Chapter 28: Melancholic lovers go brrrr

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A/N for your enjoyment, a crazy chapter. Before the line was written late at night and after the line is right when I woke up.

It was definitely a strange sight to see Nightmare and Dawn hugging. Unfortunately, none but Outer would see. Of course, being a guy of morals, he decided not to embarrass them by making a huge scene out of it. That didn't mean he wouldn't bring it up afterwards; he was still a teen.

At the moment everyone was watching Ink very loudly fuss over Error. Error was trying to get the other to shut up, and so it made for quite the entertaining diversion.

Nightmare awkwardly rubbed circles into the crying girl's back. He wasn't upset at getting a hug, but it was rather unfortunate that she was crying during this. He had no idea why.

She had just broken down after thanking him for some tea. Did she really like the taste of tea? Nightmare decided to remember that just in case it came in handy later.

Dawn was in shock. She had taken a drink from Nightmare with no hesitation, and then drank about half of it. She hadn't been able to take food or drink from anyone for about three years.

She wasn't sure how he did it, but she knew that she felt safe when she was with him. She was grateful for what he had just done, even if he had no idea what it was. This was an important step in her healing process, and she wasn't sure anyone would be able to get her to take that first leap.

She then realized that oh my goodness, she was hugging Nightmare. Her face heated up quickly. She didn't want to end the moment just yet, even though that was selfish of her. Here in his awkward embrace, she felt truly comfortable. She thought that with each circle he traced on her back she could feel some of her worries melting away. How would she even explain this to him?

She was pretty embarrassed now that she thought about it. She sighed, and released her grip on Nightmare. He slowly pulled away, and for a second she thought he might've even been reluctant to do so. Surely not though, she had to be losing her mind! He barely tolerated her, it was her strange lovesick state that was making her think that.

Surely it had to be that and nothing else. She cleared her head and ripped out a sheet of paper, scribbling down a message to Nightmare.

-Sorry, just accepting a drink from someone is really big for me. It hasn't happened in a pretty long time.-

Nightmare seemed to be very confused by this. He sat with the note for a little while, contemplating his answer as Dawn's nerves worsened. Finally, he wrote a response.

*I mean, I don't understand but don't worry about it. I'm just going to assume you're really picky about tea.*

This caused Dawn to let out a small giggle, which was a massive victory in Nightmare's eyes. (Or eye. You get it.)

-Yes, I'm actually a world renowned tea critic.-

*My dear lady, I am so sorry for serving you something of such poor taste. If I had known before, I would have prepared the finest of teas!*

Nightmare couldn't help but laugh as he passed that, causing everyone to turn and face the duo. They were in their own little world and didn't even notice.

Blue twirled his pencil, before clearing his throat and making an announcement to the class.

"I give them at the very most a month to become a couple."

The class erupted into murmurs, Ink confidentially betting on the soonest day; right before the party this Saturday. That only gave them about four days!

Ms.Jackson cleared her throat and everyone turned to the front. Nightmare's gang was of course unbothered, but the Stars were all afraid they were going to get in trouble. The teacher scanned the room critically before clearing her throat.

"I personally believe that they'll confess sometime at this party you guys are having."

The class erupted into conversation once again, this time involving the teacher in their debates about the couple. Eventually, they had a whole conspiracy map up on the chalkboard, and were taking notes and arguing on the ship dynamic.

They had built their ship, and now they were all waiting to discover which day they would all depart on. Honestly, it was a pretty big bonding experience for everyone but the two.

Nightmare and Dawn were too busy bonding with each other to notice the crazed yells and ravings of their friends and teacher. None of it concerned them, or so they thought. The two were having too much fun hanging out together, and they weren't going to sacrifice that for some class commotion.

Neither of them knew that the other party shared their feelings, so of course it was a take whatever you can get scenario. If it wasn't, the two would probably be holding hands and semi cuddling while taking notes.

That would be both adorable and absolutely sappy for the rest of the class to watch. Honestly, if it was going that way did they really want the two together? They would make an absolute power couple though, and it would probably make them get along better when the festival came.


Now that they were separated, Dawn was regretting letting go. It had been so comfortable and safe in his arms, and now she was back dealing with the world again. She cursed herself for thinking that in the first place.

He was just doing something nice for a girl who had literally broken down crying and forced him into a hug. She shouldn't only be thinking about what would make her happiest.

Nightmare was also thinking that he wanted to hug her again, but less stressed. The only thing he was worried about was maybe not hugging in the middle of class next time. Still, he would gladly take what he could get. A hug is a hug.

Was he taking advantage of the fact she had been crying? Unfortunately it seemed so. But hey, she was the one who hugged him in the first place so he was innocent of the blame in this scenario.

Still, he wanted to be able to hold her close again and protect her. She had seemed so vulnerable and broken, Nightmare wouldn't have been surprised if he threatened anyone who had tried to get close; which was luckily nobody.

It was odd to feel possessive and protective over someone who wasn't his brother, but he wasn't sure it was a bad thing. Now all his attention didn't need to be focused on one person.

Besides, he was plenty strong enough to protect two people if they needed it. If he set himself to something, nobody could stop him.

(Side note, in canon Dawn is kinda a Goddess for you who don't know backstory. She still lets him "protect" her because it's sweet and makes him happy.)

He wondered if there was some sort of threat she was training for. He narrowed his eyes as he remembered the conversation he had with her and Cross.

She had mentioned danger, which meant now she was in danger. He would have to keep an eye out for absolutely anyone who tried to approach her.

He would not be letting the girl who was clever enough to steal his heart be put into harms way. Nobody should even dare to come near what was his.

He took a second at that. Had he just called Dawn his? Okay, while he did agree with that sentiment he wasn't sure if that would freak her out. He'd refrain from referring to her as his, verbally and as much as he could mentally.

Still, he hoped that one day he could call her his. He knew it was ridiculous to be this down bad for a girl he's only known for about two months now, but he couldn't help it.

There was some special bond between them, as if they were meant to be together. He wondered if there were other worlds out there where they were destined to be together.

(Adding angst for myself here that only I understand. Ask if you want it tehe)

Maybe, just maybe, she could love him the way he did her.

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