Chapter 5

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Erica and Leia walked into the bar and walked over to Mark, their favorite DJ/KJ.  They had known him for what seemed like forever.  And Mark was more honest than anyone Leia knew.  "And who is the overly lucky man that you are dressed up for Miss Leia?"

"I'm not dressed up."  Mark gave her a look that she couldn't ignore.  "Okay, okay so maybe I'm meeting someone up here tonight.  Is it so bad that I want to look nice?"

"Ask her how she met him, Mark."

"Do I want to know?"

"Erica. . ."

"What?  If this is the new you, you better fill everyone in."

Mark just looked at the two friends and shook his head, "I'm staying out of this.  I don't want to know."

"Thank you," Leia propounded, "I'll still help you pack up your gear tonight though.  I still have so much to learn."  She was feeling so sure of herself.  She looked good.  She felt great, especially after last Saturday night with Joseph.  Then it all came down when she acknowledged the buzzing of her phone.

J:  Hey sexy.  Darlin', I'm sorry.  My babysitter cancelled on me last minute and I can't find anyone else.  I'm not going to make it out tonight.

Erica noticed the frown on Leia.  "What is it?"  Leia flipped her phone around.  "Aw Lei, I'm sorry."

L:  Okay.  

She really didn't know what else to say.  He wasn't her boyfriend, so it wasn't as if she could get pissed.  

J:  Honest  darlin'.  I feel terrible.  Is there any chance you could come by later?  I still really want to see you.  I just can't leave my daughter.

L:  IDK.  I have to help the dj break down.  I'll let you know.

Leia felt awful.  Here she was all dressed up and looking to the nine's like she had never done before.  And for what?  To get shot down.  But there was something in his message that seemed sincere.  Maybe she could go see him after.  But she promised Mark she'd help him.  Plus, she didn't have her truck.  Erica drove.  Her phone buzzed again.

J:  I'm so sorry Leia.  I was so looking forward to seeing you tonight.  You didn't tell me you work with the dj.  Pretty cool.  I miss your sexy ass. 

"Well now, this has to be the truth.  He's just not the type to make shit up," she thought.  She didn't have time to contemplate it at the moment as Mark had called her to sing. 

Once she finished up, she slid into the booth that her and Erica liked to occupy.  "So, what are you going to do?" Erica asked her.

"I don't know.  I mean, he does seem like he's telling the truth about the babysitter cancelling.  I mean, that's not his fault."

"No, it's not.  But how much do you really know about him.  Are you sure he's just not using you for dick exercise?"

"I don't think so.  I mean, anything is possible but, I really don't think so."  Her phone buzzed.  "It's him again."

J:  You're mad at me aren't you?

"He thinks I'm mad at him."

"Are you?"


"So tell him."

J:  I understand if you are.  But, I am sorry.  This is not how I planned tonight.

L:  No, I'm not mad at you.  I was singing.  I know you wanted to be here.

J:  Okay.  I just really do feel bad.  If you can't come by tonight, maybe tomorrow?

L:  Can I buzz you in like and hour?  I'll know better then, okay?

J:  Okay sexy.

"Erica, remind me in like an hour to message Joseph.  I think I might go see him later."

"You're gonna check outta here early aren't ya?"

"Not if Mark needs my help.  I told him I would help him."

"Well, then I guess it's up to Mark.  But Lei, don't go leaving fun just for some guy that might just be wanting to get his dick wet."

"When you remember that, I will."  Erica shot her a look of disbelief.  "Oh, come on Ere.  How many times have we gone out and you either ask me to drop you off early or you leave me high and dry for some male attention.  Don't pull that shit with me."

Leia was right, and there wasn't a damn thing Erica could do to argue the point.  "Okay, fine.  But I still say this isn't you."

"Except it is me.  He sparked something in me Ere.  I don't know, it's fun.  Maybe because I've never really been like this.  I'll talk to Mark after my next song."  And she did exactly that.

"Oh hell yes, go.  You need this.  Just answer me one question," Mark stated.

"What's that?"

"Is he better looking than me?"  Mark was always the jokester. He was no where near serious.  He just did stuff like this to make Leia smile.  And when she didn't answer right away, in full sarcasm, Mark stated, "I knew it!  You're leaving me for a younger man!  Whatever will I do?!"

"Mark, you're a dork, you know that?"

"I do. And you love it."

"You're God damn right.  I promise, next week, no me leaving early.  And thank you."

"No worries darlin'.  Now, you go get some lovin'."  There he was, being Mark again.

It had been about forty-five minutes since Joseph's last text to Leia, when Erica dropped her off at her townhouse.  "Thanks Ere.  I appreciate this.  I know you don't think this is right, but I want to see him.  He wants to see me.  That's a good thing."

"I know, I know.  Just be careful, okay?

Leia nodded yes, and went inside, quickly grabbing her phone from her back pocket so she could message Joseph.

L:  Hey doll.  Do you still want me to come over?

She waited with nerves of epic proportions for him to answer her.  When what felt like an eternity had passed, but was only two minutes, she felt two things.  One - maybe Erica was right.  Two - maybe he is dealing with his daughter.  For the sake of her brain, she was going with the latter.  She looked down at her phone again and saw that her message had been read, but didn't see a reply coming.  "Bloody hell, this jackass," she thought, "he changed his mind.  Guess I'll grab my purse and go back to the bar.  Shithead."  She grabbed her stuff and walked back out to her garage and started her truck.  Just as she started to back out, her phone chimed.

J:  Hey sexy.  I'm sorry, I had dozed off.  YES! I still want you come over.  I want to see you. 

L:  Okay.  I'm on my way.  Pull all the way up like last time?

J:  You know it.  See you soon.

L:  Yup.

"Whew! I feel better.  I knew there was a reasonable explanation for not hearing from him.  Erica was so wrong.  I wonder what he's going to think of my look tonight?  I hope he likes it,"  was her conversation with herself as she pulled out of her garage and headed to his house.  "I wonder how long it's going to take him to get me out of it and ravage me?"

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