Chapter 17: Nightmare is a party dude ya

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A/N man this would have been perfect for fresh but he's a young boy

A couple of weeks passed, and winter was finally upon them. Everyday had gone the same as the day before. Nightmare and Dawn spent all class passing notes, and all of Magic Training competing. Whenever the gang was around, they would all take a nice walk over to the mansion. However on days without the gang, Dawn would drag the twins through her portal.

They had begun to spend alternating afternoons at each other's houses. They would usually do some sort of puzzle or calm thing over at Dawn's. Her house just gave off more relaxing vibes, which wasn't that much of a surprise to be honest.

Whenever they went over to Nightmare and Dream's house, the twins took turns choosing what they would do. When they were over there though, it was usually with the gang. Whenever Dream got to choose, everyone ended up baking or gardening. It was actually pretty fun, but Killer was absolutely horrible and both of those.

On Nightmare's day, the gang sometimes put in their vote. Regardless of who was choosing though, it was usually some sort of game. Sometimes this meant uno or video games, and other times it was things like "The floor is lava" or "Hide and seek."

No matter where they were or who they were with, they all enjoyed each other's presence. While Dawn was basically a member of the Stars, she also became an honorary member of the gang. Dream had been one as well, but that was mostly to do with the fact he was Nightmare's brother.

Still, it was really nice to feel like she belonged everywhere in this school. It had been a very long time since she had. Now that she had her pre-packed lunches, she could actually spend time in the cafeteria with everyone. The skeletons had to sit in their own section, but it made lunch quite interesting when everyone had to sit at one long table.

They were at one of these lunches when Dream had a wonderful idea; and sure it would make sense to wait another month and a week for Christmas, but he just couldn't contain his excitement.

"Hey, what if we all had a massive sleepover at my house! We can do one at Christmas with more events and stuff, but we should have one this week to get an idea of how to prepare for a Christmas party!"

Nightmare, who was sipping on a bottle of iced coffee promptly spit it out.

"Dream, that's a lot of people. I know they can all fit in the house but do you really want to prepare and clean up for a party?"
Dream looked slightly deflated, but Ink and Blue had his back. They both wanted to have a party, and golly would they get one. Blue sat up a bit, even though his posture was almost perfect. (Unlike literally anyone else but Dream and Dawn.)

"Me and Ink can help with that! The stars have that covered! We can split duties! We won't even have to decorate until Christmas! This party shall be casual!"

Everyone else seemed to mutter in approval. Nightmare wanted to just throw his coffee can as hard as he could at Blue. This was going to be a lot of socializing for him! I mean, it was fair since he had his gang over all the time, but Dream could've asked first.

He was just ready to shut it down and just have everyone wait until Christmas until he glanced over at Dawn. She was practically starry eyed over the idea. He remembered she'd been homeschooled and lived with her friends, so she probably had never had a sleepover.

She had her hopes up so high, could Nightmare really just crush them like that? He normally didn't hesitate. He didn't understand why he was now.

Then again, maybe it was because he had known everyone else since childhood. They'd all had slumber parties, but Dawn had never experienced that. Especially not with any of them, and she was starting to really feel like a part of the crew.

Sure she was annoying, smart, and always ready to insult him in a note, but she also hung out with them so much, and even let them hang out at her house. Nobody except his little gang had ever let him over, mostly in fear he would destroy something. It wasn't a far fetched idea, as for the first few days he went over to her house he would knock things onto the floor.

She never minded though, and she even seemed to find it funny. There was always a replacement for whatever broke the next time they went over as well. Plus, Nightmare would never tell anyone since he wanted to appear tough, but he had a soft spot for puzzles. He also had a soft spot for nature, but he would never admit that to absolutely anyone. Except maybe Dawn. He didn't know why, she'd probably use it to tease him.

As he was deep in thought, Dawn looked over. He was resting his chin on his hand and kinda glaring off into the distance. Once again, her heart felt like it stopped before resetting, This was happening a lot now when she looked at Nightmare. She wondered if he had put some magic curse on her. She doubted it.

The two were both lost in thought, gazing vaguely in the direction of the other. Everyone else at the table couldn't help but look. There were vague whispers about how soon they would just realize how they felt and started dating.

Dream tapped his fingers together. Yes, this would do nicely. He would use this party to push the two closer together. This was going to speed up the timeline perfectly.

Cross stared at Dream and sighed. He didn't have the guts to face Nightmare or tell Dream how he felt. Hopefully this party would bring the two closer together. With the way Dream was acting though, he had a feeling the night wouldn't be as slow and easy to get to know each other as he'd previously hoped.

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