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Everything is quiet, Starscream is looking at Optimus with crossed arms. Optimus was also looking at him with crossed arms. ,,Go do your work,you two idiots!" They yelled at the same time. Megatron and Knockout left sad that they won't hear about them. ,, Starscream is looking around for some High grade. ,, What are you looking for?" Optimus asked confused. ,, Something to drink." He answered while looking under the table. ,, Here!" Optimus said while pulling some small high grade from his pocket. ,, Since when do you have shots with you Prime?" Starscream asked confused, he knows that prime is struggling with the aftermath of the war but this is really unexpected. ,,I need it sometimes too..." ,,Cope with everything." Starscream finished his sentence. ,,I honestly think that you knew that better than anyone." Prime said,, no one knows anything about you, not even Megatron." ,, It's simple, if I tell anyone they would tell Megatron and he would just make it worse." Starscream answered sad,, He don't know how to fix problems, he just yell at me why did you do it like that or didn't do it so it's better to quietly boil in my own thoughts." ,,Or they will think you are weak and don't take you seriously so you just suffer quietly." Optimus answered. They both just exhaled, they are different but have same problems. ,,There it is!" Starscream said while climbing on the table. ,, What are you doing?" Prime asked worried. ,, Well Knockout and Megatron always hide my alcohol and now I have secret stashes all over the place." He answered while taking off the small sheet of thin alloy revealing a hidden stash of high grade. ,, Want some of it" Starscream asked ,,it's not so strong, it's about 70% energon 30% high grade Soo?"  ,, It's perfect just how I like it." Optimus answered,,I also wanted to say sorry for disrespecting you and for acting like you didn't exist." ,, Look Prime I appreciate that but I was hurt when you disrespected me so don't make that mistake again promise?" He asked ,, Apsolutly, understand." Prime answered. ,, Then cheers for the apology!" Starscream said while lifting a cube. Optimus also joined and they continue drinking. Meanwhile Knockout is sorting data pads with Megatron in library. ,, Today Starscream had one of his "episodes" while we were in ruins my league I'm worried." Knockout said with sadness in his voice. ,,Hey don't worry I know that he had a bad memory there and that he can zoom out but he is fine, today was just a bad day and that was it, he just needs a good vacation." Megatron comforted him. ,,Hey you too are going on vacation at the same time as Starscream " Knockout said. ,, Yes I may ask him to go on normal not "I almost, ALMOST, killed myself " vacation." Megatron said while looking down,, I'm not spending any more time in hospitals with him." Knockout was happy to hear this, maybe this is just what Starscream needs. They decided to go check him and Optimus, it's been an hour since they left them. While going through the hallway they saw Bumblebee and Arcee looking for Optimus to go home since they live on the same side of the city. They all came closer to the med bay and loud laughing could be heard.  ,, HAHAHAHA You really did that!?" Asked Starscream while crying from the laughter. ,,HAHA yes and it was painful." Optimus answered laughing. They both are drunk, and almost all high grade was gone. ,, They are both wasted drunk!" Bumblebee said. ,, Although I must admit they hold on high grade better than anyone else I knew." Arcee added. ,, Where did you find this?!" Knockout yelled ,,I swear Starscream when I find where you hide it you are done!" He also came closer to check on them in case they are hurt. ,,Are they fine?" Bumblebee asked. ,, Yes just wasted from the high grade tomorrow they both will be fine." Knockout answered. Bumblebee and Arcee took Optimus to go home while Megatron picked Starscream up. ,, Megaaaaaaaatrooooon hello how are you?" Starscream asked completely wasted. ,, Good, good, looks like someone is not having drinks for a long time." Megatron said. He carried him to the room with groundbrige to get home. Optimus left with autobots and Knockout stayed to clean up the mess They made and to open the groundbrige. As soon as they got home Megatron gently placed Starscream on the bed. ,, You have really beautiful optics, just like my love Megatron." Starscream said completely wasted. ,,I am your love Megatron." He answered while smiling. ,, Awesome then I can kiss you." Starscream mumbled while leaning towards him for a kiss. Megatron couldn't resist and kissed back. After that Starscream fell asleep immideatly and Megatron prepared dinner and played some video games until he also fell asleep with Starscream.

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