Chapter 32: Please...

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Evelyn was vaguely aware that someone pulled her upright. Her mind was so fogged nothing made sense. Everything around her was distorted. Everything was too much. Too much noise. Too much colour. Too much movement.

Everything around her teetered and rocked. She had to blink constantly, just to keep the fog clear enough to stumble after whoever had her wrist clamped in their hand. The fires burned around her, it made her fever burn hotter. The flickering flames caused her eyes to water with pain. She tried to rub them but it made it worse she tried scratching at them. Whoever was dragging her around kept smacking her hands away, making her snarl.

The noise from the constantly wailing sirens and the wild manic screams of cranks, the gun shots and explosions was making her ears feel like bleeding, and her head felt like exploding. There were cars crashing into each other just half a block away, the constant screeching and banging made her body shake with the pain, her head throbbed and threatened to split open. It was so loud she couldn't hear the crank in her head. It was terrible. She just wanted to sink to the floor and die.

She finally managed to rip her arm away.

"No!" She screamed, furious that whoever kept pulling her wouldn't let her stop. Everything inside her screamed to just stop. She had nothing left. The pain was too much.

"Keep going!"

"No!" She screamed again, a last bit of strength forced into those words.

"Food...I need food."

"Then go! Let me die!" She begged, she sunk down to her knees.


No. The simple word made her eyes fill with tears. No. They wouldn't let her die. She picked her head up and looked up. Forcing the fog from her mind, it was like trying to come up for air when your drowning. Her head pushed through the surface of the water.

"Newt....if...if you ever loved me...please. please let me go."

"No." He said, there was no expression on his face, except his eyes were full of anger.

"You promised! You promised me!"

"No. I can't."

Anger filled her. It switched on like a light switch. The noise around her cut off, the only sound was the wild thumping of her heart, the wild drum beat in her ears.

"You promised!" She screamed. She lunged at him like a feral cat, spitting and hissing. She clawed at him. "You made me a promise! You lying selfish coward! I hate you!"  They his the cement, and rolled. Evelyn was doing everything she could to hurt him.

"What are you gonna do about it?" He screamed back. He was trying to grab hold of her wrists, but Evelyn fought back.

"Do it! Coward! You promised me!"


His fist connected with her jaw, making her head snap to the side. A twisted smile formed on her face. And she let out a manic laugh, it so loud and wild a few cranks looked over.

"You hit back!" She cackled, her eye wild with manic excitement.

Newt was breathing heavily, under her, his eyes dark with madness. "I should have left you chained up!"

"That's all your good at, Newt, is walking away and ignoring the problem! I've seen your back so many times it wouldn't even break my heart anymore!"

Newt laughed; his eyes wide and wild. All the sweet kind gentle Newt was gone. "What heart? You murderous little witch!"

Evelyn threw her head back and laughed. She was sitting on top of Newt, her infected arm was still pulled tight to her chest, any sort of movement or touch sent shockwaves of pain. When she threw her head back to howl Newt grabbed her throat, his large callused hand wrapped around and held tight.

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