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Hi I am Stella Stone, I am a very famous singer and now I am kind of getting into the acting industry. I am 21 years old and live in L.A even though I am originally from Texas. My song "Overflow" became popular very fast. I never really thought I would become famous but it is something I really wanted to accomplish.

Right now I am getting ready for an interview on a  podcast, my manager Tessa and my assistant Luna are both discussing stuff at the kitchen table in my house while my glam team glams me up. My best friend Demi comes into my house without knocking cause she has a key.

Oh what's up Tessa and Luna!" She walks past them and smiles. Demi is the most lesbians of the lesbians. She looks and acts like it, you can spot it from a mile away. She has short black curly hair, green eyes, and pretty little freckles all over her face. She dresses like a skater with oversized everything.

"Hey bestie! Missed you." She daps me up. I laugh at her. "I missed you too, even though you just saw me this morning." I say putting my chin up so my Mua can get a better angle of my face.

"So what if you saw me a hour ago or even ten minutes ago? You my emotional support system." She says fixing up the cap that she was wearing. "You are right, I apologize." I purse my lips together.

     "Are you ready?" Tessa walks in typing up something on her phone. "Yeah I am ready we just finished up." I get up from my vanity and thank my Mua for taking the time to do my makeup. I follow Tessa, Luna, and Demi out to my car with my bodyguards around me.

"Are you nervous?" Demi asks me sitting next to me. "Nah not at all, as long as I don't slip up about the album I am creating just yet I think I will be fine." I smile. "Make sure you throw in a little teaser of the movie you just filmed." Tessa says still just typing away on her phone. My driver Remy starts to pull off.

"Stella what kind of food would you like to eat after your interview?" Luna says taking out her notes. "Hmm I have been feeling a big fat burger." I rub my stomach. "Ugh like the ones back home?" Demi asks. I nod dramatically in agreement. Demi moved out here with me from Texas because she really is my emotional support, she believed in me when no one else did. So when I made enough money, I bought her a house. "Stella... you are supposed to be watching your figure." Tessa looks back at me sternly. "Oh come on Tessa let this be my cheat day please." I beg with my hands out together. Tessa sits in silence for a few seconds and then looks back at me " Just this once." She says with her finger out sternly.

We pull up to the place and I am the last one to get out the car, the paparazzi were swarming my car and I put on sunglasses.

"Stella look over here!"

"Stella you look fabulous!"

"Stella are you dating anyone?"

"Stella are you planning anything big?"

"Listen to the podcast." I wink before going in the building.

We get in the elevator and I decided to take a picture, I post it on Instagram giving a little teaser about the podcast.

                                        We get in the elevator and I decided to take a picture, I post it on Instagram giving a little teaser about the podcast

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LIKES: 1,983,928 liked by Dojacat, Selenagomez, and Jackharlow

@stellathestone: Look out for the podcast!


@Dojacat: The body is giving!

@Randomuser: Why she kinda...

@Selenagomez: miss you!

@Stonerbih: Stop acting like you don't see the album comments girllllll

load comments...

                   I laugh at the comments about my album , my supporters call themselves the stoners cause I smoke so much and because my last name is Stone. I think it is so cute.

                  The elevator doors open and we step into a room that is right in front of it. The room was so girly and cute and a girl comes up to me. "Hi girl welcome I am so excited to do this interview with you! My name is Tana Mongeau." She smiles. "Girl I know who you are I legit watch you all the time." I fan girl for a second. "This is gonna be so fun!" She smiles big.

         I sit at a cute pink chair with a mic in front of it, there was also a cute pink ash tray next to it. I got so excited knowing we are probably smoking. "Alright we are about to start." She sits across from me and gives me a smile.

                  The podcast starts and she begins with the questions.

                       "Alright guys so I am here with the sexy ass Stella Stone." She introduces me. "Girl do you wanna fuck? That was the best way to be introduced." I gigle. "Shut the fuck up don't make me end this podcast." She flirts back. " I am gonna act like you didn't just say that because my manager will get mad that I made the podcast end before it even started, so anyway hi guys!" I laugh and look into the camera. "Smart choice." She smiles taking out a wrap and rolling a blunt.

                       "So while I am rolling this blunt I noticed your outfit it's so cute, what kind of style do you usually go for?" She says before licking it. "First of all thank you." I smile, "Uhm I would say my style is very much all over the place. I will dress so girly one day and then very streetwear the next day. I just kind of like to experiment but I definitely loveee pink." I answer. "You serve cunt everyday girl, I be stalking your insta all the time to see what you are wearing." She finishes up the blunt.

                     "Stop thank you! I love your style so much!" I compliment. " Thank you." She smiles. "Speaking of Insta, I saw you had a little teaser for something going on in your life." She says curiously. "Yes I just did... Uhm I can't say too much but I might or might not be in a movie coming out soon." I wink at the camera. "Oh my god, that's so sick. Do you know if you are allowed to tell us the genre?" She says lighting up the blunt and taking a pull from it. I look at Tessa before I answer the question "Manager... am I allowed to?" I ask. She gives me a thumbs up. "Sorry had to make sure, but it's a rom-com." I smile.

                        "Oh my god so sick. I can't wait to see it." She smiles. "Speaking of romance what's going on with your love life? I saw a picture out of you and a certain Pete Davidson coming out of a restaurant." She says it in a "Ouu" tone. "She passes me the blunt before I answer the question. I take a big pull from the blunt causing me to cough. "Oop! Are we avoiding the question?" She says as I am coughing. Luna comes in and hands me some water. "Thank you." I say in between coughs. I take a sip of the water and my coughs go away shortly after.

                         "Anyway... sorry what was the question?" I say jokingly. "Girl I know you heard the question." She laughs. I take another hit. "Alright lets be honest here... who hasn't Pete Davidson been shipped with?" I roll my eyes. She laughs and claps. "Like? He is a lovely guy though don't get me wrong, but no we are not in a relationship we were just out for dinner. Sorry for everyone shipping us." I smile and pass the blunt back. "So you're available?" She takes another pull. "Yep very much available." I wink into the camera.

                     "What do you look for in a guy?" She asks. I take a second to think before I answer. She takes a pull and then passes the blunt back to me. I hold it between my fingers so I can answer the question. "Hmm I would sayyy definitely tall, I love me a man with tattoos, maybe an accent, GREAT in bed, genuine, and very romantic." I answer. "Are you only into the men?" She asks. "No I am for everybody." I answer and then realize what I said. "Wait not like that." I cover my mouth. She starts to laugh. "Don't worry girl. We know what you meant." She says. I take a few pulls of the blunt.

                 The interview just continues on and when we are done Tana and I exchange numbers so we can hang out soon. My team and I head to eat and then they drop me off at my studio with my producer Steamie.


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