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Starscream woke up alone, he looked around but Megatron wasn't in his room. Beautiful smell is coming out of the kitchen, he got up and saw him preparing breakfast, his favourite breakfast to be precise. Small Cube with warm energon inside, a good portion of energon jelly and some toasted energon crystals with mineral spread on top of it. ,, Good morning my dear " he said while hugging Megatron who was sipping energon and reading something. ,, Good morning Star, did you sleep well" he asked. ,, Yes I did " commander said while stretching,, You prepared breakfast". ,, Yes I did so you can eat slowly and relax before the big race" he answered. ,, Thanks for it" Starscream said. He slowly ate but something or better say someone is weird. Megatron looked different, Starscream looked better and he saw that he was scrolling up and down not reading it, weird? He slowly got up and stood right behind him. ,, What are you reading " he asked while eating a toast. ,, Some news" Megatron answered, he didn't saw Starscream who is also looking at empty data pad. ,, Anything interesting " he asked while taking a last bite of the toast. ,, Nothing in particular just some robberies and crashes" warlord answered. "Mhm" he mumbled. Then Starscream gently tapped Megatron on his arm with his finger. Megatron looked up and saw Starscream looking down at him. ,, You have beautiful eyes my dear " Megatron said while smiling. ,, Don't even try " he said while taking the data pad and throwing it on the table ,,Spit it out scraplet ". ,,Ugh fine" Megatron gasped while looking at him,, I had a nightmare that you got hurt and I got nervous ". Starscream just signed exousted. ,, Don't worry my dear" he said while kissing him in the head and sitting in his lap ,,I am rested, well fed and most importantly ready for this race ". Megatron just hugged him, he didn't want to tell the truth to him, at least not now so he just sat there hugging him. ,,I know and trust me when you win this race I will be happiest bot ever" Megatron chuckled. ,,I will my dear, I will" Starscream answered while leaning his head on his neck. After an hour they got to the racing start in Iacon. At the start Starscream got with the competitors while Megatron got in the crowd where he found Knockout. ,, Knockout you also came" he asked. ,,Yes I came to watch Starscream" Medic said,, He is really good at it so I hope he wins". ,, I'm sure he will" Megatron said while coming closer to the track. At that moment Wheeljack and Soundwave joined. ,, Hope that commander will win " Wheeljack said while looking at him,,I don't want my money wasted". ,, You placed bet on him" Soundwave said. ,, Yeah,why not" he answered,, I'm sure he will win ". At that moment static from speaker was heard. ,, Megatron over here" Someone yelled. ,,He turned around and saw Arcee waving at him right next to the stage. He came quickly.,, Optimus and You go up on the stage" she said while escorting him to the stairs. ,,Oh thank you" he said while quickly jumping on the stage right next to Optimus. ,, Didn't know we would be here" Megatron mumbled. ,,Me neither I don't like it" Optimus added. He was introvert and didn't like events like this. ,,Any idea what to say " He asked. ,, Not at all" Megatron said while looking around,, Just quickly wish them luck and I will do the rest ". ,,Why am I first" he whispered angry. ,, Becouse you are Prime and I don't know how to start properly " Megatron responded angry.  ,, Everyone on your position rece will start soon" speaker said. ,,Now just act normal people are watching" Megatron said while looking forward. "All racers are here so let's hear what our leaders had to say" speaker continued. Optimus got up first and came closer to the crowd. ,,Thank you all for coming" he started,, Today we will see what our flyers are able to do, good luck to everyone". Crowd cheering quietly while Optimus got back and Megatron came closer. ,,As Prime already said thank you all for coming" he started ,, Since we came here to watch the rece not us I also wish our flyers good luck and let the best one win". As soon as he's done crowd cheers louder. ,, You got us out old friend " Optimus said. ,,I  was gladiator, keeping public entertaind was part of the job" he said while smiling. They both got down to watch race. ,, Everyone race is starting " speaker said. Flyers are ready. ,,On your position" speaker said,, Ready, set,..". Everyone cheered around them but Starscream was focused on the line of transformation. ,,GO" speaker yelled. As soon as they hear him they ran to the line of transformation, as soon as they stepped on it they are able to transform. Starscream was one of the first bots to transform and fly. ,,Our race just started but we can clearly see who is here for win" speaker said,, Starscream was second to transform right after Downcrack but is currently leaving everyone in the dust". Everyone looked at the screen and saw Starscream is first far away from the other. Meanwhile Starscream is looking at the map, he needs to find groundbrige using old code dividing strategy. "Let's see south 80, east 24"He said,, Dividing 10 and 8 so coordinates are 8 south and 3 east". He quickly realized that it's close to the groundbrige and he sped up. Right behind him other racers showed up, they also figured out the coordinates. Right above the ground they saw open groundbrige and they went through it. They got out the first zone of Iacon and are now in Kaon's rust see, the top of the old buildings can be seen from their position so they sped up. ,,Our racers are done with easy part so now they must finish Kaon " speaker said. Megatron was now scared, just this to end and he will be fine. ,,In Kaon our racers will need to find chips with groundbrige coordinates on the ground and run towards it" speaker said,,They might be flyers but they still need to stretch their legs". Everyone was surprised with this part, no one expected something like this. ,, You didn't want them to fly on the buildings so we improvised" said Soundwave to Megatron. He was relieved to hear that and continued watching. While everyone watched flyers entered in the Kaon. In the middle of two very tall buildings they saw a transformation line. Starscream is speeding up towards it when other bot flew under his wing causing others to distract one another. Everyone tried movie away but that caused more mess and Starscream was moved from his track. He wanted to go back but other bot knocked him and he slammed into the building with some other bots. Everyone gasped in horror. Flyers transformed and fell down to the ground. ,,My lord this was painful" speaker said"looks like Starscream, Windburst, Firearm and Wreck are wounded, looks like medical team will need to be ready for departure". Megatron saw Starscream bleeding and laying there and lost it. His dream came back and his arm started shaking, he was on a verge of breaking down.Everyone though race is done but Starscream slowly started getting up and Wreck followed him. ,,WHAT IS THIS"Speaker yelled. Megatron snapped back and looked at the screen, he saw Starscream and Wreck helping Windburst and Firearm to get up. ,, WHAT IS THIS, THIS IS UNBELIEVABLE " speaker continued,, THEY GOT BACK AT THEIR FEET AND ARE STILL IN THE RACE" Everyone cheered up happy. ,,Looks like you need more than that to defeat them" speaker said. Meanwhile Starscream is helping Firearm to get up. ,,Are you guys alright" he asked them. ,,We are good what about you " Windburst said while getting up. ,, I'm good don't worry now let's go find chip so we can finish this race" He said while looking around. They all continued racing. "Where can you be let's see" commander said while looking at his screen ,, Kaon minus Iacon". He think about it for couple of more minutes and then it clicked, Kaon coordinates minus Iacon starting point. ,, Alright then let's see" he mumbled,,58 Nort and 18 west minus 8 south and 3 east is  50 north and 15 south". He thought for a moment and realized that it's right where he is standing. He looked around better and saw the chip on the ground. ,,YES SOMETHING GOOD"He yelled and scanned it. He saw the ground brige coordinates and ran towards them, other also scanned the chip and they also ran to it. They all saw transformation line and immediately transformed right before entering the groundbrige. ,, Our racers finished Kaon and they are now heading towards the Vos, only thing left is to see who will cross finish line first " speaker said. ,, Guys groundbrige for Vos is waiting" Knockout said to both leaders. The both ran quickly not wanting to waste time. While they are in the Vos waiting Race is coming to an end, Starscream is leading and Firearm is right behind him, Windburst is also following him alongside Wreck. After some time Windburst sped up and he was right next to Starscream. They are both draw against each other. ,,Looks like we will have a photo finish " speaker said. They both raced equally untill they saw a finish line and sped up. ,,They ar coming closer" speaker said. They both crossed the line and immediately transformed and collapsed on the ground from exhauston. ,,Photo finish it her and the winner is" speaker yelled,, STARSCREAM". Everyone cheered loudly, he won. Upon hearing this Starscream started laughing. He and Windburst got up and waved at people. After some time the first three flyers are on the stage taking their trophies. Starscream is first while Windburst is second and vihecon named Wreck third. They all smiles and posed for photos,and after that they left the stage. ,, You are pretty good guys " Starscream said to Wreck Windburst and Firearm that joined later. ,, Thanks, we all wish to go in the Vos academy but we are not sure in our skills" Wreck said. ,,Hey don't worry about that " Starscream said while smiling,, You are top three winners of the Vortexa". ,,Top three" said Firearm. ,,Yes I was different than you so if you look at the other who are really going on academy you guys proven your skill by being in top five in Vortexa" Starscream said,,I may won because of my skills and experience but you guys would also be like me". ,,So we should try getting in the academy " Wreck said. ,,See I told you" Firearm said. ,,Guess she was right" Starscream said while pointing at her. Firearm smiled and thanked him. They all said goodbye and went home. Starscream came to Megatron. ,,Are you feeling good Star" Megatron asked worried. ,, I'm fine don't worry" he said,, I just need some time to rest". ,,We are going home now, see you guys later to celebrate" said Megatron while leaving with Starscream. At home Starscream placed trophy on the shelf while Megatron got to bed. Starscream happily joined him and both of them decided to take a nap before others come to celebrate.

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