Almost divorced

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Next day Starscream woke up before Megatron to get ready for work. He got to the kitchen and prepared himself breakfast. Draken is still sleeping and Megatron was comatose, looks like yesterday's walk really helped him relax. ,, Mhmm do you really need to go to work this early" Megatron mumbled while hugging Starscream from behind. ,,Oh Megzy you are awake" Starscream said ,, It's early for you, it's dawn". ,, I want you" Megatron mumbled while kissing him on the neck. ,, Megatron I have some work to do It's will take a long time darling" Starscream said while getting the data pads and toast. ,,I just waaaant yooouuu" Megatron said while not letting him go. Starscream smiled happily, he really loves him but he also has Soo much work to do and Megatron definitely isn't morning person. ,, Alright then I'll work on bedroom so you can join me" He answered and both of them got in. Starscream leaned against the wall and started working while Megatron slept on his lap. After four hours of constant work Starscream was finally done. He gently kissed Megatron and continued looking at something. Megatron looked closer, is he watching gladiator sheet for classes? ,, Honey " he asked,, What are you looking at". ,, Look at this " Starscream excitedly said as he showed data pad to Megatron's face. Megatron looked better, it was a class for beginner gladiators. ,,No" he scoffed while getting out of bed and making breakfast in the kitchen. ,,Why" Starscream asked. ,,No I can allow anything else but not this" Megatron said while sitting down and eating. ,,Oh come on Megatron " Starscream said ,, I will get armor, weapon and safe practice". ,, It's still dangerous so NO" Megatron yelled while slamming his fist on the table. He is slowly getting annoyed, he can handle everything but only have one boundary, Starscream will never step a foot inside the arena's fighting pit. He saw what's happening there, the horrors of the lost fights and monsters no one can tame. Even now gladiators are very respected. Fighting to death was forbidden by law ,sure but serious injuries and risk of getting killed by them isn't. Megatron survived all of that and he swore on his life that Starscream won't step a foot inside and he will make sure that it will be fulfilled. ,, Come on it's especially for beginners, I would have safe armor and I won't fight against beast like you do" Starscream whined. He always admired gladiators, as a seeker he was kept in a golden cage. Not because he was loved but because finding right bot, training him, educate him and prepare him for experience of long trips to the danger of Cybertron is difficult task. For him close combat, fighting against the beasts and just anything that can damaged him outside the missions is forbidden so now he just wants to try it, not to be a champion but to just fulfill his dream. Now he finally got a chance but Megatron won't let him. ,,I said no what part of it do you not understand " Megatron hissed. ,, Why are you not letting me" Starscream now asked. ,,Why" Megatron said ,,I have broken spinal cord and scared face from fights and you ask why". ,,Who said I want to be champion" Starscream yelled back. ,, That doesn't matter " he said,,even training alone is hard, the moves and rules, I don't want you knowing that". At that moment Starscream lost it completely. ,, YOU ALREADY THOUGH ME THAT" he yelled as loud as he can ,,I ALREADY KNOW THE RULES, THE BASICS MOVES THE PUNCHING POINTS AND YOU DON'T WANT ME TO KNOW THAT". ,, THAT'S DIFFERENT..." Megatron yelled but no matter how much he yells Starscream is louder. ,, HOW, HOW TELL ME HOW " Starscream yelled while knocking down everything on the table. Whole breakfast, broken glass is everywhere and Megatron is shaking. Starscream is now breading heavily, teeth are clinging and eyes filled with rage and anger. Megatron is for the first time afraid of him. ,,SPEAK YOU IDIOT " He yelled ,, YOU THOUGH ME THAT, FOR PROTECTING MYSELF AND NOW WHEN I FINNALY WANT TO HAVE SOME FUN YOU WANT TO PUT ME BACK IN THE CAGE". ,, I want you safe.." Megatron responded but Starscream doesn't mind. YOU TRUST ME TO PROTECT MYSELF BUT THINK I'M WEAK FOR THE FIGHT " He yelled while taking a glass and smashing it down on the table. ,, Starscream calmed down " He cried while trying to come up to him but he didn't let him. ,,Why are you stopping me" commander cried while getting out . ,, Wait, where are you going" Megatron said while trying to get him but Starscream slapped him across the face. Energon leaked, cut was deep. ,, Don't touch me" he cried. ,, But what do you want to do " Megatron cried desperately. ,, I'm going to the pits and you can't stop me". After that he transformerd and stormed off. Megatron looked defeated, he just sat down in the messy kitchen, glass and energon all over the place and he was there curled up against the wall crying. He was sobbing desperately, was Starscream right, is he really stopping him, is he really his biggest weakness, the thing that drags him down, is he? He tried picking up the plate but his arms won't stop shaking. Meanwhile Starscream is crying outside. He flew couple of circles around the property before transforming back on the roof of the hangar. He climbed down to his project stash. ,, I'm going there weather you like it or not my dear " he mumbled while looking around. He took the black, dark blue and red paint and threw it on his chest, legs and arms. After that he smeared it down on the back of his head and lowered down his wings. He was almost unrecognizable, almost. ,, I'll lie that I can't speak" he said while transforming and flying in the Kaon's arena. Inside he looked for the trainers and saw that Ultra Magnus and Soundwave are responsible for the newbies. He came to them hoping that they won't recognize him. ,,Yes" Soundwave said. ,, Gladiator fights" he showed in sing language. ,,Yes we are responsible but why are you not talking "Ultra Magnus asked. ,, Voice box damaged beyond repair" Starscream tried saying but he imitated glitching. ,,I see" Soundwave said while looking at the bot ,, alright then I just need your name and that's it". ,, Broken Wing " he said. ,, Broken Wing " Soundwave said. ,, It's a name I got since my wings are broken beyond repair but I can still fly" he said. ,, You are broken, a lot" Magnus said. ,,I feel in trap some bot made illegaly and that's the whole reason"Starscream replied. ,,Ah those bots" Soundwave said ,, Here's the sheets we need you to fill out". Starscream took them and after just some time he was done and he received his class schedule. ,, Alright see you in three days Broken Wing ". Soundwave said while taking his paperwork. ,,See you then" he responded while flying back home. While he was flying Megatron finished cleaning up the kitchen and feeding the Draken who went back to sleep. He waited whole day for Starscream but he wasn't coming, he constantly checked the list of newbies but didn't saw his name. He didn't have time to wait so he just sat down in the kitchen and closed his eyes. All of a sudden he heard door opening. He looked up and saw a bot holding a big black spear, with messy paint job and low wings and familiar eyes? He looked better and saw that it was Starscream. ,, You are here " Megatron squeaked. ,,I am" Starscream answered while cleaning himself up. ,, Where have you been " Megatron asked while taking the hot energon and pouring it in Glasses. ,,I went to the arena, to get my class schedule" Starscream replied while showing Megatron the data pad. Megatron was confused, he didn't saw his name. ,,I didn't saw your name on the list " he said while scrolling through it. ,,Because Starscream didn't sign up " commander said while clicking on some name. ,, What are you talking about" Megatron asked confused. ,, I want to fight against the others, but I love you " Starscream said while sitting down,,I just want to feel what is like to be a gladiator nothing else but I can let you suffer from it". Megatron looked at him, he had some plan going on. ,,I don't want your boundary crossed so I did entere the program but not as Starscream " he said while pointing at the profile on the data pad,,I was Broken Wing, lonely bot that entered in class to learn self defense ". Megatron kept looking at it, he did the whole charade just so he can avoid crossing his biggest boundary. ,, I guess you are actually capable of being the gladiator " he said while looking at him. ,, Megatron, you are the reason I can do this" Starscream said while taking his hand. ,, But I'm on your way, I'm stopping you from trying everything and finding out your full potential" Megatron cried but Starscream didn't allow him. He placed his head on his chest feeling his spark beating. ,, Megatron you are saving me" he whispered. Megatron understood him he picked him up and took him to the bedroom. He wanted to get out but Starscream hugged him tightly. ,, Megatron" he started crying,, Don't go, please I need you ". ,, Darling" gladiator said while hugging him. ,, I'm sorry I angered you and I know you are med but don't let go, DON'T LEAVE ME" he cried while tears fell off his face. ,,Star, my dear I'm not mad" He said while whipping tears of his face,,I just feel like my abuse broke you and I'm here to protect you but, now I just think I'm holding you in cage ". At that moment Starscream buried his head into his chest hugging him even more. ,, Megatron you are keeping me sane, I'm wreck, I'm broken you know everything about me , things no one else knew" he said,,I don't care what others think but you are my sanctuary, only thing that I'm tied to that keeps me sane and I'm sorry for every single word I said just don't leave me". Megatron immediately pulled him in the kiss. He looked him in the eyes, soft look of love calmed him down. ,,I won't leave you darling " Megatron said,,I also told you Soo many things and you are everything to me, I will never leave you". At that moment both of them calmed down and just sat there hugging. ,, Quick question " Megatron said ,, What's the deal with the new spear, we don't have much space in the closet". ,, That's for training " Starscream said ,,So no one can tie Broken Wing with Starscream". Megatron chuckled happy while hugging Starscream. ,, You are gonna explain everything tomorrow my little Seeker" he said. ,,Yes I will now good night my dear Scraplet" Starscream said while hugging his chest and sleeping peacefully knowing that Megatron forgave him.

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