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The gentle sounds of waves was the first thing she heard. Then she felt the softness under her and around her. She felt warm and cozy. Smell was the next sense that came back. She could smell salt and sweet. She didn't want to open her eyes. She could stay like this for ever. If this was Heaven then it wasn't so bad. She heard a voice whisper beside her. It made her happy. 


Newt. Newt had held her hand and guided her into the next life, just as he promised. She tried to smile. Maybe she did, because the voice changed. 


It was hesitant, worried, uncertain.

"Evey? Can you hear me?" 

Her senses continued to increase. She heard voices now, many of them. There was the sound of banging and scrapping, people laughing, yelling, calling to each other. She smelt not just slaty waves, but now it smelt sterile. She felt something scratching and tight around her head. Then she felt the headache. Her head had a constant pounding, it was rhythmic, like the pounding of her heartbeat. 


Evelyn struggled to open her eyes, they felt heavy. Unnaturally heavy. 

"Come on Love, you can do it." 

She took a second to gather some strength and then forced her eyes open, they slowly fluttered open. Everything was blurry and nothing made sense. 


Evelyn slowly turned her sore head, sitting beside her, was the face of an angel. His big brown eyes looked at her gently, they were glassy, and looked relieved. Evelyn had to blink again. She didn't understand. She tried to focus on him, on the details. He looked pale, his hair was short, he had white bandages around his bare chest. But there was no black veins, and his eyes were soft and gentle. 

"Love! Thank heavens." 

She tried to talk, but she only realized now there was a large tube in her mouth, it went all the way down her throat. Her eyes went wide and she could feel the panic. Her hands went to the tube and tried to grab at it. Newt started yelling.

This wasn't heaven. She felt pain, and panic and fear. There was chaos, faces she didn't recognize came into her line of sight. 


The voice was gentle and soft. 

"Stop. Relax. You're okay."

How could she be okay, her entire body throbbed in pain. She had something shoved down her throat. She had no idea where she was or what was going on. Darkness took her suddenly. 

The next time her mind woke up it was quiet. And not so bright. Her eyes slowly peeled open. Her head didn't hurt so much, her body was racked with pain. She turned her heard, trying to look around. Her eyes were clearer. Something moved on her chest. She blinked and focused on what was on her chest. The little creature lifted it's head. Big bright red eyes looked at her. It took her a minute to figure out what it was. 

"Hephy?" She tried to whisper. 

The little lizard unwound itself, he had been curled up on her chest. He arched his back and with a little purr in his throat he scurried closer to her check and nuzzled her with his little head. She smiled. She didn't think she would ever see he little lizard buddy again. Hephy curled up beside her, snuggled into her neck. Evelyn blinked again and looked around her again. She was able to see things better, not much, but her fuzzy vision focused on the boy in the chair beside her. He was laying half on her bed. his head resting on a bent arm. He looked healthier then the last time her eyes were open. This time she was able to have more control over her movement; she reached a hand out and her fingers brushed his hand. His eyes fluttered open. 

The Broken HealerWhere stories live. Discover now