Chapter 25: Lose Control

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Evelyn's old friends all looked horrified at how unstable Evelyn was. Her eyes were wild, the beat up and bloody girl singing a little toon while she swung an axe back and forth. She did register their faces, their eyes wide, fear flashed in their eyes. She giggled.

"And you want to take us away...scaredy cats."

On some level she wanted them to argue. Fight her, fight them. Give her an excuse. But they only looked back with stunned and horrified expressions.

Newt lowered his voice, Evelyn could hear all the venom he could into his next words.

"And you , Tommy. You’ve got a lot of nerve coming here and asking me to leave with you. A lot of bloody nerve. The sight of you makes me sick."

Thomas’s face melted in sorrow. "What are you talking about?"

"He doesn't know." Evelyn whispered.

Sudden realization hit Evelyn. And it made her even angrier. He didn't even bother to read the note Newt wrote. The note that took everything inside him, all the strength and courage and Newt's best friend couldn't even bother to read it! She snarled, taking a step forward, protectiveness exploded from her chest, how could these...people standing in front of her claim they care when two broke their promises and the other can't even be bothered.

Evelyn suddenly saw herself from above, almost magically. Her craziness. She lowered her hatchet and looked at the floor. The rage had reached something like an even boil within her.

"Newt, I don’t get it," Thomas continued. "Why are you saying all this? Evelyn...what..? Why..?"

"I’m sorry, guys. I’m sorry. We're sorry." The apology barely escaped Newt lips. This was unbearable. All of it. "But we need you to listen. I’m getting worse by the hour and I don’t have many sane ones left. Please leave. Evelyn...Evey..she's got maybe hours."

To add to it, almost like she was trying to prove a point, she started to cough. But she couldn't stop this time. The wild strength drained from her, she crumpled. Before Evelyn hit the ground, Ruffio shoved threw and grabbed her. Newt was trying as hard as he could to keep sane, to keep from cranking. Ruffio help Evelyn down, she was struggling to breath again. Black goo kept coming up.

Thomas started to speak again but Newt didn’t let him, held up a hand of warning and shouted, "No!"

Then he tried again to let the words pour out of him, say anything to appeal to their senses. They were stubborn, always were, but this was the worst possible time to be stubborn.

"No more talking from you. Just… please. Please leave. I’m begging you. I’m begging you to do this one thing for us. As sincerely as I’ve ever asked for anything in my life, I want you to do this for me. For Every. There’s a group we've met-"

"Yeah, clearly...this Mafia boss." Minho spat, eyeing up Goose and then turned his anger and mistrust onto Ruffio who was propping Evelyn up, trying to wipe the black from her chin.

"Yes, Minho. They are part of our gange now." Goose said quite calmly.

"I wasn't talking to you, crank."

The guys are then growled, and looked like they wanted to take a step forward and fight. Goose held up a hand, his hench men stayed rooted, but growling like the angry guard dogs they were.

"Clearly. But you also need to understand how hard this is for both of them?"

Newt was shaking with barley controled anger. He shook his head violently. "We're planning to break out and head for Denver later today. I’m going with them, if Evey can she will... We're trying to do one last good thing. But need to leave. NOW."

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