gladiator's treasure

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It was the afternoon, Megatron woke up alone in the bed. He looked around and heard mumbling from the kitchen. ,,Scrap"  he heard Starscream. He peeked in the kitchen, inside Starscream is cooking breakfast, it was disaster. ,, Okay I added jello so it should be fine" he said while looking at the data pad ,, What now ". Megatron kept looking at him, he tried making his favorite jelly but sometimes constantly goes off. ,, Finnaly it's done" Starscream said while looking at it. Jello wiggled on the plate and he smiled. ,, Now to clean the mess" he said. Megatron came closer to him wanting to hug him. ,, It looks delicious" he whispered while hugging Starscream's waist and kissing him. ,,Oh you are awake " Starscream said ,, But it's early for you to wake up on your day off". ,,Well today is my  battle in the arena " he said while sitting down,, You know, the usual stuff". Starscream just smiled, Megatron fights in the arena after the war to keep his title so today he was fighting against some beast called the Draken. ,, I know it's on the calendar " Starscream said while getting out the bag. Megatron just looked at him, he looked cute when he's in charge.  ,,So, dark Star Saber was in a museum alongside Stars saber so I got you a new weapon " he said while taking out the big dagger,,And here is new dagger and shield". Megatron chuckled as he finished his jelly. ,,I have my own blade in my hand, did you forget " he said while coming to him. Starscream looked down ashamed but Megatron kissed him on the head. ,, But I will take the shield " he said. Starscream smiled and got out another bag that looked like first kit. ,, Medic will be there you know" Megatron said while looking at him. ,,Oh I know " Starscream said while opening it ,,These are just my sweets". Megatron looked at it and sure enough, it's full of sweets. ,,Why are you keeping them in old first aid box" Megatron asked, he is weird. ,,Well since you had to go on a diet I started hiding sweets so you don't eat them" Starscream said while eating a sweet energon bar ,, This is just a small stash". Megatron smiled, he looked at the shield he got. ,,I must say you chose perfect shield" Megatron said while observing it more. ,,Well I looked at your old fights and you are more of an attacking guy that defense " Starscream said,,I also think that big one would be distracting and heavy so I chose this one". ,,Heh you really know me the best" he said while hugging him around his waist. Starscream smiled and kissed him back. ,,Well..." He whispered while leaning his head on his shoulder,,After Soo many years of trying to offline you I learned your every move". Megatron smiled and kissed him on the neck, he was Soo attractive when he talks about it. ,, And you defeated me by concurring my love" he said while stroking his wings. Starscream sat down on the table and kissed him on the lips. ,, Mhmm... Well you also hold my love so it's equal trade..." Starscream said while holding his cheeks,,And you are the only one who can have it my lord". Megatron smiled and kissed him on the lips while holding his waist, he was Soo attractive, Soo passionate and Soo good, he was perfect. Starscream hugged him on the chest, the huge frame, spikey shoulders, red eyes and his soft treatment was everything he loved, he just held onto him, he was best bot ever and his love belongs only to him. Both of them enjoyed the moment, after a while they just gazed softly to each other until it's time to go. In the arena they saw autobots, two Predacon and Decepticons waiting them. ,,I hope you are ready Megatron " Optimus said. ,,Hey don't worry I am prepared"Megatron said while showing them the shield. ,,I guess we better get our places on the stands" Bulkhead said. ,,And take some snacks" Shockwave added. ,,Go ahead " Starscream said while getting away but Arcee stopped him. ,,Hey why aren't you going with us" She asked. ,, Yeah, we never saw you on the stands " Smokescreen added. ,,I like it from the entrance" he tried to lie. ,,Oh come on" Bumblebee said,, it would be cool to see you with us for the change". Decepticons and Predacons didn't say anything, they knew Starscream could get a bit, passionate when watching his lover fight and could be too muchso they just stayed quiet. ,, It would be great to see you with us up there Starscream " Optimus said but Megatron pulled him away. ,, Don't call him up there" he said. ,,Why" Prime asked. ,, When he watches me he gets, how do I say it, a too passionate " Megatron told him. ,, What is bad about that" Optimus asked confused. ,,He is too much " Megatron said,, Just let him be". ,,I still want him up there" Prime told him. ,,Oh please it's better to stay here " Starscream said while backing up a bit. ,, C'mon commander" Wheeljack said,,I will pay us snacks ". ,, Since when are you so generous" asked Ratchet. ,, Since I betted on him in Vortexa and won" Wheeljack answered. ,,Still" he said but autobots were persistent. ,, It's would look good on the news" Ultra Magnus joined ,,So I suggest going because of, strategically good reason". Starscream just signed. ,,Ugh fine but I still get the snacks " he said. Everyone got on their places and fight is about to start, Wheeljack got everyone snacks and drinks and they all watched closely. ,,In the arena " speaker said,,The undefeated champion, leader of the Decepticons, Megatron". He got out, freshly polished shield and blade are shining, he looked around the arena and cheered up the crowd. ,, Wohooo Megatron " Optimus yelled. ,, Let's gooo boss" Knockout cheered. ,, Now get ready " speaker said. Megatron immediately got to his gladiator state, he took stable position, blade up front and eyes on the big entrance, inside he saw a huge beast with glowing yellow eyes and razor sharp teeth. It was big, bigger than Predaking he would look like minicon in front of him and it looked like him but it couldn't fly, that ability was changed for spikes on his shoulders and back. It was held by a strong magnetic chain. ,,Let the fight start " speaker said,,NOW". As soon as he was done they let the best out. It rushed towards Megatron and he gave it the first punch. Everyone cheered. ,, Let's go Megatron " Soundwave yelled. ,,Wow, The Draken was huge" Bulkhead said. ,,It terrorized seekers in the Glass city until we caught him" Shockwave said,,It was untamable so gladiator pits are our last hope ". Everyone looked at Starscream, he was constantly cheering Megatron. He was used to him fighting against this type of beasts so he just watched carefully, fight just started. Megatron looked at him, the beasts quickly got up and smacked Megatron with his tail. It was painful and he flew in the air and got hammered in the wall. ,, That's painful " said Darkstell. ,,And It will hurt tomorrow " Skylynx added while eating his snack. ,, Let's go Megatron,GET UPPP" Starscream yelled loudly while standing up. He knocked down Optimus's drink. ,,HEY" Prime yelled ,,My drink". ,,Here just take mine and don't bother me" Starscream said while giving Prime his cup and not taking eyes of the fight. Megatron got up and beast was running towards him but he immediately jumped on the side causing the Draken to hit his head on the wall. That only angered him but that's exactly what Megatron wanted. He jumped on his back and cut off one of his spikes. ,,YES LET'S GO MEGATRON " Starscream yelled loudly. ,,My lord he's loud" Ultra Magnus said while cowering his audio procesors. ,, That's why he watches fights alone " Knockout added while drinking his energon. Autobots looked at each other and immediately realized that they made a mistake. Starscream constantly watched the fight, he would always stand up to cheer Megatron and sitting back down.  Meanwhile Megatron pierced one of Draken's claws and caused the beasts to roar. It stroked Megatron up but he fell back on his feet and stopped himself from slipping by digging his blade down. As soon as beast tried to get one more punch Megatron slipped under him and cut down one of his back legs causing him to fall. ,, YES, LET'S GO MEGATRON SHOW HIM WHO'S THE CHAMPION "Starscream yelled as loud as he can. He scared everyone around him. Knockout jumped,Optimus was stardleld and Shockwave, Ratchet and Magnus spilled their snacks and Drinks. They are on the third stand and drinks and snacks got spilled on autobots and Decepticons who are on either first or second stand. ,,My goodness, Starscream " yelled Arcee while picking up the crumbs from her but he didn't mind it, he just keep looking at the Megatron. He was so loud that Megatron heard him and smiled, he loves that man. Gladiator jumped up in the air and when the beasts looked at him he slided his blade alongside his neck down to his feet. Beast just collapsed on the floor defeated. Everyone cheered happily, especially Starscream, everyone except his friends. ,,It was amazing did you saw it guyssss...." He said while turning around. Arcee and Optimus both crossed their arms while energon drink is dripping from them. Everyone was soaked in drinks and crums of the energon snacks. Decepticons are angrily looking at autobots while Knockout tried clearing himself up and growling. Predacons didn't get soaked while Shockwave, Ratchet and Ultra Magnus got just their feet and knees. Everyone looked terrible, especially Optimus that was whole soaked in drinks and crumbs, he just sighed and look at him. ,,Ehehe..." Starscream giggled nervously while lowering down his wings,,...Whoops". After the fight ended they all got up to see Megatron. In the arena's Pit they saw him sitting down and getting checked out. ,, Congratulations My dear lord " Starscream said while getting out and others followed wile grumbling. ,,Thank I..." He paused to look at them. They are soaked in food and grumbling, he understood everything. ,, HAHAHAHAHAHA OH MY GOODNESS" He started laughing. ,, It's not funny " Optimus yelled. ,,I WARNED YOU THAT HES PASSIONET ABOUT IT NOW LOOK AT YOURSELF HAHAHA" Megatron laughed and almost fell down from the chair. Everyone got quiet exept Megatron who was still laughing. ,,Stop laughing and let them check you up till the end" Starscream said serious. He immediately stopped laughing. ,,Well he's fine for today" medic said,,He will cry tomorrow". ,,Thank you for that" Starscream said. ,, Also here are wipes to clean yourself " medic said while giving others some wipes and cleaning fluid. They all got cleared up in just a minute. ,,Hey guys we are on the news " Soundwave said while showing them a data pad with their picture on it. ,,Hey what does it say" asked Smokescreen. ,, Today's fight was a pleasure for the eyes " Bumblebee started reading,,Wile Megatron won his fight as expected his second in command was a real star". Starscream was confused, what did he do? ,, During the fight he constantly cheered up his partner and kept public entertaind and loud " Arcee continued ,, Everything was fine except when he shouted loudly"YES LET'S GO MEGATRON SHOW HIM WHO'S THE CHAMPION " and scare people around him who are also his friends. They were Soo scared that they dropped their snacks and got soaked in food so everyone laughed at the small fiasco". Everyone looked at Starscream, not the best way to be portraid on the news.,,I told you he was passionate about this" Megatron said. ,, There's more " added Soundwave,,After this they all got out together like nothing happened not wanting to draw attention to themselves". ,,I look like an idiot of course I don't want attention on myself " Knockout said while cleaning himself. ,, Commander Starscream was the best example of the real gladiator fan,we all knew he was passionate about it but today he proved it himself, now we also known why he watches it from the entrance " Bumblebee continued,,His friends are also good fans when they invited him to watch together, this shows us that no matter how passionate you are about something, you will have great fun if you are together ". Everyone got a bit better, at least they looked good on the news. They all got outside to celebrate. ,,Soo any Ideas" asked Optimus. ,,We all know how the real gladiators celebrate" Starscream said while coming closer to Megatron. ,,Yes On the bar enjoying the stories and drinks" Megatron added. They all went to a bar across the street and enjoyed the rest of the day. In the evening everyone got home. Starscream immediately started preparing the medicine and oils. ,, What was that for " Megatron asked while heading out to bed. ,,For tomorrow you'll see" He answered while coming in the bedroom. ,, Hehe you really had a great day today my dear " Megatron said while hugging him from the back. ,,It was fun, but I don't think others will agree" Starscream said while smiling. I have something for you " Megatron said while showing him something in his arm. Starscream didn't notice it before. ,,Huh" he said while Megatron slowly opened his arm ,,What is iiii....". He was left speechless, it was a necklace with a small piece of his hand blade with a words"Gladiator's treasure " on them. In the old times, and today when gladiator wants to confess his love to someone he would give him the small piece of his weapon as a sign of love. Giving something important as your weapon means that you are trusted, they feel safe around you and they will protect you because you are now holding part of them. Starscream just looked at it with open mouth, he couldn't believe it. ,,It fell off today and I thought of you " Megatron said while giving it to him ,,I heard you in the arena and that motivated me so do you like it". Starscream carefully held it on his arms, he couldn't believe that he got the highest sign of love that gladiator could give. ,, Megatron " he mumbled,,I'm speechless". He carefully put it on the table beside the bed and turned around to look at Megatron. ,,I really don't know what did I do to deserve it " he said while hugging him. ,,I earned your trust, I'm the only person allowed to touch your wings and to be in your personal space" Megatron said ,,And you kept protecting me since first day we became together ". Starscream smiled at him and started crying from happiness. ,,Thank you, thank you" He said while hugging him tightly and kissing him. ,, Everything for you" Megatron whispered,, You are my treasure". They both cuddle together until they fall asleep happily knowing that they are loved.

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