Chapter 12: Moving In

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Evelyn came around, she was being propped up by Newt. Her head felt like it was going to split open with the pounding. Her body was sore, and her arm was shooting pain... actually her entire one side was shooting pain. She whimpered and she felt Newt tighten his grip, she felt his warm breath on her, knowing he had placed his forehead on hers.

"I can't escape him!" She whimpered. Tears leaked down her temples. Her none infected hand clenched his shirt. "I can't go back! I can't! gotta end it before he gets me back! I can't....I can't do it again!"

"Shhh." He shushed her gently, "I know...I know Love, I won't let that happen. I promise...I promise he won't get you."

Her grin slowly loosened.

"Who the hell is this He?" Keisha asked again. "He sounds like some kinda creep!"

Evelyn slowly rolled her head towards her, a scowl on her face.

"You think we're monsters? He's worse." Evelyn hissed.

"Okay...shhh. Love, shh...he's not here right're okay." He gently turned her face towards him and then gently kissed her forehead.

"Come on Lee, up you get." His voice was slightly edgy, she heard him trying hard to keep himself calm. He helped her up and held her steady until she could stand herself. He slipped his hand into hers and then turned slowly towards the wide street.

Evelyn finally looked around their new home. It was a dry, dusty place, although the trees provided enough shade and fallen leaves to dampen the effect. Almost everywhere she looked, signs of habitation filled the spaces and gaps. Small hastily built cabins, some without windows, some with broken windows. Tens of all sizes that appeared to have been erected weeks or months ago, with old couches or couches or chairs by the entrances, clothing lines with towels or clothing left to dry- all hanging from lines tied between trees. Old shoes and bags or trash and small tables scattered.

"Almost reminds me of the early days of the Glade..." Evelyn said quietly. Newt looked back down at her with a sad smile and nodded.

"If I close my eyes, I can almost bloody see the walls just out of sight...or hear Fry ringing his lunch bell."

Evelyn choked back a sob that came up. Keisha was frowning at them now. But she didn't say anything she just started walking down the dusty road. Dante had fallen asleep, that truck ride wore him out. Evelyn felt a stab of sorrow for the child. What if he was immune? His mama would turn and a baby would be left motherless in this place.

Newt had offered to carry him at one point. Keisha looked almost as exhausted as Evelyn felt. They eventually found a small one room cabin nestled between two large oak trees. They all stood shoulder to shoulder and glanced around. There was nothing special. Four wood walls, a window that had no more glass and the door. Dry hard packed earth, and that was it. No kitchen or bathroom no furniture...but it had walls.

"It's perfect!" Keisha announced, her fists on her hips, nodding in approval, but Evelyn heard her voice drop with sarcasm, it made her snort.

She looked around at Keisha with a twisted smile. "It's everything I wanted in a good family neighborhood. Right Newt? Perfect place to raise-"

She stopped abruptly, her voice caught in her throat, her words died in her mouth. Newt was still holding little Dante, and now he was gently bouncing and patting his little back like he was a baby. Her eyes went wide and then filled with tears. She clamped them shut and pressed the heels of her hands into her eyes and she shrunk down to the ground.

Newt would have been a wonderful father, he had such gentle tendencies, and a caring patient nature...he was automatically shushing a child he hardly was like it was just automatic, a natural instinct. Evelyn's heart felt like it was ripped out of her chest and then smashed under someone's heel. She wanted more than anything to have a quiet home with Newt, with a garden, dance under the moon, have a family. But reality was brutal and harsh. She would get none of those things. She most a week left. The creepy crawling feeling was constant, the crank was always prowling in the shadows, she felt it constantly. The pain in her chest was now starting again, the sharp claws around her lungs.

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