Prep day

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Megatron and Starscream both entered the Iacon hall and Optimus and Soundwave waited for them. ,, You are also competing " Starscream asked Soundwave who was holding some data pads. ,,Hah no way" he answered while looking at him,, Only suicidal idiot would race this path". Megatron was now more concerned, if it's dangerous for Soundwave it's dangerous for everyone. ,, I'm racing and I'm winning it" Starscream said while stretching his arm. ,,Well the first mini race for the number of placement is starting in five minutes outside so be quick " Soundwave said. Starscream got out and other people followed to watch the race. Megatron and Optimus looked at the starting line, flyers are coming. They were left in shock, bots are either taller or just a little bit shorter then them. Bulky frames on them and their military like attitude made them look scary. In the middle of the line was Starscream, looking at him is like looking at a kitten in a lions den. His small, thin frame is the only one like that. ,, WOW, I never thought about Flyers like that" Optimus said. ,,Well they are bigger than the average Cybertronian and this is their average look" Soundwave said. ,, I'm used to see Starscream and you so this is shocking" Megatron said. ,,Well actually both of us had alterations on our bodies, I lost my mass due to loss of my minicons and Starscream, well he's just Starscream one in a million " Soundwave said,, Only alterations he got was heels for stability and that happened due to explosion that injured his legs". ,,And to appear taller" Megatron added while laughing. On the lane track other Flyers are looking at him surprised. ,,Wow who is that twink over there " one of them said. ,, Idiot that was commander Starscream" said the other. ,,He" the third one joined,,I thought he was much taller or just bigger". Everyone commented on Starscream's body, but he didn't care. ,, Flyers, transform" said the speaker. Everyone transformed, the huge Cybertronian jets and a small F-16 jet in the middle. ,,My goodness if he even qualify it would be an achievement" Megatron said. ,, Ready " speaker continued,,Set, GO". Race officialy started. It was just a laps around the block on different height level. First lap was easiest just abve the buildings level, to everyone's surprise Starscream is first, way ahead of everyone. He finished first lap and lowered down in the middle of the buildings height. It was also easy but this time one bigger jet is right behind him. The last one is the most hardest one, they are racing just above the ground. It was tricky to not fall down on such a small height but still be able to be fast. The last lap was finished, Starscream looked behind him and only the jet from previous lap was behind him. ,, Not we have our list and numbers for the track" speaker said while showing a list on the holographic screen. Starscream was first and next to him is a jet from the race. ,,Windburst" he said while reading. ,, Yes that's me" he said behind the seeker. Starscream turned around and saw a bot about same size as Megatron with bulky, black frame and red stripes on his arms and legs. ,, You are also participating in Vortexa" bot asked. ,, Yes I mean I need to defend the title" Starscream said while smiling ,,And you ". ,,I just want to see how hard it was" Windburst said,,And the money prize is good". ,,Eh I here for the title, money isn't worth to me" He answered,, I'll probably donate it". ,,Wow that sounds cool" bot said while leaving,,I need to go, sorry for wasting your time". ,, No problem, it was actually a pleasure, see you on the Racetrack and good luck " Starscream said while leaving. While this was happening Megatron though about Starscream's safety, everyone is much stronger and bigger, he doesn't have a chance. " WOW this was a surprise" Megatron said. ,, Don't Tell me you doubted his ability " Soundwave said while looking at Megatron,,He wasn't commander for nothing". Optimus also looked at him, sure he was different, no doubt but he was more than meets the eye. ,,I also think that he will be fine " Optimus said ,, Let's go to see the race track". They all entered in the hall with map of Cybertron showing the track. "So we first are starting here In Iacon and they would have a map that will lead them to the ground brige that will teleport them near Kaon and when they fly over it they will have to find groundbrige using a coordinate sistem and then they will race from the crystal dessert to the Vos" Soundwave said while showing it on the map. ,,Kaon part worries me" Megatron said,,The city wasn't safe, reconstruction was hard due to building structure". ,, I'm sure that it will be fine " Optimus said ,, Starscream has an experience with that". ,, It's not about him only, the buildings are literally trashed metal stacked up to the sky" Megatron said while showing them a picture of the city ,,If one building collapse or someone slammed in it everyone could be in danger, it could fall and crush someone". Soundwave looked at the pictures, the buildings really looked unstable but he didn't worry. ,,We will move track to be in a safer zone and medics will be there ready in case of the emergency" Soundwave said. ,, That would be great" Megatron said,, What about Iacon ". ,, It's safe for the race, everything is fine" Optimus said. ,,And Vos is perfectly safe" added Soundwave. They talked about the ground briges and the medical car and decided to send the map to the contestants. They all got out in the hallway where they saw Starscream and other racers will the old holographic screens. ,, How on the pits did this stuff worked " Starscream said while tapping something on it and the hologram screen glitched. ,,My goodness this was a real piece of work " Windburst said while looking at his screen. Others are also figuring things out. ,,Aha there" Someone said while showing a stable hologram screen ,, You need to set brightness and pixels and that was key factor ". Others listen and it worked. ,,It worked" Starscream said. ,,Yes but not It ate my map" someone added. ,,Mine too" the other said. ,,I think...YES" said Starscream while typing something in it,, You just have to plug it to your cal link and it will work ". Windburst tried and it worked. Others followed and everyone is cheering. ,,O see you figured out the technology without me" Soundwave said. ,, It's not so complicated " one bot said. ,, Working together is sometimes really useful" Prime said. At that moment Unexpectedly entered Bumblebee worried. ,, Optimus, I have a bad news" he said. ,, What is it" asked prime. ,, Vortexa needs to be cancelled " lieutenant said while looking at him. ,, WHAT" seekers and flyers yelled. ,,The storm is coming to the city of Vos and it's not stopping for three days " Bumblebee said. Everyone was disappointed, almost everyone. ,,But we figured out the technology and we have our numbers " said one seeker. ,, I'm sorry guys but it for your own safety" Soundwave said. ,, Wait" Windburst said,, When will storm be in Vos". ,,It will start on the day of the race" Bumblebee said. ,,Then we can move race for tomorrow" someone from crowd said. Everyone agreed, Starscream also. ,, I'm not sure, it's big race and you need rest " Megatron said. ,,We will be, it's still not late and we can make it happen" Other seeker said. ,,I don't know what others think" Megatron said. "We will be fine" Starscream said " we are prepared ". Optimus paused for a moment, if they really wanted this and it's safe than it's not problem. ,,If you are really sure then I don't see a problem " Optimus said,,The race will be tomorrow at the same time". Everyone cheered, bots continued talking with each other for couple of more minutes and then left. Megatron was now even more thinking, if he doesn't rest properly he can get hurt. At the dinner he just mixed his energon pointlessly. "MEGATRON" yelled Starscream. ,,Wh-what" Megatron said. ,,Are you alright " he asked,, You seem different". ,, I'm fine Starscream" he said while drinking his energon. ,,No you're not "He  continued while coming closer to him. ,, I'm fine" Warlord hissed. ,, It's Vortexa isn't it " Starscream asked. Megatron just signed sadly, Starscream just leaned his head down. ,,I know that you're happy flying and that you are experienced but I'm just scared " Megatron cried ,,I can't believe that I'm saying this but I don't want you dead". Starscream looked at him, sadness in his eyes and pain on his face, he was torn down. ,,I believe in you, I know you but I just can't get myself to be happy " Megatron said while cowering his face, he was now crying desperate. ,,Hey" Starscream said while holding his arm ,, I understand everything " Megatron looked at him, Starscream left dishes in the sink quickly while Megatron got in their room with him. He just sat down, he didn't know what to say or do but Starscream just sat next to him and took his arm. ,,I don't know what to do, I believe in you but I don't know what this is " he said while crying. ,, It's love" commander said while looking at the floor,,Every time when you enter the arena I feel the same". After Cybertron is restored gladiator fights are also back and Megatron is often fighting against the beasts of the planet or other gladiators he wanted to keep his title. He now looked at Starscream who was hiding his tears from him. ,, I believe in you, I know your skills but I love you Soo much that I'm constantly worried that you will get hurt, seriously injured or Die" he said,, But I just let it go". He suddenly felt Megatron's arm on his shoulder. ,, Listen I can't help you with that, not that I'm not interested but I just don't know how " He said. ,, Knockout said that talking about it with you would help, and it did to be honest" Starscream said while leaning close to him ,, Don't worry about the race my dear, I will take care of myself, I promise". Megatron smiled and kissed him on the head. ,,I know that and don't worry about me" he said while laying down" I will be fine after this". Starscream also smiled happily and snuggled up on his chest. ,,Hey I have a question for you" Megatron said. ,,Huh, what is it" Starscream asked. ,,Why are you always laying on my chest" Megatron asked. ,,I like to listen to your spark" He said,,I know that you are alive and that you are mine ''. Megatron chuckled, after Soo many failed assassination attempts and running away he wants to make sure he's now alive and well. Megatron also liked that, he knew that unlike before when he wondered where Starscream is, was he safe or not, now knows that he's right there, on his chest closely to him, being safe and loved. He just kissed him goodnight and fell asleep.

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