Chapter 8: Electricity

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Someone grabbed Evelyn's shirt and yanked her hard to the left; she stumbled and fell behind the cargo box just as the sounds of glass shattering and electricity crackling filled the hangar. Several arcs of lightning threaded around and over the crate, singeing the air. They’d barely winked out before a round of bullets thudded against the wood.

"Who let ’em loose?" Minho yelled.

"Hardly think it bloody matters right now!" Newt shouted back. "Evy? You okay?" 

She had landed hard on her infected arm and had screamed in pain. Her crank tried to take over now that it was loud and wild again. Newt crawled over and pulled her close. The group crouched low, their bodies pressed against each other tightly. Sonny had wrapped himself around Sonya and Thomas around Brenda. It seemed impossible that they could fight back from such a position.

"They’ll flank us any second," Jorge called out. “We need to start shooting back!”

The onslaught had paused momentarily, and Thomas could hear shuffling footsteps and short barked commands. If they were going to gain an advantage, they needed to act quickly.

"How do we do this?"  Thomas asked. "Shank, you’re in charge this time." He looked at Minho.

Everyone looked at Minho, including Jorge.

Minho gave them all a sharp look but nodded curtly.

"Okay, Thomas and I’ll fire right, Newt and Sonny fires left. Sonya and Brenda, you fire over the box. Jorge, Evy... you scout a way for us to get to your shuck Berg. Shoot anything that moves or wears black. Get ready."

Everyone knelt facing the box, ready to jump to their feet on Minho’s signal. Evelyn was right next to Brenda, with Thomas on her other side, with two pistols instead of a Launcher. Her eyes were on fire.

"Planning to kill somebody?" Thomas asked.

"Nah. I’ll aim for their legs. But ya never know, maybe I’ll hit high by accident."

"Ops." Evelyn said with a twisted grin, sliding her bloody axe out.

She flashed them a smile; Thomas was looking at with big heart eyes, and Evelyn was liking her more and more.

"Okay!" Minho shouted. "Now!"

They made their moves. Everyone lifted their launchers up and over the box. They fired without risking a good look, and once Evelyn heard the grenade explode she popped up to search for a way to the Berg. A man was creeping toward them from across the room, and Thomas aimed, fired. The grenade burst into lightning as it hit the man’s chest, throwing him to the ground in a fit of spasms.

Gunfire and screams filled the air of the hangar, along with the staticky sound of electricity. Guard after guard fell, clutching their wounds—mostly in their legs, as Brenda had promised. Others bolted for cover.

"We’ve got them running!" Minho yelled.

"But it won’t last long—they probably didn’t realize we had weapons. Jorge, which Berg is yours?" Sonny yelled.

"That one." Jorge pointed toward the far left corner of the hangar. "That’s my baby. It won’t take long to get her ready to fly."

The Berg’s large hatch door, which he remembered from the group’s escape out of the Scorch, lay open and rested on the ground, waiting for passengers to run up its metal slope. Nothing had ever looked so inviting. Evelyn just needed to hold on until they got to the Berg, then she could curl up in a quiet corner.

Minho shot another grenade. "Okay. First everyone reload. Then Newt, Sonny and I’ll cover while everyone else run to the Berg. Jorge, you get her fired up while the others cover for us from behind that hatch door. Sound like a plan?"

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