Chapter 5: Mission Impossible

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"They’re coming," Thomas said as he peeked around a corner.

The reality of their situation hit Evelyn, no one was going to let them just waltz out of the building. Who knew how many guards they’d have to get past. Evelyn looked around the corner. At the end of the short hall was a skidding door. No windows, no way to see who or what or how many was on the other side. But she could hear them.

Minho ran to the door and took a stance right next to it. Sonny immediately following.

"They’ll all have to come through right here."

The sounds from the hallway were getting louder, the guards were close.

"Sonny other side of the door, Thomas said. "Newt. Beside Sonny, go low. Sonya, beside Minho, also go low. Brenda and I’ll shoot the first couple who come through. You four next, catch the rest from the sides. Eve, you catch anyone who slips through. Then get out into the hallway. We’ll be right behind you.”

They took their positions, without hesitation, Thomas had taken the lead and everyone listened. They waited for only a few seconds, and then the sealed door slid open. The first few guards arrived, they were dressed in the same black gear as all the others, but with a different type of weapon—smaller and sleeker—held tightly in front of them. Thomas and Brenda fired.

Evelyn watched the grenade connect with the guard's chest; it sent them reeling backward, twitching and convulsing in a web of lightning.

Two more people; a man and a woman, were right behind him with Launchers raised.

Minho acted before Thomas could. He grabbed the woman by the shirt and yanked her toward him, then swung her across his body and slammed her into the wall. She got off a shot. Before the silvery grenade could shatter, Evelyn sent a quick cold frost at the little grenade. It collided in a wild short burst of crackling icy energy along the tiled floor, cracking the tiles.

Sonya fired at the man, hitting him in the legs; tiny jagged bolts of electricity shot up his body and he screamed, falling back into the hallway. His weapon fell to the floor.

Minho had disarmed the woman and forced her to kneel. He now held a Launcher aimed at her head.

A fourth man came through the door, but Newt knocked his weapon away and punched him in the face. He collapsed to his knees, holding a hand up to his bloodied mouth. The guard looked up as if to say something, but Newt stepped back and shot him in the chest. At such close range the ball made a terrible popping sound as it exploded against the man. A wretched squeal escaped his throat as he fell to the floor, writhing in a web of pure electricity.

"How many of you are there?” Thomas asked her. “Are there more coming?”

She didn’t respond at first, but Minho leaned forward until his gun was actually touching her cheek.

"There’re at least fifty on duty," she said quickly.

"Then where are they?” Minho asked.

"I don’t know."

"Don’t lie to me!" Minho shouted.

"We … Something else is going on. I don’t know what. I swear."

Evelyn looked at her closely and saw more than just fear in her expression. Was it frustration? She seemed to be telling the truth.

"Something else? Like what?" Evelyn snarled.

She shook her head. "I just know that a group of us were called to a different section, that’s all."

"And you have no idea why?" Thomas threw as much doubt into his voice as possible.

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