Chapter 7: Librarians Unite

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A/N you'll be left wondering mwahahahah

Geno was so tired. It had been a long day at work; being a Librarian wasn't exactly easy. Still, it was definitely his preferred job. Sitting in a library on school days meant it was really empty, and he could have time to himself. Of course, on busy days he would do a lot of work, but those were a very rare occurrence. His coworker, Blossom (For my homie @Apathetic_Blossom ) usually handled the people who wanted to check out. She was the best coworker he could ask for; the two were actually quite close friends.

The one thing was that she was notoriously pushy when it came to a certain visitor. She'd always call Geno to the front or conveniently take her lunch break as he walked in. Geno was pretty sure Reaper didn't even actually like the books he checked out; it was ridiculous for anyone to check out fantasy romance and then check it back in to swap it out the next day.

Honestly, Geno wouldn't put it past Reaper to just skim through. As much as he hated to admit it, his life would be quite dull without that thorn in his side.

Blossom however took full joy in every single one of Reaper's visits. She seemed to love it when Geno was bothered by the emo floater. Seriously, the guy never walked on the ground; he just used magic to hover over it. Anyone that lazy had way too much excess magic for someone of their personality.

He sighed; the library closed at 6pm. He trusted his brothers to get home safely, but he wished he got out early enough to walk with them. He hummed as he pondered the evening's activities. Tonight was his night to make dinner, but he would have to make a grocery run. He was a bit too tired to cook, so he supposed he'd have to pick something up. Closing time finally tolled, and Geno blinked to make sure he was reading the clock right. No, this had to be wrong. Reaper hadn't visited today.

It wasn't like he wanted him to necessarily, he was just concerned. I mean, it was possible he had just gotten wrapped up in work or other endeavors today. Geno assured himself that this was it. Maybe Reaper would actually read the book he checked out for once. Boy, would that be the day. He doubted that Mr.I Hate Physics would have the brainpower to actually sit through a whole book, much less in one night. Geno sighed as he gathered up his belongings and headed to the door. He hit the lightswitch, walked out the doors, and locked them behind him. Breathing in the cool night air, he was surprised to still find Blossom outside.

Walking up to her, he noticed her fingers clenched into a fist. Blossom was one of the sweetest people he had ever met; for her to be upset meant something had happened. Geno walked up cautiously, he had never been the best at approaching upset people. It may have been the main reason there was a rift in his relationship with his younger brother, Error. He nervously cleared his throat.

"Hey Blossom, what's up?"
She turned around to face him, letting out a heavy sigh.

"Not much. My landlord called to tell me that the building is being put up for demolition. He already had me pack up, but I just thought it was a precaution. It's just so frustrating that he would just go in and kick all my stuff to the curb."

Geno cringed. Man, that would be a nightmare; especially since Blossom was still pretty young. She had just gotten her new apartment a few months ago.

"Moving back in with the parents? You know, you're always welcome to stay at my house. My younger brothers are a lot but they're pretty fun once you get used to living with them."
Blossom smiled and shook her head.

"Thanks, but I have one other option. If that doesn't work I'll take you up on your offer. I don't feel like taking an unnecessarily long commute to work from the family house. A couple friends of mine are visiting town; apparently one of our mutual friends moved to the area recently. She's never been the best about her health, so having me around to take care of her will make everyone feel a lot better."

Geno nodded along, relieved his friend had a place to go. He had a feeling his house was too small for her to have a room of her own anyway, so it was probably better off this way. He smiled, shifting his satchel on his shoulder.

"Alright. Tell me if you need anything! Anyone younger than you must still be in some sort of school, and I can guarantee you that living with a student is quite a mess."
Blossom laughed and waved, heading off to her car. Geno waved before walking in the opposite direction; he'd come back for his car but the market was just across the street.

Turning around and walking towards the market, he zoned out as he crossed the street and walked through the sliding doors. Instinctively navigating through the aisles to grab what he needed, he crashed into a figure staring intently at the ice cream aisle.

He rubbed his skull. He glanced up, glad to see he hadn't knocked over the other person. He went to apologize, before his eyes met the other's. Oh geez. Of course he couldn't even get one day away from this nuisance. Reaper grinned from imaginary ear to ear.

"Well well, and I thought I'd missed my opportunity to see your lovely face on this fine evening. Here to get a pint of ice cream to ease the woes of not seeing me today.

Geno groaned; Reaper really was cheeky. He reached into the freezer, grabbing a pint of cookie dough and walking away. Reaper of course followed, trailing behind him as he grabbed some sandwiches and headed to checkout.

"Actually, it was more in celebration that I'd managed to avoid your nagging for a whole day. It seems I celebrated too soon though."
Reaper chuckled and placed his items on a self-checkout, proceeding to complete his purchase and move away so Geno could use it.

"Ah, someone's a bit shy huh? It's okay, I tend to have that effect on people. I am quite the handsome fellow if I do say so myself."
Geno wished he could scan everything faster so he could just leave. His slow pace was just because he was tired, certainly not because he was enjoying the other's company.

"Whatever. There's no getting a point through that thick skull of yours. While you're here, might as well help me out by taking some groceries to my car."

Geno gestured to the four bags; Reaper once again chuckling and grabbing two of them, before gesturing his arm out for Geno to take. Geno of course ignored this, just grabbing two bags and heading out to the Library parking lot. Reaper floated along by his side.

"Soo- got any plans tonight? Just taking groceries home."
"Actually yes. I've got to make sure my brothers do their work, and then I have a date with a good book or my Korean Rom-Com show. Haven't decided yet."

Geno began to load his car, Reaper sighing in defeat and placing the two bags in the bag seat.

"Alright then, I'll try again tomorrow. See ya Geno!"

He waved and headed off. Geno hummed in response and started up his car. Driving back home, he couldn't help but grin. Error and Fresh would be arguing, Reaper would be plotting his next move, and Blossom wouldn't have to spend her nights alone anymore. Everything was turning up pretty great, at least by his standards.

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