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I wake up feeling the world's worst headache, I was in a big t shirt and my underwear. I begin to freak out thinking about what happened last night, I couldn't put pieces together. I turn over to the other side of the bed and see that's it's empty. I sigh in relief knowing that I didn't wake up with anyone.

I haven't heard Sophie cry yet so I took it upon myself to take a shower, cause I felt so dirty. I went into the bathroom and brushed my teeth as the water got warmer. I went inside the shower and let the warm droplets melt into my skin. I try to piece everything that happened last night but I really couldn't figure it out.

I step out the shower and cover my self in a towel. I do my skin care routine and I head into the closet to pick out something comfy. I put on some baggy sweats with a pink tank top and some Uggs. I decided to let my hair air dry since I wasn't really doing anything today.

As I step out the room to check on Sophie I grab a bottle that I pre pumped before I drank alcohol last night. I put it in the microwave. As the hums of the microwave fill up the kitchen I take a deep breath, being grateful that I didn't do anything stupid last night. I take out the bottle and stir it up a little by shaking it as I head to Sophie's room.

As soon as I opened the door my heart dropped and my body was tense. "Cench?" I say in a breathy tone. He turned around with the baby in his arms. He was wearing nothing but sweats. "Hey! Sorry I wasn't there when you woke up... Sophie started crying so I came to calm her." He bounced her gently as he straddled her. I stayed quiet, not knowing what to say. "Oh you got a bottle! I could feed her." He says reaching for the warm bottle in my hand.

I stood there like an idiot. "Stella?" He snaps me out of my trance. "Right! Yes sorry." I hand him the bottle. He slightly chuckles "Are you alright?" He asks. "Mhm." I nod frantically. He stares at me before he puts the bottle in Sophie's mouth. "Stella if you're worried about last night, nothing happened." He reassures me. I look at him confused. "But we slept in the same bed?" I question.

"Stella I'm not an animal, I would never take advantage of you... especially knowing that's something you really didn't want in the moment." He shrugs. I slightly smile at the thought of him actually caring. My smile soon begins to fade when I realize that the actually reason why he didn't sleep with me was probably because I'm not Yasmin.

I try to quickly snap out of my thoughts before they get bad. "Have you seen Luna?" I ask sitting on the rocking chair. "Um, yeah I saw her this morning... she looked very shocked to see me." He chuckles. "Is she still here?" I ask resting my arms on my sides. "No, she left early to some meeting." He shrugs.

The room was silent as Cench was burping Sophie. The same thoughts kept roaming in my head, they were bouncing off the walls of my brain. It felt as if everything around me was so loud but so quiet at the same time. Cench laid Sophie back down and headed out into the kitchen.

I followed behind him trying to battle my mind into asking him what I really wanted to ask him. He looked at me with a weird look. "Why are you just standing there staring at me?" He chuckled. I stayed silent for a minute. "Are you alright Stella?" He took a sip of his coffee.

"Did... did you not, uhm..." I struggle to get the words to come out my mouth. "Stella?" He has a worried look on his face and sets the coffee down. "Did you not sleep with me because I'm not Yasmin?" The words finally flowed out of my mouth. He looked at me with a blank stare. It was as if he now was struggling to get words out of his mouth. "Stella... about Yasmin... there is so many things you don't know that happened." He shakes his head.

"So that IS the answer." I cross my arms. "Stell- no that's not what I'm saying." He tries to explain. "Get out of my house." I utter. "What?" He responds in a confused tone. "Get out of my house." I repeat a little louder. "Stella if you could just let me explain." He moves his arms around in expression. "GET OUT." I repeat even louder. He puts his arms to his sides in defeat. "Fine." He shakes his head. I just stand and glare at him.

He goes into my room and puts on his shirt and his shoes. "When you find out the truth on what really happened... you'll regret treating me like this." He walks to the front door. "Yeah I'm sure I'll regret leaving you after cheating on me and choosing another woman over me." I roll my eyes. He was about to open the door but he stopped. "I would never choose another woman over you, you've always been the only one I've ever loved" He spoke softly. I didn't say anything back.

As he opened the door a tall figure stood at the other side. I walk over and see Austin standing there as if he was about to knock. He looks at Cench and Cench looks at me. "Austin?" I say getting closer to the door. "Hi... uh sorry was I interrupting anything?" He had two coffees in his hand. "Yes." "No, not at all." I answered over Cench. He looked back at me with a bit of rage in his eyes.

"You know what? I'm done." Cench shakes his head. "What? NOW you're done after you CHEATED?" I cross my arms. "I'll just come back later." Austin says awkwardly. "Oh yes! Please come back later and have sex with my baby momma why don't you?" Cench says sarcastically. "OAKLEY!" I yell at him. He looks back at me with anger. "You two deserve each other." He walks off. So dramatic for what?


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