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"Looks like we are going on a vacation together Megatron!" Starscream said while filling out the report about it. ,, Yes so maybe we can go and have some fun what do you think?" Megatron asked,,Where do you want to go?" ,, Well since you asked." Starscream said while giving him a data freepad with list of the activities he wanted to do. It was not just any activities it looked like a poster from the Arena. ,, Hunting down scraplets, flying through the acid waste, WRESTLING WITH PREDACONS STARSCREAM WHAT THE FRAG!" Megatron yelled while looking at the list. ,,HEY, what's up with the yelling?" Soundwave asked. ,,LOOK AT THIS!" Megatron said while showing him the pad. ,, Some Arena poster so what?" Said Soundwave. ,, It's Starscream's vacation list." Megatron told him. Soundwave just looked at him blankly. ,, What?" Asked Starscream,,I want to have some fun, besides what's your plan for vacation ?" Megatron handed him the list of Libraries and museums, even some salons for cleaning." Eh?" Starscream said ,,I thought we are going on vacation." Megatron was just blankly staring at him, what is wrong with him? ,,We did have same Idea for the day one out of 14" he added. Both of them had same description ,, laying down in bed with a box of candy and high grade and watch shows until you fall asleep" Megatron just laughed, at least they can do that correctly. ,, Well I'm done, I'll wait here until you finish work so we can go home together." Starscream said but Megatron denied it saying that he has too much work to do. ,,Ok I will prepare dinner for us." He said while going through ground brige. Soundwave looked at him confused,, You are done with work why are you not with him?" ,, Today is our anniversary and I got him some custom heels and a new plant he wanted so I want to surprise him." Megatron said while smiling excited. ,,Wow really, you lasted longer than I thought you would." Added Optimus while entering with a plant and box with heels. ,, Yes it's officially a year together I can't wait to see his face when I give him his presents." Megatron said. Optimus picked it up for him so Starscream won't be suspicious. ,,I'm going home now" Said Megatron but as soon as he was really to leave he heard Medics screaming. They both ran in the room and jumped on the table. ,, What, Ratchet?" Optimus yelled. ,, Scraplets, they are Huge!" Yelled Knockout while hiding behind Megatron. All of a sudden they heard clicking and growling. A gigantic scraplets came in. They are half Megatron's size and are hungry. "Kinda wish Starscream was here." Megatron said while looking at them. Meanwhile Starscream was in their home with Arcee decorating some energon cookies. ,, Thanks for helping me with the dinner." He said while putting them in the oven. ,,Ah no problem, It's still better than being in the library all day with Bulkhead, I really love him but he would bury himself in the books and I do everything alone." She answered while mixing ingredients for energon jelly ,,Did you get him a present?" ,, Actually I wanted to ask you what do you think about it " Starscream said while pulling a big box under the celling. ,,Why do you hide everything in celling or on high places like Megatron is a child?" She asked curious. ,, Because It's easy for me to grab it and no one would think about it." He answered while tumbling down with the box. After coming to the table he opened it revealing the beautiful sword cowerd in red, blue and white diamonds and purple amethyst Around the handle. It was paired with a small shield also cowerd in the same gems and a decepticons logo in the middle. Arcee was amazed, she never saw anything so beautiful and it was also made for Megatron only. ,,Did you made this?" She asked while sliding her arm against the sharp blade. ,, Yes I took a year of weapon making with Optimus and made this, we went out at night so no one would caught us, it was funny." He answered while closing the box and put it on the small table in the living room. ,,Huh it's weird that we all have completely different things then our old lifestyle?" She said while looking at the jelly she just made. ,, Well, as Optimus said, in the war, we are put on our places and aren't allowed to leave but now we have what we fought for, freedom, and now we are trying to figure out new things we always wanted." He said while arranging the table ,, Take me for example, I hunted scraplets, took weapon making class, explored Cybertron completely and many more." Arcee smiled, she also changed, instead of constantly being afraid for others and taking care of the law she now enjoys having a nightclub that she runs. ,, Yes your right " she added,, Bulkhead also now reads every single book he finds funny, yes they are comics mostly but he loves it, Wheeljack and Shockwave are pretty much the same and Bee is training young recruits, we all changed." They both laughed until they heard a clicking noise. Starscream was curious,, What was that?" ,, Watch out!" Arcee yelled while pushing him on the floor. They both turned around and saw a two gigantic scraplet growling at them. ,,Hey Starscream it's Smokescreen, some of our gigantic scraplets escaped from the lab, do you know where are they in some way?" Smokescreen called. ,, Found them!" Said Arcee afraid. Meanwhile Megatron is fighting against those monsters with Optimus and Knockout. He is pinched against the wall while those creatures tried to bite him. Optimus is shooting them but they are too fast, he can't do anything while Knockout is cowering Ratchet that got biten in leg. He tried to cut them with his saw but to no effort, they are just too fast. ,, Where do they came from!?" Yelled Ratchet while Smokescreen called to tell about lost scraplets. ,,Help us NOW!" Prime yelled while pushing the scraplet to the wall. Megatron transformed his blade and pierced him through the head and throwing it on the one attacking Knockout. Now all three of them are charging against Megatron who was inraged that he is late for dinner at his anniversary ,, Optimus help Knockout and Ratchet." ,, But what about you?!" He asked on what Megatron answered angry while punching the monsters ,,I FORGED MY SKILLS IN A PITS OF KAON!" Optimus immediately helps injured medics while leaving Megatron to deal with those monsters.  While that all happened Starscream and Arcee looked at the scraplets that came in. ,, They aren't attacking." Arcee whispered,, Starscream looked closer,, They smelled jelly and treats in kitchen, maybe they will leave us alone?" As soon as he finished scraplets charged at them. They both got up and Arcee tried to shoot them but they are too fast, one jumped on Arcee and bit her arm while other chew on Starscream's wing. As soon as his teeth got in his metal Starscream immediately screamed and threw himself against the wall shaking of his wing, luckily the wound isn't so deep but it's enough to inrage Starscream Soo much that he threw it in the living room knocking out all the cooking utensils. Arcee slammed her arm on the floor and threw it in the living room. Both monsters are now more angry. First scraplet immediately tore down the couch while other jumped on the table growling. ,,No one else is on the table in this house except me!" He yelled while jumping on it with his sharp claws and slamming the pest to the wall. The other one tried jumping him from behind but was instantly met with Arcee's fist. The punches were enough to knock them down. ,,Hey Starscream, what do you mean you are the only one on the table in this house?" Arcee asked while holding her arm. ,, You know exactly how, after enough love I can be whenever I want." He answered smirking seductively. She also smiled and then looked at the state of the house, both living room and kitchen are mess, utensils knocked over, energon jelly and treats spilled all over the floor. ,,Wow this was a mess AAAAAAHHHHH SCRAP!" He yelled while pulling out the pan full of burnt cookies out the oven. ,, They are ruined!". Arcee was honestly disappointed, it took them 40 minutes to decorate them but only two scraplets to ruin them. Immediately Wheeljack and Shockwave entered the house with cages for scraplets and help for injury. ,,Wow this is deep Arcee, we need to go to the hospital." Wheeljack said concerned. ,, What about the mess?" She asked but Starscream insisted for her to go in so she could not get hurt. They all left with scraplets leaving Starscream in the mess, he was disappointed and took a small bite of jelly spilled on the table almost crying. While this settled down Megatron was cowerd in scratches and bites. He took all the scraplets down and now is tiered. In the fight he accidentally broke the plant he bought for Starscream and got the box dirty with energon. ,, Optimus scraplets are gone." He said while calling Optimus,, Great Megatron thank you for saving us." Optimus answer on what Megatron told him he's going home. Group brige appired and he entered coming to his house. He exhaled deeply wondering how disappointed Starscream would be after receiving some ruined gifts. As soon as he walked out the door he saw a ruined kitchen, torn down couch and Starscream with damaged wing. ,, WHAT HAPPENED!!" he yelled while running to see if Starscream was fine ,,Are you ok?" Starscream just sadly looked at him.,, Yes but it was our anniversary and I wanted to surprise you with the dinner and your favorite sweets but scraplets ruined everything and now It's stupid." He whined wanting to cry but Megatron just took his hand and placed it on his chest. ,,Are you kidding me?" He said tears going through his face,, This is the best gift ever." Starscream mumbled that he really prepared everything but Megatron just looked at his eyes happy. ,,Star, no one cared about me my whole life and just the idea that you didn't it made me happy" he said,,I don't care about the dinner, I only want to have your love." Starscream also smiled,, I love you too darling but what happened at work you are cowerd in scars!?" ,, Oh this?" He said ,,Well I wated for Optimus to pick up presents for you so you don't get suspicious and then scraplets ruined it." He said while pointing at the flower he got. ,, This is for me?!"He asked while looking at the beautiful flower, it was actually a rose tree from earth in the terrarium but due to the conditions flowers broke from tree. ,, Yes it's ruined now thanks to those stupid pests!" He said but Starscream just kissed him in the cheek. ,,No you don't understand it wasn't" he said,,It will bloom again and be more beautiful than before." Megatron smiled. ,, WOW are those my new heels?" He asked while trying them on. ,, Yes I saw them on your wish list so I bought them, it's nothing serious." Megatron answered. ,, Just the fact that you listened to me and that you care about my interests is enough for me darling." He said while kissing him on the cheek,, Also this is for you." He said while giving Megatron the box he prepared. Immediately after opening it he was speechless, the beauti of the sword left him dumb founded. The shine of amethyst and diamonds, sharpness of the blade polished metal and perfect size just for him, he couldn't believe it, was he dreaming? Shield was also beautiful, the Decepticon logo was in the middle made of purple amethyst and also perfectly coated in polish. ,,I made it just for you it took me a year but it was worth it." He said. Megatron immediately took him in a kiss. He didn't want to let go of him, whole year just to make him a perfect weapon is new level of love. Starscream said that they would clean up tomorrow and now he just wants to eat some leftovers. Megatron looked at the spilled jelly and tried it, he also took a bite of the cookies he bake. ,,Megzy don't have to convince me that it's delicious." Starscream said smiling but Megatron continued to eat jelly saying that he really likes it even without the bowl. After they took leftovers they sat in their bedroom chatting about their day until falling asleep peacefully.

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