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,,Do I have to!" Whined Megatron while looking at Knockout. ,, Yes a diet is necessary for this wound to heal." He answered. Megatron looked at his leg in the special bandage, looks like Soundwave was right, jumping from the 10th floor in the middle of the City to catch the documents was really a bad idea. ,, But I can't go on a diet I just can't." He whined. At that moment Starscream bursted through the door furious. ,, WHAT DID YOU DO NOW!" He yelled. Everyone was scared, they never saw him pissed of even during the war. ,,I, I was" Megatron tried to defend himself but Starscream cut him off. ,, WHAT!?" He yelled Soo loud that everyone was now looking at them ,, Did you do something stupid again!" ,,I-..." Megatron tried to say something but Starscream turned to Soundwave ,, What did he do?" He growled. ,, Jumped from the 10th floor in the middle of the city just so he could catch a flying data pad." He answered coldly. ,, Thank you for TRYING " he said while glaring at Megatron who was sitting like ashamed puppy during scolding ,,To keep him out of the trouble." ,, I'm sorry." Megatron said tiered but Starscream growled back ,, Not a word!" Everyone was honestly amazed how Starscream treats Megatron, he was like a young bot that did something wrong and Starscream is teacher scolding him. No one dare to raise his voice let alone scold him, meanwhile Starscream is still yelling at him. ,,I almost, ALMOST got the best deal to build hall of Vos and you ruined it with your stupidity!" Knockout was laughing behind Optimus who was there looking at them. He was also laughing. ,,I heard you have a special diet for him why?" Optimus asked hoping to save Megatron the imbarasment. ,,Well there's a high level of sugar in his energon and it slowed down his stream so diet without sugar is much needed but." ,, MEGATRON!" He yelled while looking at him. ,,I got off the work earlier so I can see what is going on and now I figured out where all my sweets go!" ,,I don't eat too many of them." He said while trying to defend himself  ,,No, no, no you are starting your diet now and no more sweets for you until the doctor said so and no more stupid stuff done or I WILL KILL SOMEONE BECAUSE I'M ON A WERGE OF BREAKING DOWN!" He yelled while looking around and heavily breathing. Everyone was looking at him frightened. ,,Now if you excuse me I'm going to buy some high grade, go home and try to drink myself to death or until I'm Soo hung over that I don't feel anything at all!"  He got up and took Megatron by the hand. They both got home together and Megatron went to sleep while Starscream got in the kitchen to drink. The next couple of days are hell for Megatron he really love sweets, all types of sweets so being on a diet was like hell. Everyone knew that, especially Starscream who is constantly monitoring him.
,,No you are on a diet!" Became his usual sentence. In the hall of Vos all autobots and decepticons are working including Starscream who was buried in paperwork and Megatron who is talking with Optimus. ,,We should go check out the new library for history records." Optimus said while Megatron agreed. They wanted to go but as soon as they turned around Starscream got up. ,, WAIT A MINUTE!" He yelled while coming closer ,, Hand it over!" He said while looking at Megatron. Megatron just sighed and pulled out some small energon lolipop. Starscream just glared again and he also pulled some energon jelly. ,,And you too Prime." He said while looking at him. ,, Starscream..." He tried to answer but Starscream stopped him ,,I KNOW that you are his alley in giving him sweets and pissing me of so give it up now or..." ,, Ok, Fine here" answered Optimus while giving him some bombones and jelly. ,, Not you can go AND REMEMBER, no more sweets." Starscream yelled to him while sitting down and eating the candys. Everyone watched him in disbelief, he is eating the candys like it was a normal food, plus he hated sweeted energon. ,, Since when do you eat that much candy?" Knockout asked curious. ,, Since I didn't get my breakfast." He answered while finishing paperwork. ,, But you hate candy and sweet energon." Shockwave added while looking at him. ,,Well some sacrifice had to be done." He answered. In that moment Megatron and Optimus just got back. ,, That was fast." Arcee added confused ,, What happened?" ,, Well the hall was a mess and we were just causing a problem so we left." Optimus answered. Megatron was observing Starscream, he just ended his sweets and is moving his mouth weirdly. He could bearly hold a laugh, Starscream looked like a cat that has a hair stuck in his mouth. ,, Megatron what's funny?" Optimus asked him but now he just started laughing like crazy and pointing at Starscream ,, Ahahaha Starscream you are looking ridiculous ahahaha!"  Jelly was actually a very sticky and sweet candy that got stuck in his mouth and he tried to swallow it but it was very sticky and it was hard, he was trying to say something but no one can understand him. Everyone was now laughing at him except Optimus. ,,Are you ok Starscream?" He asked worried but Starscream just bearly swallowed it and is cooling down. Megatron was now on the floor laughing like crazy. ,, I'm fine Optimus but help Megatron." He sarcasticly said while pointing at him ,, What is that stupid candy it's awfully?" Megatron calmed down and explained that he replaced his jelly with this candy because he knew that he would eat it and he wanted to have some fun. Everyone honestly had a good laugh so Starscream just shrug it off. ,, Today was your last day of diet and wound healed so you can get back to your old habits." Knockout added. ,, Finally." Megatron said ,,Why didn't you tell me earlier?" He asked. ,,Well I just got results now sooo." He answered. Everyone was happy that they are back to normal. In the evening Starscream and Megatron got home together. ,,Hey I want to make some sweet jello want to help?" Megatron asked. ,,Yes you make and eat jelly and I will clean the kitchen." He smiled while saying it. ,,Ok I also got you some leftovers from lunch to eat since you are too tiered to cook." Megatron said while preparing him meal. Starscream just gently kissed him and took his dinner. After doing the dishes Megatron went to check on Starscream but found him sleeping in the chair with untouched dinner. ,,He was Soo tiered he couldn't even eat." Megatron said while gently picking him up and carrying him to the bed. ,, Did I fell asleep?" He asked tiered. ,, Yes but you are in bed now Soo enjoying The rest good night love." Megatron said while kissing him on the head and hugging him. ,,Good night My little scraplet." He answered while hugging him more tightly. Both of them fell asleep happy.

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