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In the Hall of records is lunch time, everyone is eating and talking. ,,I heard from Optimus that Starscream is going on vacation." Knockout said. ,, Yes and he is in dilemma where to go." Soundwave answered while sipping energon. At that moment Starscream entered while holding a data pad with a resort catalog. ,,Still in dilemma?" Soundwave added. ,,Yes, I can't decide where to go, I mean, I can go surfing in the acid lake or fly over thunder forest or race in the acid desert or go hunt a gigantic scraplets with scientist in the rust see or ..." Knockout stopped him ,, Starscream, you are going on vacation not a war mission and besides how is that a vacation to you!?" ,,I can sit all day on my job and that's fine so I need to get some exercise." He answered. ,, Yes,exercise, not to kill yourself !" Knockout said. ,,I won't get hurt I know that." He answered. ,, Yeah, like when I had to help you by rushing you to the hospital because poisonous scraplet bit you!" Knockout answered sarcasticly. ,,Or when your engine for heat control failed and I had to teleport you from North" Soundwave said. ,,Oh I will be careful don't worry guys." Starscream answered while looking at the catalog. At that moment Optimus and Bumblebee entered very worried. ,,Why long face Bee?" Knockout asked. ,,I had a problem with some punks near the south gate." He answered. ,, South gate and buildings around aren't connected to the Vos and it's not rebuild yet why is that?" Starscream asked angry. He loves Vos, he literally grew up in it, he want best for it and ruined gate isn't so great. ,, Well we encountered some traps and bot that don't want us near." Bumblebee said ashamed.,, We though you can investigate a bit since we can't reach it." Optimus said while turning to Starscream,, I thought you can talk with Megatron about it." Starscream just looked at him and coldly said,, Megatron was in Kaon, he is busy so I will take care of MY city." ,, But Megatron.." Optimus said.,, Megatron put me as his second in command and I'm in charge of Vos so I will take care of it!" Starscream yelled angry. Everyone was looking at them. ,,I still want to see Megatron." Optimus said growling. Now everyone is scared, angry Optimus and pissed of Starscream, deadly combination. ,,I will do my own thing and if you want to go see him hit the road to Kaon and talk with him so good luck!" Starscream said. ,, Well I still want to talk with him!" Optimus said while looking angrily at him. ,, Well than Soundwave open the groundbrige to Megatron and escorting Optimus to talk with him and make sure they meet up and discuss this topic!" He yelled at him. Soundwave opened the groundbrige and Optimus was still hesitant. ,,Why would I need to be with Soundwave, you don't wanna see him?" Optimus asked wanting to tease him but he instantly regretted it. ,,I already knew what will he do and say so just go through that portal AND TALK WITH HIM!" He yelled while throwing a data pad on the table. He smashed it too hard and broke it. His arm is also bleeding, small pieces got stuck in his hand and he is cooling down by breathing heavily, his wings are up ready for a fight and eyes burning from rage. Optimus was for the first time scared to death. In Starscream he thought he saw something that died long time ago, he saw tyrant Megatron, Megatron from The war. He immediately left with Soundwave thinking of what he did. Everyone watched in horror, Starscream was still bleeding but he immideatly calm down. ,, Let's investigate the gate." He said while going out. ,, But your ar..." Bumblebee wanted to say something but Knockout stopped him by saying,, Just follow." They went out with him and Knockout picked the medical kit from the table and some high grade. In the meantime Optimus came to See Megatron who is very busy repairing a museum with some workers. He is very big and strong bot and isn't afraid of physical work. ,, Thanks, we can now start more earlier so we can finish it up before due." Some bot said to him. ,,No problem if I can help you with something I'm here." He answered. At that moment Soundwave and Optimus came. ,, What are you doing here?!" He asked Optimus. ,,I need to talk with you about problem in the Vos about..." Optimus said but Megatron stopped him ,,Go to Starscream he's in charge of Vos." He answered immediately. ,, But you are the leader and you need to know everything." Optimus said but Megatron just looked at him in frustration. ,, Optimus I'm buried in paperwork from my bottom to the top and If Starscream knows everything I also know it so now please if it's Vos problem go to him." Optimus got angry, why to Starscream, hi is not the leader. ,, Megatron but..." He tried to say something but was cut off.,, Megatron we need you for a moment." Someone yelled. ,, Coming!" He answered. ,, Optimus." Soundwave said,,Can I ask you something?" ,, Yes." He answered. ,,Why do you hate Starscream?" He asked. ,, Where did you get that idea?" He asked confused. ,, Since he was officially made decepticon's right hand man you always talked to Megatron and never acknowledge him, you never even listen to him like he was some kind of ghost, so just, why?" Asked Soundwave with a bit of sadness in his voice. He didn't favor Starscream much but he knows that when he fights for something he is going to the end. ,,He was a traitor and unreliable how can he be decepticon's second in command?" Optimus asked confused. ,, Because he is determined to fight until the end, because he cares about his people, because he saved Megatron and decepticons cause and most importantly, he knows what it's like to be at the rock bottom and how does it feel to start from nothing and how hard it is to correct your mistakes." Soundwave answered determined to defend his friend. ,, But how can he be trusted after all?" He asked. ,, Because he did something to all of us that we will be grateful for." He answered coldly. Meanwhile Starscream is drinking high grade while going with Bumblebee and Knockout who is just looking at him. They walked towards the gate and the whole city saw Starscream with injured arm and a drink. ,,Um what happened to him in the office?" Bumblebee asked confused. ,, Well Optimus doesn't like him so much and is holding some grudges against him, don't know why but that is pissing him of,HEY SLOW DOWN WE ARE NOT FILLED WITH RAGE!" Knockout said while also yelling at Starscream to calm down. ,,I know why but, what happened to him in the hall, he was scary?" Bumblebee asked. ,, That was a trait he picked up from Megatron, if you angerd him enough, oh boy, he will ruin everything around him and even hurt himself as you saw it." He answered sadly,, He wouldn't hurt others but his relationship with pain is just something hard to understand, he hate it and love it at the same time. I just hope that I won't have to save his life anymore." Knockout said with tears in his eyes. In the meantime they got to the gate where Arcee and Shockwave are waiting, Arcee wanted to ask something but Starscream stopped her by putting his arm on her lips. ,,DO NOT ASK, just get me more alcohol and please shut up." He said while taking a last sip of the high grade. Arcee and Shockwave immideatly understood and vent to get him some high grade. Starscream looked at the gate, very bad memory came back from when he was in the academy, he was racing here with others and they sabotage him, he finished race but was scared forever. ,,Star you good?" Bumblebee asked. ,, Yes just, nothing." He answered while going closer to the gate. ,,Is he... acting strange?" Arcee asked. ,, Yes and don't worry I will talk about it later with him." Knockout said. Starscream went with Bumblebee and Knockout in the ruins, alone. He saw a bot that was tiered and exhausted with injured leg. ,,Hey you look tiered and you are injured what happened?" Starscream asked with his gentle voice. Bot was scared but he couldn't run. ,,We don't want to hurt you calm down." Bumblebee said while calming him down. Both gave up on fighting and calmed down. ,,There is no need to worry, I will take care of your wounds." Knockout said while kneeling down to treat his leg. Bot was now a bit calmer. ,, You are a flyer." Starscream said,,May I know you're name please?" ,,Winddust" she said. ,,I didn't see you in the records, and what are you doing here it's dangerous?" Bumblebee said. ,,I was hiding from others, they hurt me." She said. ,,Why would anyone hurt you?" Knockout asked. ,, Because of this." She said while showing her power. She touched Knockout and her grey frame became same colors as his. ,,Wow that's awesome!" Everyone said in amazing. ,, But other called me a freak and they wanted me death so I found my place in ruins, there's still some traps left but I don't care, I just need to survive." She wanted to cry but Starscream comforted her. ,,Hey don't worry you are safe with us, we will take care about you and you will be fine. " ,, Really?" She asked. ,, Yes and besides it's better to be in the calm, new, safe building then in the ruins from war." He said. Both just smiled,,I remember all the traps and how they work so I don't worry about them." She said. ,, Well that's wold be helpful when we reconstruct the gate, right Starscream?" Knockout asked. ,, Starscream, like the decepticon's second in command!?" Bot asked with amaze. ,, Yes nice to meet you." He answered. ,, Well you are fixed now, Bumblebee can you help me escort our little friend out of the ruins while I pick up my equipment?" Knockout asked. ,, Shure let's go little one." Bumblebee said while going out. They both left Starscream and Knockout in the middle of the ruins. Starscream was just standing there, numb, memory's overwhelmed him, bad ones. He started twitching. ,, Let's go before your memories kill you." Knockout said jokingly. They both left. In the hall Megatron and Optimus are talking about Starscream. ,, Megatron may I ask something?" Optimus said while looking at him. ,, Shure what is it?" He asked calmly. ,, Soundwave told me that Starscream did something that everyone was thankful for it what can it be?" Optimus said. Megatron just exhale and started talking,, In the war I would punch the first thing closer to me and all decepticon's are afraid except Starscream, he willingly stood up next to me and took all punches, his and from the others." Optimus already knew that Starscream was Megatron's stress toy in the war but he never knew the deeper story. ,,He is the only one that can handle me and that's why I trust him." Megatron said while sipping energon,,I love him and I know that he loves me too." Optimus now felt bad for treating Starscream like he was nothing, looks like he can be wrong too. ,, STARSCREAM WHAT HAPPENED !?" Megatron yelled at him standing at the door with injured hand. ,, Long story but I finished the gate problem." He answered. ,, Forget the gate you are bleeding and it probably hurt's too!" Megatron said. He immediately told Knockout to fix him and Bumblebee updated both of them about the situation. Meanwhile Knockout is repairing his arm. ,,In the ruins you got scared from the memories so what exactly happened my friend?" He asked. ,, Well I just remembered how I used to race before the war with other and how they sabotage me." He answered. ,, What did they do?" He asked. ,, They shot my wing, it was painful but I finished the race and got praise for victory but not help from the friends, and feeling of paint sometimes scare me." Starscream told him. Knockout just looked him in the eyes and told him that as his friend, he will protect him at any cost. ,, Really?" Starscream asked with sadness in his voice. ,, Yes and I will be there for you when you need me, don't worry just call me." He smiled happily. At that moment Megatron entered with Optimus. ,, How was your arm Starscream?" Optimus asked honestly worried. ,, Good." He answered angry. ,, Knockout we need to check the... stuff." Megatron said while showing him to get out. ,, Yes stuff for... Stuff!" He answered while leaving. Med bay was quiet, only Starscream and Optimus are there while Megatron and Knockout waited in the hallway hoping that they won't kill each other.

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