Part 1: April - Prologue

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Chapter song - Interlude by ABBOTT, Canea Quartett

You'd think you would know the sound a killer makes before catching you after the numerous crime podcasts and the terrifyingly true cases you hear about in the news. But you can never prepare enough, not once the next mystery comes knocking on your door, two years too late. Perhaps April Wren had it coming, she had long time dreams of becoming an author, a horror author in specifics. She dreamed of writing a New York's Best Times Novella such as Steven King and Edgar Allen Poe. And perhaps they prepared her in some way possibly by teaching her the first rules in how to survive in a horror movie but not even that would come in handy. Not until she was running into the deep depths of the West Hill forest after you cross the intersection on fifth. But before all of that you have to understand what happened in the first few days on 8371 Brickell St. West Warwick, Greyspire 02893.

It's not exactly a mystery what West Warwick is but more so what happened in Greyspire five years prior. It had become their town's mystery though no one seemed to believe the news. The town's keepsakes relied on the conspiracy theories published on social media networks and have made an opinion themselves. Though you will never know the truth, here is what we can gather that happened to Ruby Jones that fateful day on campus.

The following text has been transcribed from police files, text messages, and incriminated evidence that convicted Red Fitz of the disappearance that struck all of Greyspire. And what would soon convince April Wren that the convicted is undeniably innocent.

Viewer discretion is advised (mature audiences):

Ruby Jones also known as the beloved President Grey's niece who happened to be a star student, a great representative in the student council, and most importantly April's childhood best friend though no one seemed to remember that anymore. And it wasn't a secret her family was the reason their government was corrupt. Everyone knew. That was what made a difference, but that wouldn't matter, not when they refused to speak up for the right. Not to mention how if you did in fact, do the right thing, you would be punished. The Capitol had set the rules and restrictions many years prior and everyone knew yet death was the harshest sentence you could receive though they never would actually carry the punishment out however there has been speculation otherwise.

Some believe Red Fitz was going to get caught one day and when he disappeared no one really cared. He had a not very plausible track record though there was evidence against him. Evidence that April Wren had noticed, she had even written a slideshow presentation on it for English class despite the eye rolls, she was quite proud of it, that's how she earned the disgrace from President Grey of course. Her family had begged her to stop but she knew there was something more to the story. She had always wanted to be a detective, maybe even have her own podcast one day though it seemed her dreams would never come true however there was always a chance. April knew she was going to go into the study of criminology at a young age, of course there were negatives. Her parents were slightly worried and even that was an understatement. The town of West Warwick was known for their disappearances, mysterious deaths, and crimes. April knew they were connected, it was only a matter of time until she showed the town the truth.

As she sat in her highly uncomfortable chair in a very almost abandoned classroom, April was very engaged in the handbooks that taught her the basics of the criminal justice system. As confusing as the text was, April continued to wrap her mind around the descriptions and definitions and most importantly the story, the big picture is a word that her last school teacher would say. And she was right. This would be one hell of a journey. One that April Wren was positive she wanted to partake in.

"Now, tell me truly, do you think The Hunger Games or Lord of the Rings is better?" April hears as the lovely Jade Simone waltzes into the room.

I can't tell if she cares about the girl's opinion on modern literature or if she is just bored and can't listen to her best friend rant about how the sequel is always better than the original films.

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