One day

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,,Why is spa day first on our list" Asked Starscream while going with Megatron in. ,, Because of scraplets and we look terrible" said Megatron while coming to the reception. ,,Hello we have a reservation for today " he said politely while showing the card that he got sent. ,,Yes I see, oh right on time" said the receptionist ,, You can enter now and here's the pass". Megatron calmly took it and enter with Starscream in. The spa was huge, saline and oil baths were ready. Couple of bots  are sitting with the others doing their manicure and precise cleaning. Calm atmosphere, not much people, professional staff it's just perfect. Megatron was already relaxed while Starscream just rolled his eyes and followed him. ,,Oh, hello guys " Said Knockout while enjoying the deep cleaning of his hands. Ratchet was also there enjoying the saline bath. ,, You guys come here" Megatron asked confused. He did expect Knockout to be here but Ratchet, that's something new. ,, Yes actually " Said the autobot medic while getting out to dry ,,I honestly didn't want to go but thanks to Knockout I'm regular here". That explains everything, when it comes to beauty Knockout was persistent, he would do everything to get people to go with him so owning a small beauty salon isn't something that they were surprised to hear. ,,All done boss"Said the nail guy while showing him his work,, What do you think". Knockout looked at his hands and was pleasantly surprised. ,, It's really good Thunderbolt, keep it up and you will get a raise soon " he said. The bot smiled while going on a break. ,, Come on, how was the bath Megatron" He asked warlord. Megatron just mumbled that it's good and closed his eyes. The feeling of warm water on his armor is just what he needed and he just laid there happy. Ratchet smiled, after all of those years of war he is now having a spa day with Megatron, person he wanted dead. He forgave him, it hasn't been easy but after the war when everyone was working together he saw some good in him and after years of it he forgave him. Everyone is enjoying the day exep Starscream, he was in the other pool witch is much hotter than Megatron's, water was almost boiling hot and the steam is cleaning his tiered face. He just sat in the pool like a wet cat that accidentally fell in, water dripping from his wings, arms loose and bored look. ,, Someone is bored" Knockout whispered while coming closer to him,, I'm surprised you even showed up". Starscream just exhaled deeply. ,, I'm doing this for him" he answered while pointing at Megatron that was  talking with the bot ,,If he can handle my yapping, crazy adventures and scratching then I can handle one spa day" Knockout smiled and told him that his bath is finally over and he can polish his wings. ,, Finnaly something relaxing" He said while slowly getting in the oil bath. After a minute he got out. He was stunning, oil made his wings more shiny and they reflectes the light causing them to shine like they are made of silver, his chest was shining while small drops of oil are falling down to his legs that are also reflecting light. He looked like he was made from silver and everyone is speechless. Megatron just looked at him and admiring his posture and the glow in his eyes. ,,I definitely see why you love him Megatron " Ratchet whispered to him. Starscream just waited for oil to dry and then Knockout told him to lay down on the table for massage. Starscream trusted him and just relaxed. Knockout was really good at his job, he gently pressed his back and Starscream just growled relaxed. Physical therapy is just what he needed. After an hour of Massaging he was done and quickly polished his wings. Megatron was also done cleaning himself when Thunderbolt entered. ,, Okay who's ready for new nails" He asked while preparing tools. Megatron sat down and Knockout decided he will do his nails while Thunderbolt will do Starscream's. ,,Ok what do you have in mind" Medic asked. ,,I was wondering if I could try the new polish you got or maybe a little sanding first" Megatron answered. He liked spa day, it was the perfect opportunity to relax after all the years of fighting and getting dirty. Knockout liked this side of him, he can finnaly talk with someone about his interest and not be weird. ,, Maybe we can also try new equipment that arrived yesterday " Medic asked happy. ,, Sure, why not" Megatron agreed. While they were talking, Thunderbolt and Starscream looked at each other. ,,Sooooo any Idea what do you want done" Thunderbolt asked. ,,My claws" Starscream said sarcastically. ,, Yes but what type of the treatment " He asked again. ,,I don't know just do something with them" Starscream said while looking at him confused. Being pretty isn't his thing, sure he can get a long bath or claw cleaning sometimes but having a full day of it was too much. ,, How about you this, you do classic cleaning of the claws, and then polish them and sharpen them" Knockout said. ,, Sharpen them " Thunderbolt asked confused ,,Wich bot wants their hands sharp". ,, This one" answered Starscream. ,, Well I was paid to work with claws not to question so let's go " Thunderbolt said while working. ,, He's really good where did you find him" Megatron said while pointing at Thunderbolt that was talking with Starscream. ,,He was interested in this industry so I decided to train him and now he's my employee" Knockout said. ,, Well that's good to hear" Megatron said. After an hour his hands were done. ,,I must say Knockout I'm impressed " Megatron said while looking at his freshly polished and cleaned hands. Medic just smiled happily. ,,Thank you my lige" He said ,,How is your treatment Starscream ". Both of them looked at him and started giggling. Thunderbolt is constantly talking while Starscream fell asleep in the chair. ,,Huh, no wonder he was so quiet " Megatron said. At that moment Starscream woke up. ,,Wh-whare we done?" He mumbled. ,,Yes and what do you think " Thunderbolt asked happy. ,, They are fine" Starscream said while didn't even looking. ,,Well if that's it I'm going on a brake" He said while going out. Megatron and Starscream both stayed a bit longer and chatted with each other until they left an hour later. In their house Starscream is cooking dinner while Megatron is watching TV. ,,For three days ,,Vortexa" or  biggest race on Cybertron will take place starting from Iacon with next checkpoint in Kaon and finishing in Vos" Speaker on Tv said. ,, Nothing special..." Megatron said while wanting to change it. ,, DON'T TOUCH THAT " Yelled Starscream while snatching a remote from Megatron. ,, This race was a bit different because racers will use old maps and nature to navigate and it will last only one day"
Speaker continued. ,, Starscream dinner is burning" Megatron said while looking at the kitchen. ,, Yeah, yeah now shut up " he answered while looking at the TV. Megatron got up and continued finishing the dinner while Starscream watched. ,,All flyers are welcome but they need to know that this race was not for week". Commander's eyes lit up with happiness, he raced almost every race on Cybertron and this opportunity is perfect for proving that he was best of the best. Megatron knows that look, it was the look of crazy idea that he won't let go. ,, You want to race in Vortexa" He asked while giving him dinner. ,,I need to prove that I earned my position, this race is everything I need" Starscream answered. He was worried that Megatron won't let him participate. ,, It's sounds dangerous" Megatron said,, Kaon part especially, we only reconstructed half of it and tall skyscrapers are unstable ". Starscream just looked at the floor. ,,I know but, I still love flying and I have experience" He said whining. ,, Well I guess you can participate" Megatron said. ,, Really" Starscream asked while his wings started twitch from happiness. ,, I'm not happy that it's too dangerous but it makes you happy " Megatron said while coming towards him and kissing his head ,, But if it makes you happy I will let you participate". ,,OH THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU" he said while hugging him,, I'm going to fill the application". After that he took his dinner and entered the room. At that moment Optimus called Megatron. ,,Did Starscream maybe.." Prime said but Megatron stopped him. ,, Yes, yes he saw the race broadcast" he said while eating. ,,So is he participating " Optimus asked. ,, Yes and I'm not happy about it" Megatron said. ,, Don't worry, he will be in good hands " Prime reassured his friend. ,,I know but still" Megatron said while washing the dishes. ,, Come in Iacon tonight, we need to discuss it" Prime said happy. ,,Ok I'll come, good bye" said Megatron while ending the call. Now he just sat on the couch and watched news.

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