Chapter 31: Buckle in tight everybody!

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A/N I think I've given you plenty of fluff right? You don't want fluff anymore anyway right? Yeahhhh

Class ended pretty soon after that. Everyone packed up to head home; except Dawn and Cross. They got some peculiar looks from the group, but tried to explain as quickly as possible. Neither of them wanted the people that they liked to get the wrong idea about this. The coach nodded approvingly. Miscommunication troupes were the worst, and good books with it were almost impossible.

"Sorry guys, I'm staying behind to do some training today. The school curriculum hasn't been as intense as I'm adjusted to."
She glanced at Cross curiously, wondering why he was staying behind. He cleared his throat and rubbed the back of his skull.

"Same here. It is not that I don't like it; I enjoy class with you guys. It's just... I'm wired for the type of training I was forced into when I was a kid."
Everyone saw this as an acceptable answer, and started to head. Nightmare stayed where he was, earning a confused look from Dream. His brother pulled on his sleeve, signaling that it was time to go. He shook his head, his teal eye still locked onto Dawn and Cross. Dawn was getting nervous because he was staring at her, and Cross was terrified that he'd done something to get in trouble with Nightmare.

"I'll stay too. It's the only way to ensure that any nasty rumors won't be spread about these two right?"
Dream seemed to be reluctant to leave, but he let go anyway. He shot an apologetic look over to Cross, who awkwardly smiled back as a thanks for him trying. Dream didn't know how Dawn felt about Nightmare staying, but he could feel the anxiety coming off from Cross in waves. Dream turned around, closing the door behind him. Nightmare turned to face the two.

"Okay, spill. What are you guys really doing here? I saw both of you in the agility test. You aren't rusty in the slightest. I'm surprised nobody else thought to question it."
Cross opened his mouth to speak, but was cut off by a long sigh from Dawn. She rubbed her temples before looking into Nightmare's eye.

"You remember what we talked about last time, right? How I have a complicated past that's finally catching up to me and could put you all in danger? I'm training to try and prevent another calamity."

Nightmare nodded. He was slightly put on edge that she said 'another' calamity. What had happened last time? She looked very serious about this. Cross however just nodded sharply, face serious.

"That's what I'm doing here. I may have some insight into your situation; because it seems both of our unfortunate pasts are intertwined. It may not have anything to do with you, but I also overheard some intel at the Library."
Nightmare suddenly felt like he was in a meeting for a business that everyone knew about besides him. His tentacles flicked in annoyance. The only thing he knew was that someone was coming back to mess with his friend; and that same awful man may have hurt Dawn. He was not letting that happen again. Dawn rested her hand on her chin.

"That would be quite a coincidence. Still, I have noticed you have a little ghost pal over there. From what I know, Doodle's little scientist friend was quite the twisted man. Experimented on some monster children and some humans. The facts match up."
Cross jolted up, nodding aggressively.

"Even more so! I had a dream; more of a Vision. I'm connected to Dr.X, so I saw what he was doing at the time. He was talking to a figure shrouded in darkness about recovering a lost experiment and hunting someone down for immense power. He referred to the person he was talking to as Doodle."

Dawn scoffed and looked at the ground, scowling like there was still a bitter taste in her mouth after saying that name. She clenched her fist, and the jeweled ring flashed briefly with power. Each colored crystal lit up its own color, and boy did she look ticked off.

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