Chapter 15: Please just admit to the gayness

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A/N I'm starting on the Manga Writing team fic! But this time they have a history together... hehe

"Hey, I give you twenty bucks that they end up as a couple this school year."

Ink had turned around to face Error, who had been asleep until the artist started flicking his head into next year. Error groaned and looked up to face his annoying classmate. He wasn't stupid enough to make this bet. Although he could hear Killer trying to talk Cross into making a similar bet somewhere in the back.

"Inkblot, you gotta realize that I do not care in the slightest who dates who at this stupid school. The only couple I'm interested in is my Brother and that mystery dude, and that's only so I can keep them as far apart as possible."
Ink pouted and stuck his tongue out at Error. He thought it was plenty interesting, and it was Error's loss if he wanted to be a boring stick in the mud.

"My names not Inkblot, it's Ink. You know that! Besides, there's not much going on besides those two lovebirds in the back to keep us entertained."

Error chuckled quietly. Ink was really fun to mess with, even if he was annoying. He hated to admit that since childhood the artist had grown on him. When they first met, Error had sworn he would never be anything resembling friends with the other. Yet here they were, acting all chummy together.

"Whatever you say shorty. You know, the new student's also pretty tall. How come you're the tiniest skeleton this world has ever seen? Did you get squished as a child?"
Ink mock gasped and clutched his chest. Truth is, he was used to short jokes, especially from Error. Error was almost two feet taller than him, being one of the taller skeletons. Still, he would be lying if he said he didn't want to throw Error across several continents right now.

"Yeah? You're freakishly tall. How do you know someone didn't shove you in a taffy stretcher when you were a child?"

"Someone's just jealous. I for one can actually reach up and grab items from the shelves. How many step stools do you and Blue have around the house? I can't believe you two shorties decided to move in together. Where are the big strong tall people to help you out?"

Ink began to say something before pausing. Error had him there; neither he or Blue were the tallest people. They had stepladders in almost every room with a high up shelf. Still, he refused to let Error know he was right. The relentless teasing would be unbearable.

Error sat there, staring at Ink. He loved the way his friend's eyes squinted when he was deep in thought. The way that his eyelights changed in tune with his emotions in a way nobody else's did? He even had that unique ink stain on his cheek that could never come off? Adorable. He didn't like Ink or anything, he just found him fascinating. You can find a flower beautiful and not really have any partiality towards it.

Ink snapped out of thought and crossed his arms toward Error. His glitchy compatriot had him in a stalemate. Still, he loved the way he had to come up with ways to divert Error from things that were tease worthy. It was a fun game the two played, and Ink had rather enjoyed it since they were kids. He wasn't sure Error had always just been joking around, but it was funny regardless.

Plus, Ink knew he had a pretty big crush on Error. He couldn't help it. His unique laugh, his multicolored bones, and the blue streaks down his face? Ink loved it all. He had learned how to easily understand Error's strange glitched voice, and he had a sketchbook full of his absentminded doodles of Error. He shook his head. This was not the time to think about that, Error had just said he wasn't interested in any of the romance around the school.

"Maybe I can just reach the shelves okay? How do you know that shelves are too tall for me? Are yours just super tall?"

Error laughed, and the two dissolved into banter. Dream and Fell, the chatty duo's seatpartners, shared a look like they were both dying inside. These two had been like this for almost a year now, and it was frankly driving them crazy. Everyone in the class was hoping they would finally get together.

Ms. Jackson (I think it was? Johnson?) made a mental note to pair those two up for any group projects in the future. She may not have a great love life herself, but these two were almost like some of her favorite romance stories. Same went for Dawn and Nightmare. In their case however, she wasn't sure who would be a good project partner for him besides her anyway.

This whole town was a sort of lover's goldmine for her. She got to see love stories unfold in real life! One of her favorite things to do in her free time was head to the local library. Not just to check out romance books, but because one of her favorite town "couples to be" were often there.

The silent, brooding type librarian who seemed to hate people and the flirty, confident guy who seemed infatuated with him. Sometimes, she would run into the confident one in the romance aisle. She would always recommend him ones that would make him seem like a big fan of books. He was always eager to try and impress the guy he liked.

It really wasn't her business, but she loved to see them around anyway. The flirt had promised to let her know when he finally made his move. Plus, the other librarian seemed to be helping broody man out, so there seemed to be mutual interest.

She glanced at the back; the troubled student seemed to be in his own world with the new girl. They were passing notes back and forth, completely oblivious to the attention this was drawing from the students around them. Dawn glanced up at Inks loud laugher, smiled, and went back to her notes.

She was obviously very interested, and quickly jotted down a question about the two to hand to Nightmare.

-Are those two together? They make a cute couple if so.-

Nightmare scoffed and wrote back a reply. He hated emotions of that caliber but the sheer amount of time these two had been pining for each other was absolutely awful. He couldn't stand it, but he wasn't dumb enough to start an argument with Error.

*No, but they're totally in love with each other. I think Ink finally realized, but it seems Error hasn't come to his senses.*
-Even if they did, if they've been quiet this long would they really confess?-

*My guess is no. They're so ridiculous. If you have feelings for someone, just spit it out already.*

-If you had feelings for someone (something I don't think slime like you is capable of) I bet you wouldn't say anything.-

*I am perfectly capable. There just isn't someone for me. If there was, I would do it.*

-Guess we'll find out if you're right someday huh?-

*I doubt it.*

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