Party time

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Megatron woke up again breading heavily and shaking, he had the same nightmare again, pain, suffering and death of Starscream was now even more unbearable. He got up and started to prepare things for the party, he closed his eyes just to rest a bit more but scenes  from his dream came back and he knocked cup down. He immediately sat down and started shaking like crazy. ,,No,No not again " he mumbled while looking down. Meanwhile Starscream woke up alone, again. He saw Megatron in the kitchen sitting next to a broken cup. ,,Are you alright " Starscream yelled while checking his arms. He snapped back and looked at Starscream. ,, I'm fine don't worry " he said. ,, You seem different than usual, everything fine" commander asked again. ,, Im just a bit tierd nothing else" he answered while smiling. ,, Then let me Help you with it" Starscream said while cleaning up the glass from the floor. Both of them get snacks and drinks ready and after 30 minutes Optimus showed up with Soundwave. ,, Congratulations on your victory Starscream" Soundwave said. ,, Thanks" It was really funny " he said. After them the whole group showed up, all Autobots and Decepticons are there talking and drinking, atmosphere was at it's peak. ,, I'm happy that the race is finnaly over " Megatron said. ,,Me too" Optimus added,, I'm especially happy that no one needed to go to hospital ". ,, It's all thanks to the medics you hired" Knockout said while sipping energon,,They did amazing job ". ,, I still don't like them" Starscream said. ,,Why" asked Optimus. ,, They are rude" Starscream said. ,,Hey Ratchet is also rude but he does amazing job" Wheeljack said. ,, Yeah but he's old and that's expected " commander answered. ,,Who are you calling old" asked Ratchet. ,, How do you know how medical staff is" asked Wheeljack. ,, Easy I been to every hospital on Cybertron" he answered. ,, Wait a second " Knockout said,, Starscream we currently have 100 hospital exactly on Cybertron and it's been around a year, how did you manage to get 100 visits to the hospital". Everyone looked at him, did he and Megatron hide something or did he abuse him. ,,Oh it's not a hundred visits" He said relaxed,, It's 152". ,, What " Arcee said,, How, when just how ". ,, I have an answer" Soundwave said while showing them his vacation list,,Every vacation ends up with hospital trip". They looked at the list,, Predacon wrestling match got him an injured arm, poisonous scraplet hunt , he got biten, expedition to the north side of Cybertron, he almost froze and most recent he drank poisoned energon in lab on accident. ,, Okay but 152, that's concerning and amazing at the same time " said Knockout. ,,Hey I just head to go to the hospital 33 times so scraplet poison can be drained out completely" Starscream continued ,,And 47 because of poisoned energon me alone not counting Megatron".  ,, You got poisoned too" Asked Bumblebee. ,,Yes and it's all because of Starscream" Megatron said. ,, Expected " said Shockwave and Knockout. Everyone looked at him. ,,Oh please if anything bad happens to Megatron it has something to do with Starscream " Knockout said. ,, Wait, you never told us this" Bulkhead said. ,, Weird, I thought I told you how it happened and how Starscream laughed at the hospital " Megatron said. ,, Oh that was third time, this is second" commander added. ,, Third, I thought it's fourth" Megatron said. ,, Hold on now, how many times he tried poisoning you" Ultra Magnus said worried. What normal person would poison someone multiple times? ,,Hey I didn't tried " Starscream said insulted,,I succeeded, and answer is eight". ,, Eight, much less then I thought " Shockwave said. ,, How did that happend" Asked Optimus. ,,Well" Megatron continued,, First time he mixed scraplet poison with magnesium powder, Second time he drank poisoned energon and offered me some, third time he mixed up scraplet poison because I laughed at him, that time he laughed at the hospital as a revenge, fourth time he added too much magnesium in my drink and I got poisoned from it..." "Hold on for a second " Wheeljack said,, You still drink his energon after he poisoned you three times ". ,,Well I got immune to it after the fifth time when he mixed scraplet poison with calcium" Megatron said. ,,Why are you having scraplet poison next to energon additives in the first place Megatron " Optimus asked angry. ,, It's easier to store it there then in the floor cabinet" He said,,I can't constantly bend down to reach it, my back hurts". ,, Then move it out of reach" Optimus said. ,, It's supposed to be on different cabinet but Megatron keeps putting him there and I pour it without looking " Starscream said,,I don't look when I take my supplements because I know where I put them, that was also reason for fifth, seventh and eight time". ,,then what's reason for sixth time " Arcee asked. ,,We mixed up all of our supplements and took a higher dose" Megatron said while drinking energon,, That was fun". ,, Yeah, we didn't read the instructions and when we got to the hospital we became lab equipment for new medics" Starscream said while laughing. ,,I was there and it was fun" Knockout added. ,, Really how was it " Asked Optimus. ,,We entered the medical office and there is 10 medical students with doctors and Knockout and they needed someone to practice " said Starscream. ,,I had to say this" Megatron added ,,It was the most funniest scenes in my life, Knockout is laughing and asking patients who would like to help our medical students practice and Starscream, half concussion from poison is happily lifting his arm and shouting "MEEE" and I lost it " Everyone laughed. ,,He was like"ME PLEASE" and I laughed " Knockout said while lifting his arm in the air to show them the scene ,, Megatron also agreed and we had the best class ever".  After the war Knockout is a medical teacher that teachers student in practice so him explaining and showing them how things work is usual for him as a medic. ,, Yeah we entered and one of them said " I'm scared, what if I kill leader of the Decepticons" and Starscream said" I tried and it's pretty hard, don't worry you won't" and I lost it " Megatron said. ,, One of them couldn't find my energon cable and was like"Sorry I'm nervous " and I replied"Me too It's my first time being a lab rat I need to leave good Impresion" and we all laughed"Starscream said,,And when they asked me to describe pain I said "Zero stars, would not recommend" and Knockout laughed like crazy". Everyone laughed, these two are really funny when left alone. ,,And when head of the hospital come to ask why are we laughing and making patients leave he saw Megatron and Starscream joking with is and just left quietly without saying a word " Knockout laughed,,And late he was just like, congrating us on the best grade in the school ". Everyone bursted out laughing and they continued listening to Megatron and Starscream's adventures. Everyone was happy but something is off. Starscream looked at Megatron, he wasn't drinking or laughing as much as others and most importantly, he wasn't looking good. ,, Everything good commander " Soundwave asked while coming to him. ,, Megatron seems different" he answered. Soundwave looked at him, he didn't saw anything weird. ,,He looks normal to me " he said,,Are you sure". ,,My instincts are telling me that he was not good " Starscream said. ,,I don't know what do you mean" Soundwave said ,, You are not bonded so you can't know his feelings". Starscream just signed. ,, You don't need To be bonded with someone to know his feelings " Starscream said ,,I just hope he will be okay".  ,Ahh relax commander he will " Soundwave responded ,, Come on, let's party". Starscream just smiled and continued enjoy the rest of it. It was great, they talked about the race and funny situation they got themselves in that day. Party lasted very long and after everyone left Starscream and Megatron headed straight to bed.

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