Chapter 11: a long walk

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A/N fixed chapter 3 sorry about the plot gap

Nightmare and Dawn were at the front of the pack, seemingly competing for a place of power. It was honestly quite ridiculous, but Killer was having the time of his life watching it.

He hadn't seen anything this funny in a while, and he was silently hoping that these two realized they looked like an old married couple. Highly unlikely though, since they seemed to be oblivious to anything around them.

Dust tapped Killers shoulder, and he fell into line with all of the gang, except Cross. Applesauce was busy flirting with his husband or whatever they were at this point. If Nightmare hadn't been so focused on maintaining eye contact with Dawn he would have gone insane on Cross.

"Hey. How long till those two start crushing on each other you think."

Killer looked over at Dust, surprised. The other had the hood of his jacket over his head, and most of his face was shrouded in shadow.

"Actually catching feelings? I mean, they look like an old married couple but that doesn't mean they are. Besides, can you actually imagine Nightmare catching feelings?"

Horror clicked his fingers against the hole in his head, a sign that he was thinking. Knowing he had something he would want to say, the other two waited patiently for Horror to think. He spoke up after a while.

"I know it sounds crazy, but I agree with Dust. It could totally happen. I mean, Nightmare hasn't ever met someone brave enough to sit next to him. Well, since Killer and once they became friends Killer finally gave up on it. Nobody who has no idea about him has even approached him. I wouldn't think of this like a big deal, but I did notice him watching her in magic class. Whenever anyone else insults him, he doesn't even retaliate, just sneers until they leave. She's new, and I think somewhere in the back of his mind he's extremely fascinated. Whether or not they end up catching feelings though depends on the upcoming events. At least I think."

Killer whistled. Putting his arms behind his head.

"For a guy who gets mediocre grades and has a hole in his head, you're pretty observant."

Dust nodded, agreeing. He glanced back at Cross and then back towards Dawn.

"Besides, you know what Cross told the other night. She ain't exactly normal, what with having a spirit of her own. Plus, her background is mysterious. None of us have any idea."

"It's almost like a mystery show! What secrets is our lovely main protagonist hiding? Tune in to find out!"

Killer burst into laughter, and the others couldn't help but join in.

Nightmare glanced back at them; briefly spotting Cross with Dream. Oh, he was in for a lot of trouble soon. Cross would regret approaching his annoying twin, he would make sure of it.

Dawn laughed. Nightmare had to take a double take. He couldn't think of why she'd be laughing. Her laugh was strange though; unlike any of his classmates her laugh was almost melodic. Refreshing like a cool breeze on a summers day.

"I won! You looked away first! Looks like the mighty king is defeated by the brave new knight eh?"

Nightmare realized his mistake and growled. However, while Dawn was busy mocking him, she walked right into a lamppost with a loud "clang." Now it was Nightmare's turn to burst out laughing.

Dawn glared at him, face flushed. She was mortified, having just gloated about being the victor. Also, it seriously hurt. She ran her fingers over her skull, noticing thin cracks.

She would have to heal those up later. Dream rushed to her side, panicking over her. She was assuring him that she was fine, and Nightmare's gang caught up and stood to stare.

Nightmare couldn't help but notice that her blush was quite the oddity. Same as her hair, her blush was half pink and half blue. She looked like an angry cat who had just gotten the plant they were about to knock down moved away from them. He couldn't help but have a small grin.

Horror elbowed the others and gestured towards Nightmare. The gang looked on in awe and wonder. Sure they had been talking about it, but nobody thought he would actually get attached in just a day.

Actually, Dust was pretty sure Nightmare himself hadn't realized. This was bound to be frustrating for everyone involved; he just hoped they wouldn't end up both falling in love and being oblivious. Geez, if he had to deal with another Cross and Dream he might actually stab his eyes out.

He checked his phone and noticed he had a text from Blueberry. He smirked; unlike Nightmare he was able to figure out that he had a fondness for the other. He'd actually developed a crush on him in freshman year. However unlike Cross and Dream it wasn't painfully obvious.

He was pretty sure he was the only one who knew about his little crush, and he was perfectly okay with that. Geez, he couldn't deal with whatever pestering Killer would give him.

Dawn stood up, and everyone began walking to school. Nobody talked for the rest of the way, everyone lost in their own thoughts. Arriving at the gate, they realized they were early. Oh well; it was doubtful any humans or monsters would give them any trouble.

However unlikely, it seemed it was destined to happen.

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