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     "It was Yasmin!" Leah blurts out nervously. "What do you mean?" I ask, Nle hands the baby back to me. I think it was just to make sure I wouldn't jump over and hit the bitch. "Yasmin WAS my friend, she asked me to flirt with Cench so I could cause a fight between you two. I felt really bad because... well for one it didn't work... but also because it seems like you two really love each other." She plays with her hands in embarrassment. I could tell it was really hard for her to admit all of this. "So she asked you to do all that?" I furrow my eyebrows together. From the corner of my eyes I could see Cench getting uncomfortable.

   "Yes, she told me to find a way in. I already apologized to Nle because I really do like him. She told me since that didn't work that she would try a different approach... so I stopped being her friend. " I can see tears forming in her eyes. "Can we just drop it?" Cench gets up in an irritated way. "What? Yasmin literally fucks with our lives and you wanna drop it?" I raise an eyebrow. "Just FUCKING drop it and STOP worrying about it." He covers his face in irritation. "Can I talk to you in the other room?" I hand over the baby to Nle. Cench shrugs and walks over to our room.

"What's your problem?" I close the door behind me. "There's no problem, Yasmin has left us alone. Just drop it okay?" He makes big gestures with his hands. "Cench, you heard Leah... it's not over. She going to try a different approach so we have to be prepared for that." I say softly. "STOP FUCKING OBSESSING OVER IT STELLA! I LOVE YOU AND YOU LOVE ME ISNT THAT WHAT MATTERS?" He yells which causes me to jump. "Cench? Are you okay?" I was genuinely concerned, he looked really frustrated. "It's like you go through a problem and then you just obsess over it." He looks at me and walks out.

I sit in my room very confused as to why he just acted the way he did. Was he right? Do I really obsess over it? Maybe I should just get over myself. "Im such a terrible girlfriend." I utter to myself. I sigh deeply and just sit in silence for a little while. Then I hear the baby crying. I take a deeper breath as I head to the door and open it with an exhale leaving my mouth.

"I got her." I say reaching out for her in Nle's arms. I remembered I had pumped my milk a few hours ago so I used that in a bottle, just so my boobs wouldn't be out. I sit down at the couch and put the bottle in Sophie's mouth. "You okay?" Nle says looking at me through his forehead. "He said I obsess over the problem." I say looking down at Sophie. "But you really don't though, if you were obsessed with the problem you would let us in here with the intention of fighting Leah." Nle states. "Yeah, you were trying to fix the problem. Someone who is obsessed would DRAG the problem." Leah adds.

"I just feel terrible." I shrug and shake my head. "He will be back. He just needs some time to think." Nle softly speaks. "You're right." I purse my lips together. "WHAT UP WHAT UP?" Demi says walking in with Tana and some breakfast. "Heyyyy Demi." I smile. She comes over and gives me a hug along with Tana. Demi looks back and forth between Nle and I "Glad to see you two together again." She sits down and smiles. I burp Sophie. "Yeah, he's cool or whatever." I shrug. "Oh my god, speaking about cool have you seen your hot new neighbor?" Tana wiggle her eyebrows. "I didn't even know I had a new neighbor." I laugh. "You do, and he is the hottest person ever oh my." She says all flustered.

" I don't know if I should be mad, but I'm not cause he definitely was an attractive man." Demi chuckles. "I'm sure we'll cross paths in a few days." I shrug. "Alright should we eat some breakfast?" Nle rubs his hands together. "Yeah, you guys can get the food out. I'm going to go change Sophie." I say getting up. I go into her room and change her diaper. As I change her I can't help but think about Cench. He's never acted like that, I wonder what's gotten into him. I pick up Sophie, rocking her in my arms for a little and then I put her to bed.

I walk out and everyone is having breakfast. I sit at the table with my food in front of it. We all just hang out and talk like nothing happened. This time Leah was more involved in the conversations and seemed to be her actual self which I really appreciated. After breakfast we all watched some YouTube and then everyone had to head home. I spend the rest of the day taking care of Sophie and working on some music.

I hear the front door open and Cench walks in. I walk over and just stand there in awkward silence. He walks up to me and gives me a hug "I'm sorry darling, I didn't mean anything." He sways me. "It's alright. I know you didn't." I utter. He looks down at me still holding my waist and gives me a small peck on the lips. "I'm gonna head into the shower and then we can watch a movie okay?" He said putting his phone and his keys down on the kitchen counter. I smile and nod. He gives me a kiss on the forehead and then heads into the bathroom.

I sit back down in the living room and hum a few tunes as I string my guitar. I had to stop occasionally because Cench's phone kept going off. I kept trying to ignore it but there was something in my heart that was telling me I needed to pick that phone up. I hear the shower still going so I quietly put my guitar down and walk over to the counter. As I pick up his phone I see that he put a pin in it. We agreed on no passwords so this was already making me anxious. I think about it for a second and then put Sophie's birthday in it. The phone unlocked. I got into his messages and my heart sunk reading over the messages.


CENCH: Just make sure we keep this between us please

YASMIN: Of course, I wouldn't tell a soul.

YASMIN: Thank you so much for meeting up with me I really needed that

YASMIN: remember I love you and I always will

YASMIN: It was so nice to finally get to feel you

My heart broke. It was like my mind was spiraling. My hands were sweating and my heart was pounding. It was in that moment that I not only thought about me, but also about Sophie. I went into Cench's closet and started packing his stuff. I didn't care about it being a mess in his luggage if it's that deep he can ask YASMIN to do it. I finish up his luggage and put it at the front door. As he walks out of the bathroom he looks at me. I stand there looking at him not knowing what to even say. "Stella?" He asks confused.

"Where did you go today Cench?" I breathe in and out trying not to let the tears forming in my eyes fall down. "I went to uhm clear my head." He puts his hands in his pockets. " I'm gonna ask you again... where did you go today?" I said it angrily but still softly. He shuts his eyes and I can see tears streaming down his face, it was in that moment that he realized I already knew. "Stella... I can explain." He says. "Explain? No. I want you out." I point to the door. "Please just let me explain everything." He cries. "GET YOUR FUCKING THINGS AND GET OUT." I yell at the top of my lungs. He looked shocked.

"You know... I felt like a terrible girlfriend after you left. I thought of so many ways on how I could get you to feel better. Turns out I didn't even need to make you feel better, because someone else was already doing it." I shrugged. "Stella I did this for us." He tries to step closer. I take a step back. "For us? You went and saw your crazy ex girlfriend for us? That's the best you can come up with?" I cry. "Stella plea-" "Get out... I no longer want to be with you. If you want to see Sophie we will arrange something, but for now I don't want to even look at you." I squint at him.

"Fine, but just know... that when I walk out this house... I'm not coming back." He looks at me in the eyes. We just stared at each other... teary eyed. I stood there with my heart in one hand... and in the other bullshit excuse that even he didn't understand. "Good." I say opening the door. He looks at me with hurt in his eyes and just shakes his head as he walks out. I close the door and let out a weep. There was so much anger built up I try to look around the room to calm down then I look at the flowers on the counter. The flowers that he got me... that he knew I loved.

I grab the flowers with rage, I walk outside and see that he's about to pull out of the drive way. He looks at me through the windshield with despair on his face. From the corner of my eye I could see someone standing in the distance but I didn't care. I chucked the flowers at his windshield and let out a loud groan. "FUCK YOU!" I flip him off as he drives off.

I breathe in and out loudly trying to catch my breath. "You alright?" A voice from a distance asks. I turn around and realize who it is. "Austin?" I squint for better vision. "Stella?" He asks confused.

COLLAPSED   ☆  CENTRAL CEEWhere stories live. Discover now