Chapter 25: Mother craves info

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A/N sorry it's short, I was cleaning. Have Dawn art.

The group made it to the door of their class, and Dawn pushed it in, briskly walking to sit in the front area. Everyone followed suit, walking to their seats and chattering excitedly. She sat down in Inks chair (which wouldn't matter since he used all his time before class to bother Error) and let out a long sigh.

She buried her face in her hands. What was she thinking, wearing something like this today? Sure, she needed to do some training afterschool but she could've just changed! Now it was possible everyone would comment on what she was wearing.

She twirled strand of her hair around her finger. She knew exactly why she did it, she just didn't want to admit it. She had done it subconsciously, but of course Blossom had realized before she did.

She groaned and thought back to this morning, and why she was so late.


Dawn stretched and yawned. She hadn't gotten much sleep last night, which was ironic since she had just managed to finally fix her sleep schedule.

She had spent all of that night, mind racing. Her discovery about her possible feelings towards Nightmare had completely caught her off guard. She pondered what she was to do about it all night.

She managed to get about an hour of sleep, so it was no surprise she was very sluggish getting out of bed. She really loved her dresses, but maybe she should try something else? She'd never considered it before, and she was unsure as to why this thought was crossing her mind. She remembered that she did indeed have something more casual.

For training a few months back she had converted one of her dress tops into a shirt. She grabbed a pair of black pants and said shirt and changed into them. She looked at herself in the mirror. It was weird, but pretty cute. She scowled at the curse that was slowly stretching all the way across her left arm. She'd have to get Shadow to come over and help her manage it.

Her shirt was short sleeve however, and a normal glove wouldn't cut it. She rummaged through a drawer dedicated to different gloves for different occasions whenever her curse was super evident. Finally, she found one that went up to her shoulder. It was stark white, and would complement her outfit. She would have to pass it off as fashion should any of her friends decide to ask. It wasn't that big of a sacrifice to make, and it looked pretty cute.

She blinked. Since when had she worried about being cute? She just wore what she felt most comfortable in. She shook her head. It must just be her lack of sleep catching up with her.

Balance popped up behind her, floating upside down mischievously as she put her glove on.

"Somebody is dressing up today huh?"

Dawn rolled her eyes.

"This is actually less fancy than what I usually wear."

"Yeah, but now everyone is used to what you usually wear. Most of them probably don't even think you have legs anymore."

"I'm not showing off my legs or anything! Chill, I'll just train later and dresses are a lot more inconvenient for that."

Balance scoffed.

"If that's what you want to believe. I finished scouting the area. A couple of our old pals are in the area."

Dawn froze and closed her closet door.

"You're going to have to specify which ones."

Balance laughed, shaking their head.

"Don't worry, actually friends. Technically my friends and more of your guardians."

Dawns eyes widened and she grinned widely. Balance just shook their head and smiled.

"They'll probably come see you soon. I'm going to make another sweep of the town today to make sure those two aren't here."

Before Dawn could even acknowledge what Balance said, they were gone. She sighed and headed downstairs, hearing the cabinets open and close. Blossom would definitely have something to say about her outfit.

When she made it downstairs, Blossom turned around, pulling her hair into a messy ponytail.

"Good morning Dawn! I packed your lunch already and- well what do we have here? Someone's looking smoking today. Who did you do this for huh?"

Dawns face flushed. She appreciated the comment; Blossom was practically her mother. Still, what had caused her to come to that conclusion.

"You're wrong about that! I didn't do this for Nightmare, I did this so I could train easily this afternoon."

Blossoms grin could rival the Cheshire cat's. It looked like she was up to some Killer level mischief. Dawn gulped, realizing her slip up far too late.

"Who's this Nightmare guy? Is he a cutie?"

Dawn groaned and tried to grab her lunch and leave, but Blossom took it out from in front of her.

"You're not going anywhere before you tell me young lady!"

Dawn sighed at the obvious glee her roommate was having about this.

"He's just an annoying classmate is all. There's nothing special."

She looked away, her blush giving it away. The left side of her face was blue and the right pink; just like her hair. Blossom handed her the lunch.

"Sure he is. Sounds like a good old Enemies to Lovers troupe. Bring him by for dinner sometime huh?"

Dawn's jaw dropped as she snatched her lunch box. She put on her backpack and glared at Blossom, sticking her tongue out.

As she ran towards the end of the path, Blossom watched on, sipping on her tea.

Man, this was entertaining. She had a feeling this would work out pretty well. Still, she hoped the boy was careful.

Dawn had never been around any boys that weren't basically family growing up. After they all died tragically, her friends kept her away from anyone else. Dawn was hopelessly inexperienced when it came to love.

(The promised art)

(The promised art)

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