Chapter 6

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Dear Diary,

OMG, he did it again last night.  Well, actually I should she HE did ME again.  And I think it was even better than last time.

I got to Joseph's and went inside as the note on the back door said, "Just come in sexy."  I walked in, and he was already laying in bed.  He had the sheet pulled up to his waist when I walked in, and said it was about time I showed up.  He then peeled the sheet back to show me that his cock was crazy hard and standing at attention.  My jaw dropped in a way I don't think it ever has, and he said, "I want that, on this, now."  So what did I do?  Well of course I crawled up on the bed next to him and put his dick in my mouth.  As I kept on running my lips over him, he breathed out with sighs that made my wet.  He hadn't even touched me yet, and he was making me wet just with his response to what I was doing to him. 

I felt him place a hand on the back of my head and hold me down on him so he was hitting the back of my throat.  When I gave a little cough, he let go, and as I rose up off him and he saw the wetness my mouth had produced, he ordered me to "rub that spit all up and down my cock, baby."  While yes, it was an order, his voice was so sensual, that I couldn't do anything but what he wanted.  "Now, put it back in your mouth and do it again."  Again, same thing.  Being told what to do in a calm, sexy manner was turning me on to the point I could feel the wetness pooling between my legs.

As I came up off his cock again, we locked eyes.  Those gorgeous blues of his.  "Well, hi," was all I could muster, as I was still stroking his shaft.

"Hi sexy mama.  That top is quite revealing on you.  But can I see more?"

"You know you can."

Joseph reached over and ran his hands under the edge of my blouse and started to push it up.  I let go of his rock hard member for only a moment to pull it over my head, and then wrapped my fingers back around him to keep stroking him.  "Mmmm, you're so damn hot baby," he whispered in my ear while leaning forward to shower the top of my breasts with soft kisses.  When he pulled away, I gave him a mischievous look, and once again wrapped my lips around his member so I could make him explode.  "God damn Leia, you're going to me cum in your mouth."

Hearing how I was getting him to the point of release, I wanted nothing more than to feel him shoot his warm seed down my throat.  I kept up my up and down motion, and then without help from him, I stayed fully down on him while the tip of his cock hit the back of my throat and painted it with his man juice.  As his release began, he hissed air in, and then as he shot himself down my throat, he growled an "Uhhhhh fuuuuuuck," of ridiculous passion.  Once I had gotten all of him down, I popped off, and wiped the corners of my mouth with my thumb.  "Fuck Leia.  Where did you learn to do that?"

"What learn?" and I gave him a little giggle, "I'm a natural."

"You are indeed.  Shit.  Now, how about I do something for you?"

"What did you have in mind?"

Joseph rolled me over on my back, but not before reaching around and unhooking my bra, removing it, and throwing it across the room.  He latched himself onto my left breast and gave a slight nibble to my nipple that had pebbled to insane hardness when I was swallowing his seed.  Then he did the same thing to the right.  I was arching my back, and letting out soft moans.  He could tell I needed more.  He started to trail his kiss from my breasts and down my torso.  Realizing I was still in my jeans, he sat up and undid the button and zipper, and as if by instinct, I lifted my hips off the bed so he could grab my jeans and thong, and pull them completely off.  As he came back up, he ran his hand over my warm lady region, and slipped a finger inside me.  I was so excited.  He spoke in a low, seductive tone, "Mmmmm, there's that pussy I want.  Feels so good," as he hooked yet a second finger inside me, and tickled me with such finesse that I found myself reaching up and pulling on my own nipples. 

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