Chapter 20: Eavesdropping is for the greater good

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A/N okay but like my brain was so dead today 😢 TADC theme came on during this help

Cross looked up at the shelves and shelves of books. Surely one of these had the answers he was seeking, but there was no way he'd be able to find it. He could probably find a librarian, but did he really want to talk to a librarian? There were several different types of books he could turn to for advice, plus Chara could help him search. As he stood there pondering, the doors opened behind him.

Reaper lazily floated in, looking at the young boy in amusement. He looked young enough to be a highschool student, so he must have walked here from school. What was he looking for? He seemed pretty lost. Reaper was pretty bored anyway, so he decided to strike up a conversation with this kid.

"Yo, wassup?"
Cross nearly screamed. Reaper had made no footsteps, and Cross was very used to hearing people come from a while away. He whipped around, a large red knife appearing in his hand. He brandished it towards Reaper, who just casually put his hands up in surrender and let out a chuckle in response.

"Chill kid, I'm not here to kill you or anything. You've got plenty of time before we gotta meet like that."
Cross felt chills go down his spine at the second half. This guy was dangerous, probably someone who could easily kill him if he could use his magic to just float so casually. It would be unwise to challenge him, even with Chara's magic on his side. He let the knife fizzle away and straightened his posture, awkwardly staring at Reaper.

"Much better. You're pretty on end if you're ready to impale anyone who tries to talk to you, take a chill pill bud."
Cross looked at the floor, embarrassed. Chara grumbled under their breath. Reaper chuckled, and Cross looked up. Surely it was just his behavior right? Oh well, this guy walked in pretty casually. Maybe he'd know where to go, and Cross had already ended up in conversation with him anyway. He cleared his throat.

"Hey, would you happen to know where I can find any books that could.... Maybe help me understand romance?"
Reaper's eyes widened and a wide grin spread over his face. Oh-ho, this was far more interesting than he thought. A teenage boy trying to find love huh? He hadn't really read any of the romance books, so it looked like a perfect excuse to talk to Geno.

"Ah, I only wish I could help there. I might know someone who can tell us just where to find those things though..."

Cross attempted to protest as Reaper grabbed his arm and dragged him to the counter, but it was useless. It seemed there was no stopping this man on whatever quest he was on. They reached the counter, and a very tired looking librarian sat behind it. A bright red scarf wrapped around his neck and a glitch covering his eye, he felt familiar. Cross noticed an ever open gash across the front of his chest and nearly gasped.

This person was familiar because they had met. This was Geno, Error's older brother. He had taken the group of skeletons places as kids, since none of them really had guardians. Cross felt relieved that it was someone he knew, but also nervous that he would end up bothering Geno. He knew how hard Geno worked for Error and Fresh, even if Error was just grumpy about hanging out with him all the time.

"Hey Geno~ What's up today gorgeous?"
Cross cringed. Geez, he was glad that this guy hadn't tried to give him any relationship advice. That would be the worst thing that could ever happen to his chances with Dream. Geno looked up and groaned seeing Reaper. He took a double take when he saw Cross. Completely ignoring Reaper, he laced his fingers together.

"Cross! It's been a very long time. I assume you have nothing to do with this flirt. How can I help you?"
Reaper gasped and pretended to look offended. Anyone who knew anything could tell it was just acting though. Cross sighed in relief. The second this guy started to pull moves on someone who had been with him and his friends since they were kids he was afraid that he could be associated with him. That was something he didn't want for Geno to think.

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