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Megatron woke up with Starscream laying on his chest. He didn't want to wake him up but he wanted to start cleaning, as soon as he moved Starscream's grip tighten and he moved closer to his neck. Optimus Enter the room and was smiling at his friend. ,, What are you doing here?" Megatron whispered while trying to get up. ,,I want to check out if you are ok and I saw the mess in the kitchen what happened?" Optimus asked while watching Starscream snuggle up on Megatron's neck. ,, Scraplets broke here too, Arcee and Starscream defended themselves but made a mess, how is she I heard she got bitten?" Megatron asked while trying to move his lover away from his neck but to no effort. ,,She is fine and she told me about scraplets and you look fine to expect scars." Optimus added while laughing,, What's up with him?" Megatron stood up and Starscream was still on his chest sleeping and hugging him. Optimus couldn't handle anymore and laughed loudly. ,, What's so funny?" Megatron said while standing up and Starscream still holding on to him, his wings are in front of Megatron and the warlord is holding him in his arms like a small child. ,, Nothing it's just, Megatron, famous gladiator is trapped by his little seeker and can't move."Optimus told him while laughing. Megatron just blinked, it's not a first time he got here, Starscream needs to hold something in his arms while sleeping and won't let go until he wakes up. Megatron went in the living room still holding him and took some cleaning supplies and gave it to Optimus. ,,Start with the table and I will join you immideatly after I put him back to sleep." gladiator said while grabbing a huge pillow from the couch and placed it between him and Starscream. Seeker immideatly held to it and Megatron put him back to bed while grabbing a broom in the closet and sewing kit for couch. He kneeled down and started sewing it up perfectly. ,, You know how to sew?" Optimus said amazed. ,,Yes Starscream's claws often tear our furniture and I don't want to buy new stuff constantly so I learned how to sew easy!" Megatron answered while putting on his glasses. ,, You look good with glasses Megatron." Optimus said while coming to get the broom for broken glass. ,, Thank you I'm done fixing this so I'll pick up the glass while you can mop the floor and make breakfast if you haven't eaten." Megatron answered while putting the kit away and swiping the floor. Optimus also mopped after him and decided they are all having some energon cereals. He opened the cabinet and all types of cereal fell on his head. ,, Ahhh!" Prime said while picking them up,, What was that?" ,,We had some crazy cereals and just put them there in the "cabinet of the horror for the mouth" if you want take them of go to the next cabinet for normal ones." Megatron answered while getting out the bowl for them. Optimus looked closer and the cereal that are in horror cabinets are all his favorite, the crunchy one with a magnesium, one that expand when normal energon is added and all crazy stuff. ,,My favorite, can I take them?" He asked happy. ,, Please take them all" Megatron said while pouring some energon in his bowl,, Starscream told me to clean the cabinet but I just stuffed them there and they stayed in until you opened it." Optimus smiled like a child, he loves funky food, all weird combos, he tried them and giving him the whole stack of it was like a dream. At that moment Starscream entered while steching. ,, Good morning sleepyhead, how are you?" Megatron asked while giving him the cereal. ,, Good, kitchen was cleaned?" He asked. ,, Optimus helped, so any plans today?" Megatron asked but Starscream just told him that he would take candy and high grade and watch a movie. ,, It's the plan for first day so we can do it together if you want?" He said while drinking cereal. ,, Starscream, you do realize that you are supposed to use a spoon?" Prime said while blankly looking at seeker. ,,Eh don't worry Optimus this is normal for him." Megatron said. ,, Normal?" Prime asked again. ,, Yes he's a weirdo that has a lot of things I can't explain so I just let him do his weird stuff and he lets me do mine." Megatron told him while eating cereal straight out of the box. Prime just continued eating normally and then left carrying the whole cabinet of weird cereal. ,, You really turned your friend into food trashcan." Starscream said while smiling. ,,Eh he wanted it Soo why not?" Megatron said while getting out the candy and high grade ,, Besides I finally cleared up the cabinet!" Starscream smiled and turned the TV on. ,,Soo what to watch?" He said while browsing the menu. ,, Documentaries out of the question!" Megatron said while sitting down. ,,And sports too" Starscream added. They also gave up on comedy, podcast, quizzes and interviews. ,,Ok we now don't have anything to watch." Megatron said while eating a candy. ,,Then what are we going to do?" He asked while drinking his energon. While looking around he spotted a strange data pad under the cabinet. He got up and took it, it was a list of the things that had to be done around the house. ,, How did that get in here?" He asked while looking at it. ,,I accidentally drop it there and I couldn't reach it Soo I guess you found it" Megatron answered while looking at it ,, You really have a good eyes, I didn't even notice." Starscream smiled,,Well after constan yelling fro you for small mistakes Im always on watch." Megatron just put his arm on his shoulder, he understood it. ,, Yeah, I mean I can't believe that the seeker I live with now is same one from the war." He said ,, Wonder what happened?" Starscream put his hand on Megatron's hip ,, Well my biggest fear is now my lover and protector so I know nothing can hurt me." ,, How are you so sure my dear?" Megatron asked while placing Starscream on the counter and leaning his head on his neck. ,, Because this Megatron is willing to protect what he loves until his last breath and I'm sure that he wouldn't like his seeker being hurt." Starscream answered while kissing Megatron. They both enjoyed the moment until Starscream accidentally knocked down a metal bottle. ,, AHH!" He yelled afraid and jumping of the counter. ,,Hey it's just a bottle calm down." Megatron said while picking it up. Starscream is just standing there numb. ,, Hello, commander? Megatron said while looking at him. Starscream didn't answer, he got a flashback of the Decepticons storage room where he was thrown in and couple of containers fell. ,,STARSCREAM!?"Megatron yelled while. ,, Yes I, Yes!" He said while shaking. ,,Are you ok what happened?" He asked but Starscream tried avoiding that question. ,, It's nothing." He said while going on the couch. ,,No it's not!" Megatron said while grabbing his wrist ,, It's more than ..." ,, I SAID IT'S NOTHING!" He yelled while pulling away. ,, Starscream!" He yelled,, What is wrong with you, your episodes are more frequent, everyone is afraid and you don't wanna talk, what is going on?" ,,Non of your concerns!" He hissed back while grabbing the remote. ,,YES IT IS!" Megatron said while stepping in front of him ,,I DEMAND TO KNOW WHAT'S GOING ON?!" He tried to take his arm but seeker immideatly scratched him. ,,STAY BACK!" He yelled while tearing up. Megatron looked at the bleeding wound, it was sharp and painful, he really made a mistake. ,, Darling.." he tried to calm him but Starscream is not buying it. ,, STOP IMMEDIATELY!" He yelled while crying,,why should I tell you anything if I already know the lessons I would get?" He wanted to go in the bedroom but Megatron still tried to reconcile. ,, Please.." warlord said while coming to him but was stopped. ,, DON'T YOU DARE!" Seeker yelled while looking him straight in the eyes ,, I'm not your stress toy that you can freely yell on so back off." He entered the bedroom and started crying on the bed. Megatron just slammed his fist on the couch and got in kitchen for first aid. After he got his arm patched he saw Knockout at the door. ,, What in the pits are you doing here?" He asked. ,,I forgot my data pad here but I heard yelling so I waited until it calmed down, what happened?" Medic asked while sitting down. ,, It's Starscream." Megatron said while looking down,,he got one of his flashbacks today and I asked him what happened but situation escalated and he scratched me and is in a bedroom not willing to talk." Knockout was used to this, every time Megatron's temper was out Starscream would just leave, he just didn't want to deal with him. ,,My Lord did you tried talking gently with him?" He asked. ,, Yes but he constantly brushed it off so I lost my temper and this happened." Warlord said while showing a bandaid on his arm. ,, Megatron, you need to understand that Starscream won't be able to talk that easily" medic said,,He was afraid and untrusting to everyone, if you continue yelling he'll never talk." ,,I tried being gentle but it doesn't work!" Megatron said. ,, He's afraid, try being in his place." Medic said while taking data bad that fell behind the counter ,, Imagine having too much pain and fear that no one cares about." Megatron just looked down, he knows, Pits of Kaon are perfect exhibit of that. ,,I have to go but remember, be gentle with him." Knockout said while leaving. Megatron stood up and exhaled deeply, be gentle. He entered the bedroom and saw Starscream crying in the bed. ,,Star, are you ok?" He asked gently. ,,Go away please." Seeker answered while sobbing. ,, Please I'm sorry for losing my temper and putting you in the bad position but please don't cry." Megatron said while sitting down and stroking his arms gently. Starscream got up still crying and Megatron just pulled him in a hug. ,, It's ok darling, you're safe here." He continued while Starscream sobbed. ,, I'm sorry I was afraid." He said while whipping his tears of his face. ,,I know, I know but I was also afraid, but what happened?" Megatron asked while holding his arms. ,, Every time I had a flashbacks of my worst memories coming back to haunt me." Commander said while looking down,,I tried to bottle them up, I tried sports, hobbies,work, drinking but nothing helps, they just haunt me and I'm afraid!" Megatron was really hurt, he knows how painful it is, during his first time as a gladiator he had a flashbacks of terrible fights but he somehow overcome the. ,, I'm trying but they won't go away." Seeker said while hugging him tightly. ,, Darling, but, why didn't you tell me or others?" Megatron asked while kissing him on the head. ,, Because you would yell and make it worse." He sobbed ,, Even when others tell you you yell at me and , and ,and..." ,,Calm down Starscream, what then?" Megatron said while holding his hand. ,, You would make it worse." Starscream continued,, You just yell at me and I remember the pain I want through." Megatron was broken, he never forgive himself for what he put Starscream through, the both mental and physical abuse and now he is still doing it. ,,I remember the throwing in the storage, punching in chest, breaking my arm everything!" He yelled. Megatron teard up just remembering. ,,I tried to forgot, I just know it won't happen again I saw you change but I can't." He said ,,I don't wanna feel that pain again." Megatron now felt terrible, his anger and rage really left a bigger impact on Starscream, physical scars can easily be healed, mental one's can't. ,, I feel terrible." He said while leaning against the wall teras flowing down. ,,I just learned that yelling is the best authority and never questioned it." He said. ,, Maybe it's good for the lawless pits but not for quiet peace." Starscream said while leaning his head against the warlord's chest feeling his spark "I know you are a good person you're just afraid like everyone else is" Commander said. ,, But I constantly give you pain, I constantly yell at you, scream and traumatized you to the extreme how am I good person?"He asked while crying helpless. Starscream felt pity and took his arm and looked him in the eyes. Instead of rage he saw pain, regret, suffering but also love. ,, You are good because you never got back to your old self." Starscream said while gently whipping his tears. ,, How?" Megatron asked confused. ,, You never yelled at others, never took dark energon and most important, you never layed a single digit on me no matter what I did." Megatron smiled. But I put you through so much how did you trust me?" He asked confused. ,, Because you changed and becouse I love you more than anything and no matter where you go I'm going with you." Commander said while looking him straight in the eyes. Megatron just pulled him gently in a kiss while gently holding his chin. Starscream also hugged him back. ,,We can work on your problems together and you will be much better." Megatron said on what Starscream added,,We will work on yours too and then you will be much better." They just smiled and got in the kitchen to prepare lunch. Together they got back in their rooms to read some good books and play video games.

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