Chapter 44

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****Author Note:  If you know about the photo atop this chapter, you know!****

It had been about two, two and a half months since Lacy and her squirrel antics had been seen.  Since Tommy had put the cameras in around the house, things had stayed quiet, much to everyone's liking.  The group was enjoying their Friday nights out at Hilly's.  And since Mark's Saturday show had gone on hiatus, bon fires in Leia's back yard were the new normal.

Tommy was also now a more intricate part of the group.  He and his girlfriend Andrea were a wonderful addition.  Andrea worked days as a labor and delivery nurse, and she was tiny thing.  Barely five foot, maybe 100 pounds if she had a brick in her back pocket, soft blonde locks and emerald eyes.  She was sweeter than honey.  And a hell of cook.  You put her next to Tommy, mister six foot plus Harley guy, and she was like a little doll.  Everyone loved her.  

Danny was also very grateful for Tommy's presence.  Like Leia, he had a day off in the middle of the week, so when Leia was home alone on Wednesdays, Danny didn't worry about her as much.  He knew that she was safe.  Besides, you can only sell Harley's so many days of the week, which was what Tommy did.

This particular Saturday night,  seemed to be the night of announcements for the group.  Everyone had been curious as to Sam and Erica's relationship, or if that was what they were even doing.  While they were in the kitchen grabbing some of the snacks to bring out to the patio, Erica had confided in Leia that she and Sam were getting more serious, and that she actually liked where this was headed.  "He has seemed much happier than he has in a long time Ere.  I'm so glad things are working for you two."

"I am too.  I just wonder how Dean is going to be about it."

"Now, you know the only thing Dean wants for his brother is happiness.  He'll be fine."  The women went back out to the patio, and as they sat down next to their significant others, Jeni and Dean joined the group.  "Speak of the devil," Leia said.

"What?  What did I do?" Dean asked.

"Guilty conscience there?" Danny smirked as he got up to give his "brother" a man hug as they called them.

"The only thing I'm guilty of is being a loveable smartass."

"Now that's the first truth I've head all day," commented Jeni.

"Oh I'll get you," Dean said playfully as he grabbed his wife and pressed his lips to hers.

Leia stood up and smiled as she watched all her friend greet one another.  She missed this, and she was so glad they were all back together again.  "Oh, Jen, here.  I got you a copy of that picture.  Ya know, up until we all started talking about that night, I thought we took that at Erica's. I forgot until Danny gave more details that it was one of the few times we did a night at Sam and Dean's place."

"Oh thank you for this.  This is going in our living room."

Conversations started about how Andrea was glad she was off the next day and could relax.  Erica made it well known that she was actively looking for a new job, that she was beyond done with the bullshit where she was at.  "Thanks for leaving me Lei."

"Hey, I just fell into that opportunity."

"More like you fell on it.  Over and over and over," Erica teased.

"I will not apologize for that!" Leia joked as she sat back down, but this time on Danny's lap.  "I'd fall on it right now but y'all are here."

"Uh, no thank you," Tommy belted out.  "Bad enough I can hear you through the walls some nights."

"Well shit, I'm going to have to try harder and make that every night," Danny joked.

"Okay now, serious time," Jeni announced, "Dean and I have something that we need to share."

"You really like drinks with little umbrellas in them," Sam noted, staring at his brother with perfect silliness on his face, "and cats jumping out of nowhere make you scream like a girl."

"Dude, for the last time.  I didn't know that it had gotten into the cabinet!  Dick."

As Sam chuckled under his breath and putting his arms around Erica, Tommy chimed in with, "Screamed at jumping pussy, okay bro."

The group laughed and Jeni got everyone to settle down.  "Okay, okay.  But seriously now.  We've been thinking and talking a lot about this.  And given everything we've got. there is just one thing that we don't, and we're working on it."  Everyone got quiet, and Jeni continued, "Dean and I have decided that it's about time we give Dylan a cousin.  We're trying."

A barrage of happy screams and oh my God's filled the air.  Sam looked like he was going to shed a tear for this news.  Instead he just gave his brother the biggest hug that he ever had and told him, "Just don't scream like a bitch when it comes out."

"You dickbag."  The brothers hadn't laughed that hard in a while.

"Well," and Danny cleared his throat, "Dean, Jeni, I think I speak for everyone here when I say, I hope that whatever you have, boy, girl, alien if Dean is the father. . ."

Dean cut him off, "What the fuck?  Why is everyone on my ass tonight?"

Danny giggled and then continued, "as I was saying, I think I speak for everyone here when I say congratulations."  Everyone let out a little yell or whistle, and Jeni and Dean said thank you.  Danny cleared his throat again, "And now, I have something that I need to say."

"These last couple months have been a huge challenge for not just me, but for Leia too," Danny began.

"No accounting for taste," Dean heckled.  Jeni lightly slapped his shoulder. Everyone knew Dean was joking.

"I just had to say that I'm grateful for everyone that has helped Leia and I, whether it's been listening to either of us bitch and moan, watching over Leia for me if I had to run somewhere, not giving up on us, all that stuff. It's been a huge help for us. And now that we've got each other again, well, Leia has let me move in here with her." Danny turned and looked her in the eyes as she smiled at him. "I don't know where I would be without all of you. And Leia, baby, I don't know where I'd be without you."

Leia couldn't take much more, and she looped her arms around Danny's neck and kissed him, his hair draping over her just enough to tickle her face.

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