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Instead of planning to watch TV Megatron and Starscream just stayed home in bed playing video games and reading some adventure books. Megatron was looking at the data pad reading while Starscream got easily bored. ,, This is trash!" He said while leaving the console. He saw Megatron reading on the other side of the bed and climbed onto him. ,, Darling I'm bored." He said while looking at him but Megatron just ignored him. ,,I am bored!" He said on what Megatron told him to find something to do. Starscream was annoyed, he's ignoring him, oh on he won't! He immediately snuck between the data pad and Megatron who is leaning against the wall. ,, You are really needy seeker aren't you?" He said while kissing him on the lips. ,,I just want  something to keep me entertained." He said while moving his arm on Megatron's hips and tightening the grip on his legs. ,, Really, and how much entertainment you want my dear commander?" Asked Megatron while scratching Starscream down the spine and stroking his hips with the gentle scratch. He knew what Starscream wanted, him. He immediately started massaging his hips and slowly moving down to his wings. Strokes became harder, Starscream completely relaxed and started moving his claws on Megatron's abdomen. Warlord immideatly sensed his commanders little game and immediately pushed him down on the bed. Starscream just smirked as the Megatron held his legs on his hips. His straight posture, the wide hips, his huge back cowerd in scars from the scraplet fight, the sharp teeth biting his lips and red burning eyes Starscream just held tighter, his sharp heels rubbing against his spine making him groan lik a beast, he really understood the game. Megatron also enjoyed the it, his commander laying on the bed with his claws grabbing the sheets while trying not to moan, his wings fully spread out and bending his abdomen while bearly holding a small growls of joy. Megatron leand to his audio receptors while breathing heavily,, Don't be stubborn darling, just relax and enjoy the show." He whispered. He immediately bited Starscream in the neck, hot breath on his cables was enough to make him moan. ,, love." He said while moving his claws on Megatron's back slowly scratching him. Feeling of sharp claws on his back and heels on the hips is enough to make him interested for the next level. His arms started moving from seekers back slowly to the end of his wings carefully tracing the edge and making a commander relaxed. He placed his lips on Megatron's neck and started sucking the cables and scratching more. Warlord couldn't resist and started moaning. ,,Mmmmmmhm you really know how to please me commander." He said while running his wings faster and faster making Starscream lose control ,, But I want more." Seeker immideatly felt the stimulation going on his wings and lost control of what he's doing. The grip tighten, claws scratched more and he's moans became louder. ,,Ahhh M-master yes!" He said while biting his lips. Megatron slowly got closer to his wing and bit him on the edge. ,, AAAAAAHHHHH YES OOOH DARLING!" he yelled while gripping him tighter. His eyes wide open, legs numb and wings relaxed, it can't get any better. Megatron enjoyed listening to Starscream's moans, he immediately scratched on the end of his wings giving him the boost of joy. Warlord again took another bite giving him second boos and losing control over what he's saying. ,, Mmmmmmhm You are really good darling, ahh, keep it onnnnnnnn!" He said while biting him on the neck. ,,,M-AAAHHH LORD YESSSSS AAHHH." He yelled while continuing to scratch his back. The game was on for the next 30 minutes until Starscream collapsed breading heavily, wings cowerd in scratches and energon leaking from his cables. Megatron smiled while kissing him gently in the cheek. ,, Good job commander, game passed." He said while taking a book leaving his lover to calm down. Starscream smiled happily and after he got enough strength he moved under Megatron's arm  and snuggling on his chest. ,, You are really annoying." Megatron sarcastically said while kissing him. ,, It's not my fault that I can't resist to watch your big posture and huge back while stroking your big hips and enjoying your sharp look." He said while passionately kissing him on the lips. Megatron chuckled ,,Oh you, I also can't resist to fell your heels on my back and your sharp digits scratching me but mostly to listen you moaning like crazy calling me master." Starscream smiled at him passionately kissing his lips and hugging him. They enjoyed each other's company for the rest of the day talking about the games and books they like.

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