Chapter 13: Join the game

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A/N y'all I'm posting like a chapter or so a day and an insta I'm insane 

Dawn dragged Dream into the classroom. Their friends were already there, and Blue was the first to notice the two enter. He grinned widely and waved at them.

"Hey guys! Over here! We've been in here for a while."

Sci politely waved a small circle.

"Yes, we've been quite eager to start our education, so just as yesterday we walked earlier."

Dawn looked inquiringly at Dream. As far as she was aware the others all lived in the opposite direction. Could they all live in their neighborhood perhaps? Lust noticed and chuckled.

"Since you walked to school with Dream I guess you have a large amount of money. We all live in the area for moderate income families. Actually to save money a lot of us are roommates."

Ink walked over and slung his arm over Dawn's shoulder. She flinched, but it wasn't very noticeable.

"Yep! Me and Blue here a roomies, and Sci and Lust over there are. We have been since middle school, but only started sitting together in class during highschool."

Dream nodded sheepishly.

"I'm sorry, I should have told you. Especially considering I live with my brother, and you two don't seem to get along."

Dawn smiled and shook her head. She appreciated he cared enough to feel bad but he didn't mean any harm by not telling her.

"It's okay, we all forget things occasionally. It would have been worse if you weren't there to greet me first."

Lust glanced at them. Last he checked, Dawn knew Ink better than Dream. The two seemed rather close now; something else must have happened. Better to inquire while it was fresh on his mind.

"So, what's got you two all chummy all of a sudden? You guys are thick as thieves."

Dawn glanced at Dream, unsure of how to approach this. He recognized that she wanted him to explain and nodded. Turning to face everyone, his back was to the door as his brother and the others came in.

Cross shot him a concerned look, and the others just dragged him along to the chairs. Class would start soon, but seeing as the teacher wasn't in there yet they had plenty of time to speak.

"Well, she moved in next to me. So having a new neighbor allowed us to talk more. Plus this morning... some kids decided to harass us. The girl who was hitting on me was making me uncomfortable and Dawn knocked her clean out. I'm not one for violence but the sentiment meant a lot to me."

He smiled over at Dawn, and she grinned back. The others were very concerned about this, most of all Lust.

"Someone harassed you? That's not cool at all. It's literally miserable. If that ever happens again call me and I'll beat them up."

Dawn and Dream smiled gratefully, the others laughing in high spirits. Although maybe it was a better idea to head straight into the classroom future mornings.

The teacher walked in, and everyone scrambled to their seats; Dawn having to rush all the way to the back of the class. As they had done the day before, the two shot glares at each other.

Dawn slowly and deliberately got out her stationary, maintaining eye contact. She was almost daring him to have the nerves to swipe her stationary off the desk. Boy he wanted to, but he wouldn't.

No, and while he would never admit it, he was slightly intimidated. He did not want to get a punch to the face from this girl, that's for sure. Still, the slowness and purpose behind each motion was aggravating.

The teacher clapped her hands, waiting for everyone attention. She really hated it when everyone looked at her, but that's the job of a teacher. Geez, why did she ever get a degree in teaching?

"Alright everybody! I hope we all finished our introductions from.... Last class...?"

Dawn looked on in pity. Their teacher had managed to start off so strong, but nerves had got the best of her again. She hoped that the nerves would leave as the school year went on.

Speaking of which, she glanced at Nightmare. It seemed any nerves she had about sitting by a new person and messing things up were gone. He had hated her from the moment she walked in, and vice versa.

It couldn't get much worse, and Dawn was surprised to find she was grateful that he hated her. She neatly tore a piece of paper from the back of her notebook. She quickly wrote something, signing it with her usual angry octopus. She slid the note over to Nightmare.

-Last I checked you were too distracted defending your ego to me to finish the project. What're you gonna do about that?-

He scoffed reading it. He really never did assignments. he just managed to get high grades because his sheer power scared the teachers away. Writing a response, he decided to join in on the little octopus signatures. What would annoy Dawn... it took him a second, but Nightmare quickly scribbled something at the end before sliding it back to Dawn.

Dawn wasn't sure if she wanted to laugh or cry, but she would definitely drop her jaw if she wasn't in a packed classroom right now.

*Im not a teachers pet like you. Work is below me. Also, if you like your stationary so much just run off into the sunset with it already.*

At the end, he drew something of his own. To represent Dawn, he had drawn a very very bad Barbie doll. The only reason she could tell? The mangled figure had Barbie written on her shirt.

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