Chapter 9: Good Bye

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Evelyn woke with a groan. Her body hurt. Everything inside and out hurt, she wasn't sure why, she wasn't hit with an electric launcher, but everything hurt. She lay on the bed shivering. She only now realized Newt was no longer beside her. He must have gone somewhere. She was too tired to get up, to cold. She pulled the blanket higher and wrapped it right around her bony shoulders.

Her hair was dry, so she must have slept a long time. She lay still, the hum of the berg engine was soothing. She was laying with a blanket and pillow for the first time in a very long time, she enjoyed it. She closed her eyes and drifted off again.

This time when she woke up Newt was back, he was sitting cross legged on the ground in front of the bed writing in his journal. He looked over his shoulder when she shifted and made a noise when she stretched.





She slowly sat up. Her arms felt weak and shaky, but she didn't hurt nearly as much when she first woke up.

"It's not exactly...Frypan's stew, but it's callouries." He held out some kind of military pack food. He turned his body so he was facing her, but still sitting on the ground.

"I haven't eaten anything solid in a month. This is great."

Newt's face paled, "a month?"

"Just whatever was in that IV. It kept me from dying...just enough for my body to function I guess."

"Bloody hell, Evy!"

Evelyn took a small mouthful of food, slowly chewing it and swallowing. She ate about half before she was starting to feel sick. She set the food aside.

"So...what's going on out there?"

"Well...everyone slept abiyt ten hours. Jorge flew us a safe way away, cut the trackers, his us and everyone slept. Then there was a buggen' team meeting...they all talked in circles...then finally decided to go to Denver. When the Right Arm was seen last and apparently where Teresa and the others were headed."

"Are you gonna go with them? Find Mary?"

"Are you?" He retorted, raising an eyebrow.

"The serum didn't work on me. So what's the point? I'm not going to be the reason others get infected. I'm not going to be the reason I wake up and find a dead friend because I cranked too close to them."

He nodded.

"And...I ...I thought we had made an agreement...?" She asked hesitantly.

"We did. I'm not backing out. You better not back out on me!"

Evelyn slid off the bed and into his lap. He automatically lied her closer. She wrapped her legs around his waist, and her arms around his shoulders, hugging him like a small child or kowala would a tree.

Once he had pulled her close both hands went to her jaw. His thumbs rubbed across her cheek bone.

"I missed you so much! When they pulled you off the Berg unconscious I didn't know if I would see you again. I was pulled a few times into a room, strapped to a chair with all kinds of monitors and a tv was pulled up."

Evelyn sat up straighter and watched his eyes as he talked.

"It was a tv of you, in chains, screaming to it to stop. I don't know what they were doing, but after a while I thought it was just them messing with me. Well it was, but I didn't know it was happening in real time. I thought it was all edited. I'm sorry Lee."

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