even a flicker of change passed over the man's expression. "Yes, yes, I know. No need to're going to be hearing plenty of positive news today. Trust me."

Evelyn thought about that, ashamed that she let it lift her hopes, even for a second. She then snorted in derision, and rolled her eyes. "Trust you? Positive news? Didn't you choose us because you thought we were intelligent?"

Rat Man remained silent for several seconds before he responded. "Intelligent, yes. Among more important reasons." He paused and studied Evelyn before continuing. "Do you think we enjoy all this? You think we enjoy watching you suffer? It's all been for a purpose, and very soon it will make sense to you." The intensity of his voice had built until he'd practically shouted that last word, his face now red.

"Bullshit." Evelyn said quiet calmly. She shifted making the chains rattle more then necessary. She was now sitting with her chained ankles out straight, her chained hands resting in her lap, the IV bag hanging from the wall, and the tube snaked up her arm, taped in a few places holding it in place. 

Rat Man raised his head from his papers and looked at her. He gave her such a convincing look of pity and sadness Evelyn almost believed it. 

"It's true. We did everything to you for a purpose. We had the world to save. And you had a gift no one had ever seen before. We kept you safe! It is the same with all the Subjects in the Maze Trials! I saved your life!" 

"How? By stealing our freedom? Stealing our minds? Our shucken identities?" Evelyn spat. 

"It was all done with a reason." Janson sighed. 

"What do you want? Why are you here?"

"Well, I wanted to swing by and explain some things."

"Oh lucky me. I'd say pull up a chair, but..." Evelyn looked around her empty jail cell, and with a mock frown, "Oh dear, I have no furniture, not even a bed to sit on. Well I do have a royal throne for you. Suits you." She indicated with a chained hand to the steal little toilet. 

Janson just looked at her, and blinked a few times. 

"Are you done?" 

"No. Just getting started, you ugly sewer rat!" 

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