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They both went to sleep. In the bedroom Starscream just listened to Megatron, he was mumbling something and is moving around a lot. All of a sudden he gasped and woke up, he was shaking uncontrollably, breading heavily and is distressed, Starscream understood it, he was having a panic attack.  ,,MEGATRON " he yelled and that snapped him back. He looked at him better, he is still breathing heavily but was bit calmer. ,, Megatron" Starscream said while taking his arm. ,,I-I don't I'm fine just..." He studderd but Starscream stopped him. ,, Megatron" he said,, You don't have to be strong ". At that moment Megatron bursted into crying, he hugged Starscream and started sobbing on his chest. ,, It's ok my love, It's ok" Starscream said while hugging his head,, You are safe here, you don't have to be strong, just let it all out ". ,,I... I was a...afraid" Megatron sobbed while holding Starscream.  ,,Hey don't worry you are safe here, I am protecting you " Starscream said while kissing him. Megatron couldn't stop crying, every tear he had was now on his face, his head is on Starscream's chest and he felt defeated. He cried constantly for more than an hour with Starscream calming him down saying "you are safe here" or "I'm protecting you". After an hour he finally calmed down for a moment. ,, I had a nightmare that I ruled Cybertron with dark energon " he said while sobbing ,,I was a monster". Starscream understood it, he was dreaming his biggest fear. ,,I was in pits of Kaon and you were fighting against the monster, you survived but..." Megatron continued while crying. ,,I survived so that's good" Starscream said while gently stroking his head. ,,No you survived monsters, but, but..."Megatron sobbed,, But not me". Starscream gasped, he knew that Megatron had fear of falling into evil again but this is something different. He stopped for a moment, everything is quite for him. Megatron looked at him, he just started at the blank spot on the wall. After a minute Starscream stated crying, tears are dropping ou and bed and he's constantly looking at the blank wall. Megatron tried to say something but words are not coming out, he wanted to hug him but he felt weak, now he can just helplessly stare at him as he is crying. Starscream just hugged Megatron gently. ,, Don't w-wory" he said while looking at the wall ,,I will find a way to protect you". He whipped his tears and looked at Megatron again, for the first time he didn't know what to do. ,,I need to tell you something " Starscream said while hugging him ,,I also have similar dream". ,, Really" Megatron said. ,,I was with you, we were fighting against autobots and I tried protecting you, I tried to run in front of the bullet, to be next to you to kill the solder but..." Starscream said ,,I failed, I didn't fulfil my promise to you". Megatron looked at him, both of them had same fear, failing to protect the other one. Megatron's fear came from constant abuse during the war that often left Starscream on the edge of life and now he fears that if he goes back, he will fall over that. He looked at him, he was so thin, small and overall fragile. He didn't saw him as his second in command that should protecting him from the others, he saw him as someone who should protect him from much bigger threat, himself. ,, But you kept the promise " Megatron said while looking at him ,, You protected me from my biggest enemy, myself and my bed habits". Starscream just snuggled up under his arm and Megatron as soon as he felt him close to his spark calmed down, he stopped crying, breathing got back to normal and shaking stopped. Starscream looked at him, he is fine. ,, You are looking good " he said,, Are you feeling better". Megatron smiled, he took Starscream and placed him on his lap and took his head on his chest. ,, I'm better " he said,, You are here, safe, happy, warm and fed". Starscream smiled,, I'm happy because I have a lover that would do anything for me, bake me cookies, clean my room when I'm in a bad mood, hold me when I cry, go to hospital with me and protect me from even the smallest threat, both mentally and physically ". ,,I would do everything to keep you beside me my dear" Megatron said while lifting his chin to look at his eyes. Soft look of love and hope brought him some good memories. ,,I would go to the end of the universe just to save you "Megatron started whispering,,I would die for you, you are my life Starscream, without you I will die". Starscream eyes filled with passion. ,,I would stand between the universe and you Megatron" Starscream said while looking at him ,,I would rather die than live without you, if Cybertron open and swallow you I will follow you behind because only hell I know is without you". Both of them looked at each other and kissed passionately. They both understood that they are each other's guardian that protects them from their different fears, from fear of falling into the old patterns and dangerous people around them. They both looked at each other, Megatron is smiling happily and Starscream snuggled back to his chest. ,,Heh" Megatron chuckled,,I now know where are you". ,, I'm feeling safest here" Starscream said ,,And I know that I'm closest to my treasure". ,, What treasure exactly" Megatron asked. ,, You " Starscream answered while smiling. Megatron just chuckled and hugged him back. Both of them slept peacefully after a long time knowing that they kept promise to each other and that they are both safe.

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